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Posts posted by Custumz

  1. Hello, my name is Iceman and I'm currently an admin on SCPRP. I would like to say hello, I'm not really well known anywhere other than SCPRP. I would like to get to know you guys.

    I would like to thank everyone for being on the servers and playing.

    I've recently had a really tough time in real life, and all of you have really brought me happiness, and I'm pretty lonely so if anyone ever just wants to talk please don't hesitate to message me. ?

    I would just like to get myself known and I would like to say that I love you all, and I always will.

  2. //-----------------------------------------------------------------//

    [SCP-173] ~ Research (06-09-2019)

    Rank: Junior Researcher

    Clearance Level: 2

    List of Personnel involved in testing: Security SO Crispy

    Level D personnel involved: Deb, Crab

    SCP: SCP-173

    Errors and/or safety hazards: None

    Question: Will SCP-173 become more aggressive to other races.

    Background Research: SCP-173 is a clay statue that can only move once you're not looking at it.

    Hypothesis: SCP-173 will not care about race.

    Observation/Visual Stimuli(Photos/videos): https://gyazo.com/c651c018e34bb3b370662494fb35d91f 

    Analysis and Conclusion: After sending multiple groups of black and white class d, SCP-173 showed no interest is one race over the other. In fact, SCP-173 killed the white guy first in the first test, and the black guy first in the second test, and went back to killing the white guy first in the third test.

    Do your results align with your hypothesis?: I didn't expect SCP-173 to have a racial preference, and I was correct in that.

    Approved by the Director of Research and Security and the Head of Research. For use in Site-05.

  3. Rank: Junior Researcher

    Clearance Level: 2

    List of Personnel involved in testing: REDACTED

    Level D personnel involved: Flashrod, and Jawa

    SCP: SCP-1162

    Errors and/or safety hazards: One D-Class decided to break out of his cuffs, due to my experience in REDACTED I was able to take him down myself.

    Question: What will come out of SCP-1162

    Background Research: SCP-1162 is a hole in the wall approximately 5x5x5 meters. It is also perceived to be 14.5 centimeters across. Reaching inside this hole will give you an item that you've lost.

    Hypothesis: Some sort of weapons will come out of SCP-1162 due to this test being done by a D-Class.

    Observation/Visual Stimuli(Photos/videos): https://gyazo.com/61cf3742204beb0e47b99d0eb4df96ba https://gyazo.com/97098e4e59683e8051694fa137e1c4bb No unexpected results

    Analysis and Conclusion: A gun was pulled out of SCP-1162 by the D-Class. Due to my experience in REDCATED, I was able to quickly disarm the D-Class. The Class D said the gun was from a previous riot he survived in D-Block.

    Do your results align with your hypothesis: My results do align with my hypothesis because I expected a weapon because they are very common with D-Class.

    Approved by the Director of Research and Security and the Head of Research. For use in Site-05.

  4. +Support

    - good application

    - nice person

    - very active

    - experienced

    * I loved working with you in DevourGaming, you were an awesome manager. You were fun to be around and were professional at the same time. *

    I wish you the best of luck ~Iceman

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  5. -Support

    -Major grammar issues

    -Question 16 is not what we're looking for

    -I personally have never seen you online

    -Tho your intentions sound good, I don't think you would be a good fit for staff at the current moment in time

  6. Name: Iceman

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:156478101

    ULX Rank: Senior Moderator

    My knowledge of the SCP world (1-10): 8

    Experience as an Event Planner: I've been an Event Manager on a DarpRP server called DevourGaming. My job was to make sure everything with the Event Team was running smoothly and just running good events.

    My activity: Very Active

    Warnings: 0

    Why I should be allowed on the Event Team: You should allow me to be on the Event Team because of the dedication and motivation I have for the server. I'm usually on most of the time, even when there are little to no players on. Due to me being so active, I will be doing as much fun events I can do to make sure every member that is on the server will come back because the experience they had with the event I've hosted. I've been on a lot recently and I see events happening a lot, and I really want to be the person doing the event making all the players happy. I've always had a strong passion for joining it to just make everyone happy. I've always wanted to make everyone enjoy the stay they have with us, even if it's the last. I would like to make it so it's not the last time they will be playing because I've helped them have so much fun. In all, I want to help the community have fun, and I think I would be a really good fit for this position.

    Description of an event I would create: Honestly, at first I would do simple events like D-Class with melee weapons attacking D-Block. Once I gain more experience I would start to do more fun events that involve everyone no matter what.

    Simple Event (SCP-079)

          I would begin with turning off the lights, opening/closing doors making it slightly obvious that it's SCP-079 causing this. Before it's figured out that they need to unplug SCP-079 I will begin to release SCP's until SCP-079 is unplugged. Once SCP-079 is unplugged the event will end.

          Obviously, I don't have that many events idea as of the moment because I've never been an Event Member on an SCP-RP server. If I become a member of this Event Team I will learn a lot and improve over time.

    My favorite SCP and why: My favorite SCP is SCP-001 codename "Bright" because of the story. The first time I heard about this SCP I was like cool, and just shrugged it off. Once I actually took the time to read the whole thing, I fell in love with the SCP. It just fascinates me that this SCP could be what created so many other things like it. Everything from the factory workers from the idea that it created a lot of other SCP's. In all, this SCP is my favorite because of the story behind it.


  7. Name: Husky

    Rank: JFTO SFC

    Steamid: Can't get it at the moment

    Loa length: 4/28-5/19

    Reason: Swat raided his house (or something like that), and has no access to a computer, and very limited phone access.



  8. In-Game Name: Iceman

    Steam Name: Iceman

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:156478101

    Are you a Moderator+: Yes

    How often are you on TeamSpeak: Very often, 2-4 hours a day.

    Do you have a working quality mic: Yes

    What timezone are you in: EST

    Why would you want to join our Support team( 100 words+): I would like to join the support team to help out the community. I'm already staff on SCPRP, but I would love to expand my horizon and help out the community of GamingLight even more. I just fell in love with the community once I joined GamingLight, and learned to love it even more over time. I really just love the community and want to be a bigger part of it. I would also love to join the support team because sometimes I see a person sitting in a support room for a long time. I would love to help out the support team, and the community by doing my duties. In all, I really just want to help out the community as much as I can.

    How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way: I think I could affect support in a positive way by bringing in the attitude I just naturally have. I will work on making everyone happy, 

    How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our support channels: I would say "Hello, my name is Iceman with the support team, how can I help you?"

    Have you read our rules and do you promise to uphold all those rules to the best of your ability: Yes

  9. Name on roster: Iceman

    Rank on roster: SFTO WO

    How active are you: Very active

    What can Security CMD improve on: Security Command can improve on making sure we have qualified NCO's and make sure they are disciplined and trying to get them to teach Enlisted ranks on how to be more disciplined. 

    Why should we keep you as GENSEC command [150 words+]: The reason you should keep me in GENSEC command is because of the dedication I have to it. I've worked as hard, and as long as I can to make sure everything is running smoothly in GENSEC. I listen to my command, and I'm very loyal to GenSec. I'm also very active, spending most of my time on my GENSEC job. I also have the SOP engraved into my mind and know everything and anything a command and GENSEC need to know plus some. I've also worked on training some of our new recruits as an FTO, which helps out GENSEC because that equals more people for our rankings. What I really thing ties me together as a GENSEC command is how well I get along with others while remaining professional. In all, I would have to say what makes me a good fit for GENSEC command is how much dedication and effort I put into it. 

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