So, I’ve seen it a lot on the forums and server chat discussing the MCU or Mass Casualty Unit.
This is just to clarify that the MCU IS AN EMS VEHICLE!!!!!
To provide some context, The mass casualty situations are any incident in which emergency medical services resources, such as personnel and equipment, are overwhelmed by the number and severity of casualties.
The situation above, including Robberies, Raids, Shootings, Kidnappings ,etc is when an EMS Deputy or Higher bring out the MCU/Rescue Truck.
— There is no reason why CERT, SRT, etc should be using an EMS Vehicle. Along with that, the only Departments with a skin for the MCU is: SWAT, ARU and of course, Emergency Medical Services.
If you want further information on the MCU, contact me. But, Overall, Tactical Units shouldn’t he using the vehicle.
~EMS Deputy Ender DR-2