Rank You are Applying For: Lieutenant
In-Game Name: Dredgen
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:491431877
Current Rank: SM
How long have you been in your current rank?: 100 Days ago, or like 3.2 months
What timezone are you in?: EST
How many Warns do you have?: 15 (Perms from Fame to apply)
Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): I feel the reason that I should be promoted is that I am a mature and active member in the Community and government classes of the server, I am on almost every day, role playing and helping members of the community and PD, I even assisted in the PD training with former COL Mjay, former CPT Connor, and CPT Zage on 4/27/19, we preformed on how to breach into the bank properly and did pursuit training. I have been a Sergeant Major for a long period of time and now how to actually do my job. I have an understanding of all Police Information such as the 10 codes, proper ways to preform traffic stops, and handle stressful situations. I train new PD members on a regular basis (although I could be doing it a lot more) and always follow the training guide and make sure they understand the rules and punishments if they were to break a rule, I always make sure that they follow the rules, and if they are mingey say during the training that they are demoted off of their job and reported to command for further actions, I also make sure they understand the SOP and make sure they have a basic knowledge of it. I am able to drive the vehicles provided to me pretty well, at times they can be difficult. I also know how to use the provided firearms given on my class (even though they suck). I am mature, patient, and responsible with the current rank I am and I believe I am a trust worthy person to be promoted to the next rank in PD. I know the MOTD and always follow it, as well as enforce the MOTD to other members of the community. I have also been recommended in the past by multiple members of the PD and friends. This is why I believe I should be a member of the PD Low Command.
You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes