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Everything posted by TG_Kilo

  1. +Support For Now -Clearly Breaching Himself VIA Teleporting Into His Control Room And Facing The Controls As Well As Correcting His Positioning When Stuck In The Ceiling. -Obviously Intending To Team With SCPs And FailRP By Looking In Chat Screenshots. -Should Receive A Warn For Sure. Kinda Wanna Hear His Side Though.
  2. Your In-game: Kilo Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:168887765 The admin's name in-game: Castle Cainhurst Knight The admin's steam name (If you know it): [GL] Rangiatea What warning did you receive: RDM Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): Why do you think this warn was false: I don't believe it was false, but I believe it was a misunderstanding. I should have probably gotten a verbal. Any extra information: This is the story. When I was in D-Block, Rang came into D-Block and looked at a LCPL who had a broken model. He said something like this: "Someone deal with this broken model or I'm going to kick him". My thought process was to attempt killing him to fix it, as there are some glitches that are fixed upon death. When I killed the person, Rang warned me for RDM because that doesn't fix it, and lashed out at me a little bit saying things I do not remember nor wish to share. I don't want Rang in trouble, but I think that the warning was a misunderstanding and that I did not intentionally RDM. I had a reason.
  3. In Game Name: Kilo Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:168887765 Job applying for (Medical - MEDIC + | Red Right Hand - ANY MTF RANK OR GENSEC COMMAND | Research - Researcher+): Red Right Hand If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: I'd prefer to guard O5-13, or any other council member for that matter. How many Strikes do you have: None at the moment. Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: I wish to join the O5 staff team because I find it entertaining for a bystander view-point, and I wish to be apart of the role-play and the guarding elements to it. Ever since I was in Alpha-1 I was dedicated to my job, and I would do anything I can to keep my VIP alive. I like how this concept was shortened into a side branch/regiment, and I hope to be apart of this. I'd also like to take the opportunity to 'vibe' with the council members as well when there are no RP interactions happening. Why should we accept you: I believe that I should be accepted because I will take my job seriously as I should, as well as being active. I have plenty of the necessary experience that I need in order to perform my duties efficiently as a member of the 'Red Right Hand', as I see it similar as Alpha-1 except for certain portions. My combat is also pretty decent and I have very fast reaction timing to spot some things that most people would get away with. I will always be on guard as I am used to it as a member of Omicron-9 and past member of Alpha-1. I even defended O5-13 Rangiatea from Igneous’s mingy-ness. If I do get accepted, I will not let my VIP down. I will own up to them as 100% my responsibility. I also would not mind to assist/escort other O5 staff personnel as well, such as the research or medical staff.
  4. +Support “My main goal is to blow up”
  5. BIG FAT -SUPPORT -This would be too OP and contradicts what Zeeptin says about making this server pay-to-win
  6. Y’all don’t need me anymore lmao. Your activity is insane now.
  7. In-game Name: Kilo SteamID: STEAM_0:1:168887765 DiscordID: Kilo#7703 What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): Military How would you rank your knowledge of the lore?: 8/10 Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum): I wish to be CI due to the fact that I wish to revisit it. I love how tactical the CI are with their raids, and how well they plan out their course of action. I like how they are so direct yet defensive at the same time. I am decent enough at combat to bring a few MTF down with me, and I wish to put my skills to the test against my foundation brethren, and try playing on the enemy side. Also, I miss Silver . PS: If I get accepted, I will trade in my Gensec life What is something that sets you apart from other applicants?: I don’t know. I’m an Omicron??? How active can you be?: 6/10 at minimum. Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yessir
  8. I don't know if this is an official method, but since lockdowns were brought back to use against CI, why not make RP Breaching Charges an official MOTD thing for CI?
  9. What you want to see? - Update 106's rules in the MOTD where it specifically states that "you are not allowed to use your SWEP to teleport upwards through a staircase of any kind." Why should we add it? - It's not how SCP 106 works within lore, and someone got warned by SMT for doing this. What are the advantages of having this? - It prevents misconceptions of what SCP-106 can and cannot do with his SWEP, and it avoids the player from getting a warn over something as small as reading the 106 SWEP Guidelines in the MOTD the wrong way. Even some high ranking staff members were not too sure of this either. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone, but mainly SCP-106. Links to any content - N/A
  10. Omicron: *Exists* The First 3 Weeks of Them Thinking We’re CI Gensec: ENEMY AC130 ABOVE!!
  11. Also @Orange how do I make my gun look like that? Centered at the bottom middle
  12. Update: Igneous admitted to accidentally banning me and I got unbanned lmao
  13. Steam Name:  [GL] TG_Kilo Ingame Name: Kilo SteamID: STEAM_0:1:168887765 Ban Length: Permanently | Community Blacklist Admin that Banned you: Console Reason for Ban: Dispute: I think I may have been banned instead of the person I reported. When Rookieblue got on the server, I saw this person get banned for the same reason. Word for word lol. Here is the guy that got banned btw ^
  14. Your In-game: Kilo Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:168887765 The player's name in-game: Papaporter85 The player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:526059880 The player's steam name (If you know it): Papaporter85 What did the player do: Mass racism and many offensive comments towards the death of George Floyd. Evidence (REQUIRED): https://streamable.com/v7c7ul What do you believe should happen to the player: Community Blacklist Any extra information: N/A
  15. +Support He called me a poopy head
  16. -Support -This can be abused due to favoritism -We don't just get promoted at meetings, there are also field promotions -This can and will be abused -If you deserve a promotion, you will get one. No offense Twiz, but your history in Gensec is not a very good one...
  17. If it’s not specifically specified in the MOTD, you probably shouldn’t do it lol
  18. Your in game name: Kilo Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:168887765 The player's in game name: Boozle The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:98985856 What did the player do: They FailRPed by teleporting through the stairs which have open spaces, and once they reached the top, I was body blocked. SCP 106 is only meant to teleport through doors and walls. Plus, in RP 106 doesn't even teleport, he phases through things using his corrosive mucus. Evidence (required): https://streamable.com/0dfqrb What do you believe should happen to the player: A warning for FailRP and Bodyblocking. Any extra information: I've confronted one of the old SMT members who still plays on this server, and said the same thing about 106 being able to phase through doors and walls. Edit: (Since people struggle to see this rule...) )
  19. I dunno. Logs usually say how the person disconnects, saying whether you crashed, or disconnected. So if the staff member didn't show proof of those logs in your appeal, it was prob a misunderstanding on their part. Just trynna help you out.
  20. This be pretty cringe, but k.
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