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Everything posted by Catsro

  1. Accepted This blacklist appeal has been accepted for SCP 076. However you will keep your blacklist for 527.
  2. This suggestion was pretty laughable if you had seen todays riot. Not even explosives nor a man with a minigun with 500 hp and 100 armor couldn't even stop you guys. If D-Class can shoot at you then you can shoot back at them from that angle. D-Class can pretty much get deleted in about 3-5 shots. We made this change and it hasn't even been out for 24 hours and there is already a suggestion out please just wait a bit and see how this change goes into effect.
  3. Hey didn't they have those bodies in the water at that site?
  4. Accepted! To have your warn removed, go to the "Bans" Section at the top of the forums, navigate to your profile, find the warning for this appeal, and for the reason on the appeal, link this post.
  5. Yeah no not another one.
  6. To have them that high of a price would build more incentive to grind for it. You could end up in this scenario: "Hey man that deathcard looks cool but I just bought one I guess I'll just grind enough money to buy it". CCs might be a way to increase this process but again not everyone has one which really mutes the point of bring that up in regards to your quote. Decreasing the cost of these deathcards makes the cards less valuable and more abundant which would lead on to the cards being something that everyone already has making things less unique. Its not even fair to bring up the goose one cause its pretty obvious that its a joke deathcard worth 1.5 mil.
  7. -Support What else besides gambling and armory are you gonna user your money on? Deathcards is another way to spend your money other than just hoarding it up. It just makes since for some of these to be expensive.
  8. -Support this has been denied multiple times This was the previous time it was denied. Having 3 lives has a extremely high chance of you neglecting a life.
  9. Accepted go talk to rang to get trained
  10. Accepted Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the player and or staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.
  11. Locking this until we come to a decision
  12. Finally an Enuzer now this is pog

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