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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. 1. What is your in-game name?: MTF E11 MAJ February 187C (Formerly known as Curtis) 2. What is your steam name?: [GL] Hamster 3. What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:154342364 4. Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) (Word Count: 147) Yes, I have had lots of previous staffing experience. I have been a Co-Owner of two communities, Community Manager, and Super Admin. On all of these servers, I was staff on them for a minimum of 6 months or greater. I have been through several different types of staffing systems. I was a Community Manager server called Vape Nation Networks (Now Disbanded), and on a server that is still currently up that I will not disclose the name of if you are interested in looking into the Community (Only for JMT+) it is still up today and you can DM me on Discord (Mr. Hamster#9915). I have been a Co-Owner of a server 2 times now with the same Owner of the server if you are interested in looking into the Community (Only for JMT+) it is not up today and you can DM me on Discord, or on the forums. 5. What date did you start playing on the community? The exact date is 7/2/2019 6. What date did you make your forums account? 7/2/2019 7. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Event Team 8. How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 9. Have you donated? Yes only rank I donated for would be Bronze 10. What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator 11. Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No 12. Have you read the staff guidelines? You will be tested on it: Yes 13. Timezone: EST (UTC -4) 14. Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): N/A 15. Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum): (Word Count: 408) I believe I deserve the rank Trial Moderator because I am on for at least 8-10 hours a day. I am on during late nights when staff are either asleep or tired and have been on all day. I am usually on by 12 Pm and don’t get off until 12 AM to 2 AM. Even though I am not staff I am constantly looking for people that need help, and sometimes people will DM me questions about things, and I will reply with “I am not staff but this is what I can tell you from what I know….. Keep in mind I am not staff and to make sure this is correct I recommend going to proper personnel for it, if I am correct please let me know so if I get this question again I can let someone know of the correct answer. I see players day-in and day-out break the rules and I report it as all other players do. Being a good community member that I am. I think I can apply my previous knowledge as a staff member into the community to help enforce the rules, and guide other Staff Members and Users. I do not fight other players in the game, there is one instance that I got aggravated, but I controlled and I let the other user continue to go on while the staff member calmed them down. As a player and as a potential staff member, I know how to control my feelings, and I feel as if I am a pretty fair person, and I hand out the proper punishments at the proper time. As having staff experience since the year 2013, I have been through many friends and enemies, and I know how to treat everyone fairly, even if they are a friend. If I do get this position on the team, I plan on treating it as if I was getting Manager, with great pride, and be respectful to the rank and all the rules it comes with. I have done one deed for the server as a User of the community if you wish to know what I did please DM me on discord, and I have revised it once recently. I want to bring more than just support that helps new users in one way, I want to be able to help them in all ways with questions, and sits that they may have. 16. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? (Word Count: 294) If I got a report of someone Mass RDMing and they were brought into a sit, and they began to curse at me I would first off begin by trying to get the player to calm down by saying “Hey man, I understand that you are angry but you don’t have to take it out on all of us, if you can calm down and allow me to do my job, and get to the bottom of this, corporation form both sides are needed. If you don’t wish to calm down then I will be forced to gag you. If they comply I would say “Allow me to check logs of the situation, User A (the person that got killed) Please let me know your side as I check logs and User B when User A is done talking please give your side.” If User B comes out and says he Mass RDMed and the Logs show proof of it, I would punish the player accordingly regarding the guidelines. He kills 5+ People and logs clearly show it and the stories of Player A and B align up with the situation or don’t align up, I would explain to him I am sorry but today you will be receiving a 5-day ban and a Formal Warning on your record, and depending on my rank on the server give the punishment request to the proper ranks, or do it myself if I was able to. If they don’t comply then I would say “I will have to gag you please stop yelling, if you are being mature and nice during the sit I will ungag you and we can all use our voices.” and then continue with what I said before if they did comply.
  2. Your in game name: MTF E11 MAJ February 187C Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:154342364 The player's in game name: security ofc jafeld The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:59063170 What did the player do: Being Racist in OOC saying things such as "Shut up you stupid black" (can be seen in video) Evidence (required): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0lzknDkWWo (Unlisted TY Video for report only) What do you believe should happen to the player: A warning at least, and a possible ban. Any extra information: I tried to talk to him but he did not want to really listen and I tried to tell him it can be considered racism but he still continued. this is at 1:20 AM on May 5, 2020
  3. I listen to all types of music, but I mainly listen to is musicals, I am a very big band person, I play the Trombone.
  4. My opinion can change, I usually stay up late on EST time zone and look out for ya, as well as try to fix some capitalization.
  5. + Support Past Staff Very Active See him all the time everyday!
  6. I think to myself lets do it again or I should sleep, and then continue to play till I get to tired.
  7. Your In-game: MTF E11 1LT February 187C Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:154342364 The admin's name in-game: Swole The admin's steam name (If you know it): STEAM_0:0:178913412 What did the admin do: The staff member picked up a user named Zeta in E11 base and made a cross and was going to freeze him on it, I could not get my OBS open in time to show when it first began but he was frozen and you can see in the video he was trying to freeze him there, the staff member was around E11 Base and saw Swole picking up Zeta and picked up Swole and took him away. Evidence of the abusive action(s) (REQUIRED): Evidence (required): The video is unlisted for only people with link to view. (https://youtu.be/ehAlJ_UEyE8) What do you believe should happen to the admin: At least a talking to, due to what he was doing because it can be offensive to some people. Any extra information: None
  8. When CI or D Class run back though and they kill MTF and if MTF are able to come back from their NLR it would be very easy for people to run in there and use the armory as well. Even if everyone has the clearance level to get in the armory its for Foundation Personnel Only why make it easy to get to. + Support
  9. Name: Curtis Rank: 1LT Specialties (CE, FTO, Ranger): CE, FTO, Ranger SteamID: STEAM_0:1:154342364 How Active are you (1-10?): 9-10 Any Suggestions For Epsilon-11?: None.
  10. + Support Overview Giovanni from everything I have seen is an amazing member of staff, event team, and in E-11. I have seen Giovanni in action and I can't begin to think of anything that didn't result in the correct solution. He does nothing but better GamingLight Communities. Whenever he is inside or outside of the community with the [GL] In his name he represents it well. If he ever does anything anywhere outside or inside of the community, it is always good and he gives GamingLight Community a great name. Giovanni as Staff Member. I have had several encounters with Giovanni as a staff member and everything he does is always in the right decision, even if it is to a friend, if they break the rules he deals with them accordingly. Doing this to friends is hard, but he enforces the rules and he does what has to be done, and he doesn't hesitate to do it. This shows that as a Staff Member he knows his guidelines and he knows what he has to do, even if he doesn't want to. Giovanni is a top tier staff member because I feel like some other staff members would just let it slide with their friends and give them a warning. but Gio does it for the community and makes it a better place. Giovanni as a Event Team Member. Every event that Giovanni has done, ever since I have been around, has been some of the best that I enjoy, and there are several other people that would say the same thing. The events he has done and the amount of support he has for the events, he does not only means he is a great Event Team Member, but he really cares for the community like a real Event Team Member should do, he does it for the community not because it is his job to do them, it is because he enjoys them. Giovanni as Epsilon-11 Commander. To begin this, when I was a Captain (before I had to go on reserves) in Epsilon-11 Giovanni was a Corporal, when he first joined this branch I recognized him as a person that did not only enjoy playing on the job but what I saw in him was him being an amazing Command Member in Epsilon-11. I was excited to see what he would do when he became apart of the Epsilon-11 Command Team, but then I had to resign from my position for a while, and when I came back Gh0pit was CMDR Of Epsilon-11, and then he left and it was up to Giovanni as Vice Commander of Epsilon-11, and ever since Giovanni has taken over the branch as Epsilon-11 Commander (not to discredit any past Commanders for Epsilon-11 you all did great!) he has done nothing but good for the branch. Recently he had made a phenomenal branch update that so far I don't think many has disliked, he has run Epsilon-11 not only while managing Lower Command but with Lower Command, he talks to Low Command about a lot with the branch unless it is for only High Command+ he manages and works on Epsilon-11 Like no one else that I have seen in the past. He is very dedicated and has great intentions for Epsilon-11 to help better improve the RP experience for all in and out of the branch.
  11. Curtis

    comms - Accepted

    +Rep This can stop metagaming because honestly, people do it a lot, CI and MTF do it. As wel this can stop other MTF from seeing Private E11 Comms.
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