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Posts posted by Youtubefreak11

  1. In-game name: YouTube

    SteamID: STEAM_1:0:100789279

    Current RP rank on StarWarsRP: User / Nova MAJ

    Have you donated to the server?: No

    Have you been banned on any GL server before?: No

    Have you received any warnings (please give reasons if applicable)?: No, Not on this server on other GamingLight servers

    How much time do you have on the server?: Quite a lot I have been playing since one day after the launch

    How well do you know the LORE? Explain: I have been a star wars fan since I was little I know a bit of lore mainly on the more important stuff like Order 66. Some lore here and there about the Republic, Rebels and Sith/Empire I'm always willing to read up for different Event Ideas so people don't complain about how it makes no sense.

    Why do you WANT to become a Gamemaster?: I want to be a game master to make fun events and are lore friendly to players that desire them. I want players to join the server because they here about the fun events that happen I personally want to make the server more populated because right now we get about a max of 48 players and I wat that to hit the server max if possible allowing other battalions to be added and for more people to have a chance to join Staff or GM. I just want to shock the Server so we can get more people to have general fun with and make new friends. 

    Why should you be trusted to be a Game Master?: I have been a Gaming Light member for at least a Year Now most of my time has been spent on SCP becoming VCMDR of Nu7 and a lot of people that I have met on that journey is big and you can ask a lot of people I almost rarely break the rules (I say that because I have done it once) I have been staff and officer for tons of other RP servers and I have no reason to mess up the Gaming Light server. Nor do I want to because I love it and the People on it.

    Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: I am some what familiar due to being a gamemaster for quite some time on another RP server, I'm always willing to learn more from Senior GM's. But mainly I know a lot of the basic ULX commands and a lot to do with tool guns.

    Are you experienced with being a Game Master and how they function?: I am due to having a lot of GM experience from another RP server. Basically GM's are to do events when the time is right or when people ask for them. Events that GM's do should Involve everyone in the server and in general should be fun. GM's should always be willing to learn from people that participated in the event on what they could grow on and are to keep the Events Lore Friendly.

    Give a brief example of an on-ship event, as well as an example of an off-ship event: On Ship: A small group of Rebel Commandos have snuck their way onto the ship via Moonpool and have landed in 2HB. To attempt to destroy the ship from the inside. If the commandos or not killed within 4-5 Minutes a Location Beacon will go off and a Rebel fleet will come and attack the ship and attempt to Destroy the Ship and Evacuate any remain Rebel Commandos

    Off Ship: A damaged Imperial Transport set off a response beacon in space The Star Destroyer locates and Picks up the Imperial Transport there are two wounded troopers inside. After some time they wake up and give information on a Imperial base that was taken over by Rebels on the planet of Fondor. The Troopers are Tasked with going there and retaking the Outpost from the Rebels once they get there they are immediately attacked by Rebel Scouts and are needed to think fast about a Plan.

    Do you know how to give a weapon/SWEP to yourself/someone? (Give an example): Yes | You Could use a Tool Gun (easier) Or you could use the Command !give ^ or @ (Gun Code)

    Do you know how to model yourself/someone? (Give an example): Yes | You would do !model @ or ^ (Yourself) (Model Code)

    Have you read the Gamemaster Guidelines?: Yes

  2. Name: YouTube

    Status on Roster: Active

    Reason For LOA(If Private then put as N/A): My computer is broken and I need a replacement of to repair it

    Duration of LOA: Unknown

  3. + Support

    I was on the server when this was happening. me and susel were in the main hallway and he came in and tranqed Susel several times so we procided to kill him where he then switched to Security Heavy and was killing SO's and Tranqing them.

  4. Lore Name: YouTube

    Rank: JR

    Clearance Level: 1

    List of personnel involved in testing: YouTube

    Level D personnel involved: One

    SCP: 1048

    Errors and/or safety hazards: Possible Death of Researcher

    Question: What does 1048 consider pain?

    Background Research: 1048 tends to scream when he feels pain but what does he consider pain we know bullets along with baseball bats and machetes.

    Hypothesis: 1048 could possibly scream when tested on hugging other then that with lower stuff like hard poking, being hung by his arms and shaking he will not scream

    Observation: When we me and the D Class Started out I told him to give 1048 a couple of pokes/Jabs 1048 did not react. So I told the D Class to pick of 1048 and dangle 1048 by his arms 1048 did not react. I Then proceeded to tell the D Class to poke his eye and the D Class then Full Forced jabbed 1048's eye 1048 then proceeded to scream and the D Class Died.

    Analysis and Conclusion: You can handle 1048 as you would any other stuffed animal just try not to apply too much pressure treat 1048 as a child and you will be fine Do Results Align with Hypothesis: Some of it does but the D Class Full force jabbing 1048 in the face was highly unexpected

  5. Lore Name: YouTube

    Rank: JR

    Clearance Level: 2

    List of personnel involved in testing: JR YouTube

    Level D personnel involved: 2 D Class

    SCP: 066 and 999

    Errors and/or safety hazards: Glass Breaking and shattering 

    Question: Can 066 be calmed down by 999 and can 066 figure out who is saying Eric they are behind one way glass

    Background Research: 066 attempts to kill anyone who says the word Eric can he be stopped in any way

    Hypothesis: Eric will be confused and possibly give up on killing the D Class that say Eric | 999 should calm down 066 in the second stage 

    Observation: At first 066 was highly confused so the D Class was ordered to say it over again. 066 got closer to the glass with every repeat and eventually smashed the glass and killed the D Class. | When the D Class said Eric 066 attempted to kill the D Class but was paused at first by 999 for about 5 seconds then 0666 proceeded to kill the D Class

    Analysis and Conclusion: Eric can be briefly stopped if he can not immediately see the D Class that said Eric and 999 can calm down 066 1-5 seconds before he kills the D Class

    Do Results Align with Hypothesis: They do not although I did not expect them too

  6. Lore Name: YouTube

    Rank: JR

    Clearance Level: 1

    List of personnel involved in testing: RisingGod (D Class)

    Level D personnel involved: 1

    SCP: 173 (Peanut)

    Errors and/or safety hazards: Possible Escape Due to Low D Class 

    Question: How Long can One person survive being alone in SCP 173 cell

    Background Research: Most Humans do not stay alive in a room with SCP 173 because they are by themselves or no enough people to make sure SCP 173 does not move. I am doing this research to see how long a person can last against SCP 173.

    Hypothesis: The D Class Might Survive around 2-3 Mins

    Observation: The D Class Continued Running until he got tired and he neck was snapped 

    Analysis and Conclusion: A Normal Human Should be able to survive by them self with SCP 173 for 2-5 Mins at Top Speed. Please Note (For Safety reasons we stopped the Research Early due to a Defcon 2 the D Class could have lasted Longer)

    Do Results Align with Hypothesis: They do not,  The D Class Surprised Me

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