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Posts posted by Scout

  1. Your In-game: Dr. W/Kleiner/Austin

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:56183133

    The admin's name in-game: Ajax

    The admin's steam name (If you know it): [GL] Robosensai (STEAM_0:1:157624275)

    What did the admin do: While playing as 682 (Breached), I stumbled near 049's gate while D-Class were trying to open it. One of them explained to me the situation that the door would not open so I called an admin and waited to which Ajax was the one who took the sit. He teleported, went silent and went off frustrated that "teaming was strictly not allowed, this is not okay." freezing all of us. I was the main one trying to explain that the guys I called the admin for are not teaming with me due to this being an ooc issue; and I would have killed them if they hadn't explained this to me. Ajax took his time speaking over all of us and being extremely rude to which because I was froze an MTF tranq'd me and Ajax did nothing about it as he was not aware of the people around us during this time. Ajax left to talk with the D-Class, so I stumbled off to 076-2's CC to hide from Alpha 1/Nu7, I don't know which one was trailing me but anyways; while in the CC he then once again tp'd to me and exclaimed frustrated that I was in big trouble and would be facing a ban sooner a later if I "kept on what I was doing" which I don't know what I was doing but whatever. After waiting a minute or two of silence he froze me and I complained about it, telling him that he had no reason to freeze me due to us being alone in a docile room. He went silent after freezing me which really irritated me cause I try'd talking to him. While doing that though, I was gagged and he went on about "Come on your not in trouble just calm down buddy" as if I was an infant which then again irritated me. When I was ungagged, I explained to him how I literally wasn't teaming at all; and which right after he asked "Why were you teaming?". When I already explained to him how I wasn't teaming. He wen't on to ask who breached me to which I said a D-Class Expert, then again he asked if I killed him and I said that I didn't due to the D-Class was killed by MTF or ran away cause I didn't see him when I ran through the gate. I was gagged again, and eventually muted when I kept asking him to just ungag me and actually listen to what I have to say. Later he just told me "Alright, I'm just gonna demote you off 682 okay?" to which I explained in admin chat (the only place I can type) I might as well hop off the server and let someone else take the job. I hopped off, and was informed by Infected in TS that I was warned for LTAP and the warning specifically saying "LTAP, supposedly teaming as 682." I was, apparently, "supposedly" teaming when I literally explained for a couple solid minutes on how I wasn't.

    Evidence of the abusive action(s) (REQUIRED): I posted files of the proof; you can even see in ooc chat that 049 was saying that the doors are broken.

    What do you believe should happen to the admin: I would personally request, a full retraining of the duty's of a staff member. Staff in my opinion, are supposed to be in assistance of said member of the community. Listening, and thoroughly taking note of the situation. That's not what happened to me, I was ignored during the duration of the entire sit.

    Any extra information: Ajax has shown disrespect on multiple other branches such as A1, poking at Nimo (VCMDR of Nu7) about why he has strikes as well as degrading/insulting Nu7. Saying that Nimo's warns represent Nu7 pretty well. This also goes in GENSEC when although not disrespect, he had called a lock-down as a Sergeant Major on DEFCON 4 which is strictly not allowed but, he proceeded to do it anyway.

    The bright light is him btw, just wanted to make sure I get that.




  2. VISUAL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFj5KZinWGI&feature=youtu.be

    DOCUMENT: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nNaOeuy4cMe9Q_wPsXXJgU1deaJ096-0ufsxr9rheM4/edit?usp=sharing

    The document is for people who don't grasp what 682 is saying in the video; which is a little hard to hear but thats what I went for as 682 is not prone to clear speech. This also might sound rude but, I am really really tired after making this so I am just gonna leave this here and leave it untouched till I get some criticism to check back on. 

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  3. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v8mx5A9H9SRj25GtPCSivz58UKxakbZ_ucH1-JOaAX4/edit#

    [The article above me, sums up the test and given details of what happened, essentially.]


    This link right here, is the video to which I reference in the article. I kind of felt a less confident about this one, cause I feel its not my best work; but I tried my best.

  4. VISUAL/STIMULI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNXFT1Y0k4k&feature=youtu.be

    DOCUMENT BY DR. W: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v_WAX49X8Aa9fb_bq9ATLt7g9bm_s29nvvhNH-6Nh2I/edit?usp=sharing

    Enjoy! Honestly, going for an SCP not commonly tested on was fun. I'm open to all opinions on testing.

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  5. I put, so much effort into this. Hope you all enjoy.

    VISUAL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tT66xXDVIl4

    (In-case you didn't catch some things SCP-079 said, here you go) DOCUMENT: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yO8hhKQZXZqFvPKvHn4E9NpBgY5BfsqMCfRI7HOqRGY/edit

    • Like 1



    Lore Name: Benjamin Walker

    Rank: Junior Researcher

    Clearance Level: 02

    List of personnel involved in testing: Junior Researcher Ben Walker; SCP 173, Unnamed Security Officers, Junior Researcher Lamarr.

    Level D Personnel involved: Jslchatt, Daz.

    SCP: 173

    Hypothesis: SCP-173, the "you blink you die" statue is prone to neck snapping if no retained eye-contact. The test on SCP-173 was to conduct if it would indulge in human parts after death or further more kill them on general attitude, generally, I suspect it would be nothing more than a couple of minutes till both die.

    Observation: After putting 2 d-class in, blindfolded and set to a wall, the door was shut and given a proper solitude. The room now empty and quiet, the d-class voiced to the statue in the room a deal or proposal that they had done nothing wrong and shouldn't be killed as if they could work things out. Reluctantly, both were kept alive until the test conceded and had to end; which both broke free and had to be put down.

    Visual Stimuli (Photos/videos): Not available.

    Errors and/or safety hazards: Two D-Class personnel broke containment causing a small fuss, but nothing more.

    Conclusion: Thought, and/or feelings are seen to be prevalent in 173; it could be confusion or a curious state of mind to why it didn't execute both of them, but it was quite a remarkable exploit. If worked with further, the SCP could be labelled "SAFE". It's only a vision, but a strong one to de-weaponize for the safety of the foundation.

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    Lore Name: Benjamin Walker (Ben Walker)

    Rank: Junior Researcher

    Clearance Level: 2

    List of personnel involved in testing: Junior Researcher Benjamin Walker/Ben Walker

    Level D Personnel involved: Jimmy

    SCP: 066

    Hypothesis: Being given the info I have right now, I believe to the best of my ability it is most likely Eric's Toy/SCP-066 will blare Beethoven's 5th Symphony after instructing the D-Class to read out the SCP's name from a piece of paper out loud.

    Observation: SCP-066 and Jimmy both were quiet for a little while until Jimmy jumped on it. 066 started saying Eric a whole bunch and the D-Class refused to say the name out loud. 066 and Jimmy conversed to each other in some sort of fascinating way through jumps and random moves; this was noted. Asking the D-Class why he wouldn't say it, he looked at me in a cold contempt. I was left on a silent streak of what seemed like a minute until the D-Class started picking at the yarn which I told him to stop and ended testing. Medical induced amnesia was administered and the D-Class was returned.

    Visual Stimuli (Photos/videos): None, currently.

    Errors and/or safety hazards: Range of 066's Music.

    Conclusion: The D-Class either of intimidation, or fear is unknown why he refused to talk and went silent; possible medical issues/mental issues could be present. Further research and my time will be put into SCP-066, as I find it interesting on how it formed a mutual relationship.

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