Seems as if this isn't the first time he has had trouble judging from the previous comments.
Anyway hello, I was the only Staff member actively staffing at the time of the ban. We had nonstop announcements and Nuclear threats for as Th3 said, about 10 minutes but it only stopped because Th3 prevented him from doing it any longer. If Th3 didn't step in chances are this could have continued for much longer. This was serving as a extreme hindrance to the players as I was receiving constant requests into the nature of the announcements. Note that this also happened during a small event-game being held for the players by Th3. At first I assumed it was Th3 doing this and it wasn't until we started to question it at the 10 minute point where we questioned Th3 on what was going on and it was wrapped up quickly. When Th3 directly asked you the reasoning of your spam you replied with "IDK why I decided to minge", not the exact wording as I cant remember but I remember it being much more stupider then such a direct response. You were being a hindrance even before this however by constantly flying into peoples chats randomly down the walls as if you were in a race track and accursed players of Self breaching without any fact to base it on.
Whenever or not this is worthy of a perm ban is something I am debating to myself as many people have ended with the same fate and thus shouldn't be different from you but I am also arguing otherwise.
Im going -/+ Neutral. I mainly replied so I can get my story out.