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Posts posted by ViperKimg

  1. 18 hours ago, Freeze said:

    I mean its not the most realistic but it is the most practical.

    If you block of all lanes, cars will keep honking, annoy you and other officers. Its more work to keep both closed and its not needed for the general flow of trafic.

    Its fine like it is now.

    - Support

    Need I remind you guys that we are a "semi-serious" RP server. blocking off both lanes is unrealistic, however, in real life, bullets can go through walls/windows/doors/etc. while in-game, they do not. If IRL bullets stopped as soon as they hit something like they do in video games, I imagine traffic control during major crimes would change drastically.

  2. I'm sorry to say it but I must leave EMS. My life has gotten busier and busier in the past few weeks and my activity has been dwindling. It has gotten to the point that I feel it would be unfair for me to remain at my rank when there are likely more medics that could do my job better at this time. You will eventually still see me around in-game, but it might take a while before that starts happening. 

  3. -Support

    Git Gud. 
    I have gone up against 3 Negev users by myself as PD CPL and won. Just learn to play smart. If you see a Negev and immediately poop your pants, you’re just going to lose the fight. Learn to outplay your enemies. 

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  4. On 2/29/2020 at 9:26 PM, Ender said:

    + Support

    • Great Guy
    • Good application and detailed.
    • Been here for a while.
    • Previous staff member.
    • Good interests.
    • Decently High Warning Count and was removed previously.

    I believe Killer has what it takes and will do a great job as a Staff Member once again. 


  5. On 2/1/2020 at 9:24 PM, EnderKnight57 said:

    Yes, yes and um, hell yes!!

    Max is one of the best staff members that I have ever seen- 

    - He is active.

    - He knows what he is doing. 

    - Been staff for a long time.

    - Good Application.

    - Specific and overall good job!

    You totally deserve it, Max!


    ~ Goodluck!


    • Thanks 1
  6. On 2/3/2020 at 1:15 AM, Voxis said:


    Since I have been back you have given every reason needed for me to say you know your stuff. You're aware of the rules from what I am reading so I think you deserve a chance, and a fair one at that. 

    Also you have a typo in your chargeback question, I would probably fix that. You say 

    When it should be "is not." Just a little nitpick, nothing personal. 

    GOOD LUCK!!!!


    • Thanks 1
  7. On 2/12/2020 at 11:42 PM, Calamity said:

    Sadly this suggestion was already made, but was denied! Great suggestion but I think its not fit for our type of roleplay! But if SMT decide to reevaluate this, it would be a great addition to roleplay!


  8. On 2/19/2020 at 10:01 PM, [GL] Game Theorist said:


    • It would increase RP and help EMS control scenes.
    • I've worked with VCMod before. Sometimes it can be a bit finicky, and I believe that is only possible on compatible vehicles. (Ambulances don't really have a trunk.)
    • To control scenes EMS can always use the cones and barricades in the spawn menu.

    If it is even possible, this would be a great addition to the EMS vehicles for convenience and formality.


  9. On 1/27/2020 at 9:24 PM, Jayden said:


    - You cannot staff on two different servers

    - Only 9 posts on the forums

    - Last question is incorrect

    The reasons above are why I believe that you should not be accepted into our staff team just yet.

    First off I would resign from the other server you currently staff on if you want to apply for the PoliceRP staff team.

    Take some more time writing your application before submission.

    Lastly I would study the staff handbook more, as it seems like you didn't read it to the fullest.

    Good luck Bob!


  10. On 1/27/2020 at 9:13 PM, Jayden said:


    - Active

    - Friendly based on past experiences

    - Knowledgeable on the MOTD

    The reasons above are why I believe you should be accepted into our staff team.

    Like others have said, the only bad thing I see is your forums activity but I know that is something you can easily improve on.

    I hope I see you soon as a Trial Moderator.

    Good luck Dropperlemon!


  11. On 1/28/2020 at 8:44 AM, Yobo said:

    - Support


    The cop may of only seen you shoot the Trooper out of context so can you really blame him for lighting you up like the 4th of July? Last time I checked, If i see a random person shooting LEO I would act upon thee with relentless force. So the cop was in the right..

    As for you. You are in the wrong.

    I mean
    "I shout a few bullets into his car to get his attention"


    That is ARDM.. You don't shoot a cop in real life too get his attention.. 

    Well.. you can.. but I wouldn't suggest doing so, as it most likely would lead towards Shaw shank redemption part 2, although I doubt this Monopoly game would have a get out of jail free card.



  12. 20 hours ago, Calamity said:

    Yeah I do agree jailbreaks are pointless because there is no current way to release the player you jailbreaked. 


    What I could think could happen to s the ability of a lock pick would not just let them out of cuffs, but if they are in jail their timer would disappear. Which that is some complicated coding but. 


    I bet there is some other way where you can release them from cuffs which will make the jail sentence disappear. 


    8 hours ago, Freeze said:

    It would be usefull yes but unless you a Admin+ with unarest baton there is no point.

    You could ask staff to come and unarrest if your good enough out of the prison area what I mostly do.

    And like calamity said, if we want it automated its needs to be coded wich will be n problem to get it working.

    Overall + Support for the idea


  13. On 1/25/2020 at 5:40 PM, Noah REmiX said:

    Yes but WAY better and no minges

    Speaking from experience, it's next to impossible to maintain a criminal family in this server without having any minges...

  14. So basically Emptied posted something similar to this in Criminal and it got around 100 views with almost no comments other than Emptied and I so I'm taking this chance to further the discussion with my feelings.

    SX has been called a minge family time and time again with constant threats of community blacklists. Personally I feel the reputation of SX has grown recently, but I just want to be sure. Do you personally think we are a minge family or not? 

    I would also like to point out the fact that the SX roster (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iYStMSuUwvEXDaAiJL8jbhxtrkIFrJP6Drr-COMzRVc/edit#gid=0) has been basically purged recently. We only have 3 official members. The rest aren't even officially in the family.

    Also, almost all the people who are on the roster have 5 warns or less. So I just don't understand our "minge" reputation. No one ever calls sits on us or anything like that, so if you think we are minges, why aren't you calling sits? Why aren't you getting us warned? Why aren't you reporting us on the forums? Why do you only go and complain about us to your friends and spread a bad reputation without any evidence? I've spent I don't know how many hours working on documents and discord stuff for this family and doing everything I can to make sure it is as hard as possible for minges to get in (resulting in us being THE hardest family to attain "membership" status in) yet we are still called a minge family on occasion. I just believe it is unfair to call an entire group of people minges because a few people who no longer belong to that group did some stupid things. That would be just like me calling ARU a "minge department" because of one member that has since been removed from the roster.

    All I am asking for in this post is feedback from my favorite community. Please be honest and nonbiased in your answers.

    • Like 1
  15. On 1/26/2020 at 10:37 PM, Rick Sanchez said:

    + Support!

    - Great guy

    - Very friendly and approachable

    - Extremely active on PD and criminal

    - I genuinely believe he wants to help the community and it’s members

    - Knows the MOTD and the more obscure rules

    - low warns. You have 4 warns, not 6. Not sure why you think you have more

    There’s just two things I have an issue with: 

    - Your last question isn’t really answered correctly, it’s asking how you would handle a sit so you need to be more specific on it. It’s too vague

    - Low forums activity



  16. 21 hours ago, TurdBerglar said:

    Ok so I can lean on both sides of this and am also confused. Would this be put on staff applications after they are responded to? Or is this after applications are responded to and closed and talked in private? I am not sure where you are leaning on this.

    Basically, when a staff app is denied you are given a response that includes "Please do not contact anyone regarding the denial of this application."

    I'm pretty sure Ender is referring to the fact that he would like this removed so that you may contact someone and have a private conversation about how to improve, etc. 

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