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Posts posted by PandaInShitpostLand

  1. Your name: PandaInShitpostLand

    Your Discord ID name: PandaInShitpostLand (New discord names)

    Your Discord ID code: 318455052744392704

    Which discord server were you banned on: SCPRP

    What was the reason for your ban (if you know it): Around 30+ incidents of endorsing suicide and being an ass. 

    Why do you deserve to be unbanned:

    Alright gentlemen. Ill be more honest and clear this time

    All was fine for a while, but then i started caring less and less and started acting dumb, like really dumb. I said the forbidden sentence a couple times, people found it funny (as the first few were apart of friendly banter) so my stupid brain said "Its funny, keep doing it!" and so i did.

    I like tryna make people laugh, its what i do. so i started using it more and more until i used it so much I began using it unironically as a very twisted joke. The reason? I thought it was funny. that's it (not like it makes it okay), But I began using it to people I wasn't buddy buddy with, people who wouldn't appreciate it. While i apologize, its kind of too late at this point.

    I've been on the server for another couple weeks messing around and having fun with people, and also gone from the discord for around 8 months at this point. sure, I've been making some edgy jokes, but whats humor without some edginess, yeah? 

    I want to come back to the discord (with common sense this time) and actually be able to rejoin the community

  2. What are you suggesting? - New job

    Branch - Civilian
    Job Name: MC&D Imports Specialist (Level 100)
    Health: 150
    Armor: 150
    Description: A purveyor of firepower selling a collection of imported goods of questionable legality. One things for certain, these things pack a punch.
    Loadout: weapon_physcannon, keys, tfa_csgo_deagle, tfa_browningauto5
    Weapons Shop:

    tfa_usas: $30000
    tfa_barret_m82: $25000
    tfa_dragunov: $20000
    tfa_f2000: $9750
    tfa_csgo_negev: $35000
    iw_auger: $150000
    m9k_m79gl: $50000 (very limited ammo)
    m9k_rpg7: $75000 (very limited ammo)
    gl_armorkit: $10000 (Cant buy armorcharges)

    (Shipments multiply the price by 9. Unable to buy shipments for the Auger, RPG, m79, and Armorkit)

    How would this change better the server? - A level 100 job for the civis and might convince MTF or CI to come buy from the MC&D

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - You could theoretically arm an entire MTF/CI battalion with Augers and Explosives, but the pure amount of money that would cost would break the bank and mean you would have to spend hours farming just to do it again. 

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - Civilians

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A

  3. Remove tfa_uzi

    Add tfa_contender : $4000
    Add tfa_m24 : $10000
    Add tfa_csgo_awp : $8750
    Add tfa_dbarrel : $6500
    Add tfa_browningauto5 : $4500
    Add tfa_m14sp : $6000
    Add tfa_m16a4_acog : $8000

    you should put this in your suggestion for a better shot of it going through, otherwise a +Support

    (If you cant edit, just quote the reply)

  4. What are you suggesting? - Increasing the damage of the m9k_rpg7 and m9k_suicide_bomb

    Because when its time to be a suicide bomber you run in and begin to effectively hug your target, and alot of the time they survive the blast. Nobody should survive a blast that close to the suicide bomb, especially when the suicide bomber dies in the process

    Same goes for the RPG7, nobody should be able to flake off a H.E.A.T rocket shot at their femur, nomatter how tanky one is

    Increase the damage of the suicide bomb to 500 point blank (with explosive falloff) 
    Increase the damage of the RPG7 to 300 if directly on target (with explosive falloff incase of a miss)

    How would this change better the server? - Make the boom an actual threat, because people easily shake off the RPG, even after 2 shots. and nobody should survive a suicide bomb

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Suicide bombers do as they were destined and take multiple people out with them

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - Sarkic

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A

  5. What are you suggesting? - a few changes to nerf the foundation

    #1: Change the material infront of Nu7 spawn from transparent to models/debug/debugwhite. Theres a vent directly infront of the Nu7 spawn so any poor soul/scp trying to pass by to get to LCZ or deeper in gets seen instantly.

    #2: Add knockback resistance to most SCP's. Due to the layout of the map, most SCP's get absolutely demolished when having to go through the singular checkpoint. adding knockback resistance to SCP's that rely on getting close would give them a fighting chance (list of SCP's below #3)

    #3: increase the HP of SCP's. Along with the knockback resistance, this would allow them to actually take out firing lines. the SCP's in question who need this are
    and possibly 7917

    How would this change better the server? - weaken the iron grasp of the sites layout to allow the things meant to be a threat to actually pose a threat

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - SCP's will be more powerful if the foundation isnt coordinated, but when a double barrel can instantly kill some SCP's, it should be fine

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - SCP's, Sarkic


  6. Your name: PandaInShitpostLand

    Your Discord ID name (EX: Igneous#3706): PandaInShitpostLand#1235

    Your Discord ID code (EX: 204661777512923136): 318455052744392704

    Which discord server were you banned on: SCPRP

    What was the reason for your ban (if you know it): Told a friend to kill himself after a stream of similar incidents

    Why do you deserve to be unbanned: 
    I have around 1500 hours in the server and after around 5 months i can safely say that was a very obnoxious phase and its over with. I was trying to do a little trolling with the boys but i was already on very thin ice and should have recognized that, but I didn't and kept poking the sleeping dragon. 

    I have a good bit of people i like to chat with in the discord and without being able to access the discord all branches are locked. its been a hot minute, I've grown, and I wish to rejoin the community

  7. Your name: Panda
    Discord ID name: PandaInShitpostLand#1235

    Discord ID code: 318455052744392704

    Which server: SCPRP

    Reasoning for Ban: I may have done a little too much trolling (became unhinged) and told a friend to preform a very not cool action (Told him to KYS) in a public channel, in which i instantly got banned for I dunno how long

    Why do you deserve to be unbanned: We all do a little bit of trolling, but I did a little too much trolling. I thought it was okay to tell someone to Kill themselves in the context of it being friend on friend and them being okay with it, which is why I said it. In hindsight that phase was obnoxious (Cringe!)

    I have friends in that server I would like to chat to and debating on MAYBE returning. and in order to do basically anything I gotta be in the discord.
    If I do anything that's downright stupid I'm free to be banned, but I was following the rules that SMT gave me when I told a friend to commit removal from this plane of existence.

    • Dislike 1
  8. Just now, PryingTree said:

    I really don't care about that, it was a joke and I knew it was, I am just making the report for metagame not for the joke.

    Also the amount of E11 and Nu7 at the time was a decent amount towards CI. I say CI only had 5 more, and some were AFK at the time. Although there was no proof of how many MTF were on so its just for word

    You included it in the evidence sheet as a separate part so I assumed it was an issue

    For the metagame I can understand it, the goal was not to metagame but it really became metagaming. because I was acting less rationally than normal I didn't bother getting a spotter, which would have been a much better idea than camping the gates. My intentions became differed from reality.

  9. This is indeed my fault, but at the very least i can explain my side of the story

    I was on ambush at the time, and seeing the pure amount of CI on in comparison to the lack of MTF fueled my lust to blow up a massive group of CI.

    CI just won a mech raid, and I wasn't very happy on the way we lost, so I began acting off emotion rather than rational thinking. my brain was like "Watching the checkpoints isnt as good of an idea than watching the gates" 

    So I told MTF to be near the gates and wait for them to open, so that I could go set up a trap.

    In terms of the castrate comment, that is my way of speaking to people, which looks really bad, but it makes sense to people who know me. Still not a good way of speaking but i can't really help it.

    In my mind, the plan was to wait for them to begin opening the gates, retreat back into the EZ hall, and wait for CI to push in. I was waiting at Gate-B so I couldn't really know what was happening.

    The grenade comment was meant to just be "when they push in, toss your nades before counter-pushing" but it didn't come off like that, it came off like "buy 500 kilotons of TNT and throw it in"

    The "CI not being smart" comment wasn't meant to be an insult, it was meant to be a "I doubt they will split their forces, and instead push as one massive group".  

    This looks extremely bad, but from my POV and how things were going for site (our forces were being spread somewhat thin) compared to the literally COD zombies horde that CI had, it was much more reasonable.
    Take this how you will.

    36 minutes ago, Dick Grayson said:

    yeah i understand this 

    @PandaInShitpostLandExplanation bro?


    here you go

  10. What are you suggesting? -

    NOTE: Approved by Sec HCMD

    D-Class Smuggler
    Description Change: Unlike your fellow D Class, you have outside contacts enabling you to have a wide stock of weapons to sell for profit.
    Decrease slots to 2
    Increase level requirement to 75
    Addition: Weapon Shop
    Add all weapons from Supplier
    tfa_model500 - 3500$
    tfa_usc - 5000$
    rust_smg - 4500$
    tfa_csgo_deagle - 5500$
    rust_doublebarrel - 6500$


    D-Class Supplier
    Price Changes
    CZ75 Auto - 4500$ (from 8500)
    Tec-9 Auto - no Change
    Colt Python - no Change
    Berretta - no change
    USPS - no change
    Glock18 - no change
    HK45C - no change
    USP - no change
    Addition: rust_python - 3000$
    Addition: rust_waterpipe - 4500$
    Uzi - 10000$ (from 11500)
    First Aid Kit - 2500$ (from 4500)
    Melee weapons - no changes


    Pro D-Class 
    Add Weapon: tfa_usp
    Remove Weapon: tfa_sig_p229r

    How would this change better the server? - D-Class branch update

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - D-Class POWWWEEEERRR

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - D-Class (Branch update)

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