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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Catsro

  1. -Support For the reasons above also advertising your suggestion for +supports doesn't look good.
  2. +Support This may be problematic to add it for only low command. Other than that point I am all for this being implemented.
  3. Very mature even though he is a little mingey. He has my +Support
  4. Name: Catsro Branch: Janitorial Rank: Janitorial Management Rate your Activity from 1 to 10 (1 being very low 10 being incredible) : 6-8
  5. -Support All of you guys should have been warned not just you, but it looks like you guys were teaming. If what fear said was true about telling you guys to split then the warn was deserved.
  6. -Support on Grenadier removal. Bill and Will will not have a job and will have to retire. This is so sad we should also save the turtles.
  7. You cannot warn someone higher than you. He took the correct approach.
  8. Catsro

    Step / Void

    +Support This was an accident
  9. +Support This is a blatant abuse of props. He kills 2 people in the video with this prop either by accident or on purpose this shouldn't be allowed or encouraged. Just because of a lower server population it doesn't give you an opportunity to abuse what you are given. Freezing a staff on or off duty is a no-no especially as he used it to continue with his mischief. Using the tool gun even after being told to stop spawning it in. Not only does this not show good staff conduct it shows immaturity in the staff team. Misinforming another staff member is also not good as you are to basically help them understand how to staff and represent that mentor figure. Players can think that RDM is okay but in reality, it's not.
  10. Just seems like a bad idea in general.
  11. It does seem you necro'd a few posts to show forum activity.
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