Hello my name is Slick. I am second in command of Reaper and would to offer you a chance to join my family! We are not a mingey family and don't accept minges. If you are a minge you will be permanently blacklisted by command unless we say otherwise. The Reaper family has been a bit inactive lately but that is because we are in school we are many active and making money on the weekends. We also have a CC and another one on the way! If you would like to join this family please apply here! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd96Veh_V9bHWmuISI-_vCzuYMvaRX4ZMUQzPRxiHscpk5VPQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
(Applications are checked at least once a week)
Hope to see you in game, Slick