So here is my side of the story, 3 GENSEC called me to d-block because of 4 players mic spamming. When I arrive I see 4 players with the name “Money (name).” Being that you when I brought you to a sit you were screaming and YOU gave the defense that all 4 of you were “speaking in your native language” (note: they were all screaming like monkeys) I assumed that all 4 of you were guilty. Secondly, I checked your warns and you had 1 warn on record for micspam, plus you got warned later that day for micspam, so if we follow precedent you did it.
So, when I arrived in d-block all 4 of you had your mics activated and you all had the same name. You even told me that you started this. Now I don’t record on duty, just because I don’t feel like being bothered to, but you had no recording to prove your innocence and considering that I saw everyone screaming I had no choice but to warn you.
I would like to also add that you have no evidence to prove your innocence, nor to prove that this is false.
Also, thank you to Inaccurate for @‘ing me so I could see this and respond quickly.
TLDR -support