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Everything posted by Catsro

  1. -Support You failed to do the format again. Q15 is a 150-word requirement which you did not meet Your ulx rank would be user You can find your proof of warns if you go in-game and type !warns and take a screenshot of that menu
  2. +/- Support I see positives on both sides. Though I don't think this process needs to happen every time we nuke as it would take the coolness factor away.
  3. +Support I have seen this player many times on the server which shows his decation to the server. Every run in with this player has been a pleasant experience with him being respectful and mature in almost any situation. The warns would be a little concerning but since they are from a bit ago I would say you are fine. Dang has also shown fluent knowledge in the rules and has been helpful to newer players that aren't familiar with SCPRP. I think Dang would make a good addition to the staff team.
  4. I agree it shouldn't be a problem. Restricting access just creates more problems then solutions. Everyone that currently has access to the comms should at least know of A1s presence in the foundation. Then if the person minges and says stuff like "What's A1" "A1 Steak Sauce" "What's O5" and it's a common problem I could see punishments possibly be handed out.
  5. I agree with Light here as Bright being a donator class with a regular research model could reflect bad on Research due to people not playing him correctly.
  6. -Support I don't really think this suggestion is really needed as most dclass with guns are CCs which have NLR. Then there is the pro d class which has the M1911 which isn't strong to begin with. The strength that Pro has is its ability to not have NLR. I don't really see this being a problem from shooting from cells. My advice would be to not stand at the fences so you don't get shot by the dclass at cells.
  7. +Support would be pretty cool for Maynard
  8. +Support as I think this would bring some type of uniqueness to the SCP we currently have on Site 5. It being a free roam SCP means it wouldn't take up a containment spot and can spawn in LCZ. With Limits and rules like other SCPs I think this SCP could be added. JRs will have something else to test on increasing Research activity slightly. With that this has my support.
  9. +Support I think this would be an easy fix to clarify where to post research test logs.
  10. +Support I think if Ace were to join E11 he would be a great addition. The work he has put into A1 the past months has been pretty good. That being said I think he has left his mingy behavior in the past and has changed since that time. I think he deserves a second chance at E11.
  11. When you have already surpassed 1000 posts.
  12. Catsro

    SCP-109 - Denied

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