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Zero X

Scythes of Paradise
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Everything posted by Zero X

  1. +support these reports get more and more petty change to +support elapin agreed
  2. -support he has been back on the server for 5 days, just because he is an ex staff member does not mean he should become staff.l Let’s say a police chief left his police station, and he came back a few years later and applied and said I used to be a police chief I think I should have that job back, in my opinion he needs to be back on the server for a few weeks, not just 5 days.
  3. +support I remember when Burboon was just an SNR on truenorth, he has come a long way and has true dedication to PD •Very mature •leadership qualities •has been grinding for a while
  4. -support I have never seen you on lieutenant
  5. This is what happens when you drive a mitsubishi
  6. Do you like the map?: Not really Why do you like or dislike the map?: It’s just boring If you can change one thing about the map what would it be?: the bend behind car dealer that leads up to Taco Bell is very annoying, outskirts really doesn’t have much to offer as opposed to the one on true north.
  7. I have seen a decrease in crim activity But cop activity is relatively the same i just think the general population of the server has declined
  8. +support 34 over the 40 limit i got amazed at 50 and 60 BUT 74? I dont know how someone gets that many if it is over 30 they are unteachable imo
  9. This man has been banned 5 times get him out already! +support
  10. So I played my first full day as EMS today and noticed I had a lot of down time I was wondering what you guys who play EMS do when you don’t have any calls to respond to I am just curious,
  11. +support stole gov vehicles 13 times if he didn’t learn after getting a warn the 3rd time he is just minding and does not deserve to play on gaminglight I was astounded people got 40 someone told me sometimes they get 50-60 today that kind of behavior is not welcomed. Ban him!
  12. +support Has plenty of staff experience I remember dis guy!
  13. +support 40 Warns goodbye sir (still can’t comprehend how people get that many)
  14. +Support everytime I am on I see him on PD very mature and professional when on PD knows how to allocate and command officers
  15. Zero X

    I'm Back :)

    Welcome back Febreze!
  16. +support the HK is so trash these OFCs are basically throwing pebbles during shootouts. When I was an OFC I could kill someone with a P250 with an HK it’s essentially impossible.
  17. -support I’.m quite sure majority of the time a road is being closed off is for a bank robbery or hostage situation things like that which are code 3 and EMS are supposed to be nowhere in the area. Also it’s PDs job to do that, people who do block off roads get noticed in pds and that’s how some people get ranked up
  18. My custom class or anything thats not PD because I feel like when I am PD i have to be much more professional but when im not i can run around like a retard.
  19. I said goodnight on policerp and no one said it back, so can someone tell me goodnight pwease. SM Zero 1C77
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