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[GL] Slick

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Everything posted by [GL] Slick

  1. +/- support I personally like the current models better but I'm not in charge of it obviously so you do you. Second, the file size is big for just RG.
  2. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : 31st DCL CPT RJ 4297 2. What Regiment are you applying for? 31st 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I would like to become a Commander of this branch as I feel I could help out Slick and Cody much more and by becoming the 2nd VCMDR I would be able to help them with roster updates, regular training sessions for our battalion and an increase in the amount of tryouts held by NCO and Officers by helping them have more ambition to hold tryouts. I am said to be a good leader and great role player by higher ups. I am currently the most active officer in the 31st and because of my activity I have gained a good relationship with my fellow troopers. Me becoming a Commander would make it so I could help out more with the SOPs and roster and put new suggestions into place. Another reason is because of the new changes coming to 31st i.e the new Advanced Robotic Corp I believe I could help lead that new branch and also learn along the way with the troopers, we were given a bit of training on the new equipment and I have gotten the hang of it. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? I have been playing since January so roughly 150+ hours 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The main purpose of a Commander is to take lead over your troopers and bond with the members of your battalion, as a Vice Commander I would help out my higher ups on our battalion to make sure every trooper can be the best they can be. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : Although I had a rough beginning to the server I have spent more time on it and made friends making me be more careful with my actions, I now have good relations on the server and will not make any mistakes. After being an officer for a while I have made very little mistakes and feel that I can take on the role of VCMDR after receiving support from my current higher ups. Me taking this position would help out the 31st much more because of our current high command being on LOA. 7. How often can you be Online? : Everyday 2 Hours+ 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : 2 Warnings - March 1st FailRP - Speaking in comms although killed. January 6th Mass ARDM / RDMx3 / FailRP / NITRP - Do not remember exact details but believe it was during an event when I first joined. RJ was trying to make an account but kept getting error codes. So I am posting this for him. He wrote it I just copied an pasted it. +Support Hes a great leader Great role model Knows when and how to take charge of his troops I think hes ready
  3. Especially after what happened with you on Shock MEGA -support
  4. I'm tired of CC's stealing battalions roles. For example Jar Jar's have tanks and now 31st can barley use tanks because its usually one tank and since Jar Jar's paid for it they get to use it. Now 31st are not as fun because we dont get tanks and its bs.
  5. MAJOR +SUPPORT Super nice Great leader Great guy Active Respectful Only thing is app could be a little longer.
  6. The only thing is you just recently got CMDR. But other thank that. Major +support:)
  7. He fixed the format, I still dont know who you are. Application is really short.
  8. MEGA +SUPPORT Very good pilot Awesome guy Great leader Could be a better role model (you and me both know its tru Ay0) But it's still a MEGA +SUPPORT
  9. Yes I second with Cody as a VCMDR of 31st who is on everyday for at least an hour. I have no clue who you are and I think you should go for EO first.
  10. Have a GM give you this salute_swep
  11. +Support Adds more use to 31st Would be pretty cool
  12. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : 31st ECL CPT Slick 1217 2. What Regiment are you applying for? 31st 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I want to be a CMDR in this branch because the only CMDR we have right now is Cody. I feel if I can get VCMDR I can help out Cody and the 31st battalion a lot more. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? Around 2 weeks of game time 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The main purpose of a CMDR is to run the battalion and make sure everyone is doing and they were taught. As a VCMDR your job is to help your CMDR and Speciality Officer overlook the battalion for the minges we all know and love and get them out. As well as to help other troopers in need 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I am a Senior Moderator and a GM meaning I wont do stupid things. I have been an officer for a while now and I feel ready to take on the position of VCMDR. This also relives some stress off of Cody a little as now everything would come to me instead of straight to him. 7. How often can you be Online? : I'm online everyday for at least an hour. Usually more. 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) Nope only on PRP
  13. Name: Slick Call-sign: 1S12 Rank: SGT Activity: 2 (moving over to IRP and burnt on PRP)
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