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Seeker (Tavdogg1)

SCP-RP Event Team
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Posts posted by Seeker (Tavdogg1)

  1. Name: Seeker

    Rank: CPL

    Current FTO Rank (if applicable):

    Current Wardens Rank (if applicable):

    Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words):

    Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: No concerns. Ever since the new D Block was introduced, Security has been doing a better job.

  2. So a long while ago I made this unfinished guide for security for the old map. It was something I worked on for a long while, but couldn't get done due to highschool and moving to A1 and Chaos at the time. You can comment and discuss about this guide, but for those looking on tactical guides on Security, this isn't the guide for you, as it's outdated and doesn't follow standards we have today. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day. 😄


  3. Name: Alex B
    Rank & Callsign: SGT, XC5
    Discord: Tavdogg11#8419                                             Divisions:  Military                                                              Activity: Weekends
    Suggestions: None really. I am glad for the R&D changes. Keep up the good work.

  4. On 2/13/2020 at 6:01 AM, starr said:

    I honestly like this,

    Makes so minge ass MTF and hell even CMD actually RP and make a damn deal or raid for an SCP that is ment to be contained 



    If they minge then they get warned or killed by CI

    Surprisely theres people in this server who ACTUALLY want to rp sometimes and it will replace the MTF incapable of so

    It could at the very least be used by CI to switch on and rp or just give something to do


  5. On 2/11/2020 at 8:51 AM, [GL] Dtscalice said:


    I mean MTF get subforums even though it may be for applications or LOA other than that it isnt used that much i feel utility should recieve a subforum

    Not like MTF their three branches are not large and seems to be small compared to MTF. -/+ Support...

  6. 15 hours ago, killermankey said:

    Umm what? from experiance CC/E11 are extremely over powered. just a single one can put down a CI raid whether in lcz hcz or ez. there hp pool is so god damn annoying not to mention the weapons! 

    Also to everyone here apparently zeeptin has said he doesn't give a shit about it being over powered and will not let it get nerfed.

    I've been told this. not heard it first hand

    I don't know on what to say anymore. Whenever this is true or not I cannot say...

  7. 16 minutes ago, Jojo's Reference said:

    In-game name:Giovanni


    Current RP rank in All Divisions (Ex. Senior Medic, Security Officer):Elite Surgeon, E11 VCMDR, Senior Tech, Associate Researcher

    How long have you been a Event Team Member:109 days

    Have you received any strikes (please give reasons if you remember): No

    How much time do you have on the server? (Press F1): 5 Weeks,  1 Day, 21 Hours, and I almost never AFK.

    How well do you know the SCP lore in general?: I believe I have a great understanding of SCP lore, having been reading SCP articles for years, and with my experience on the server, I believe I have at least an 8 or 9 out of 10 in lore knowledge.

    Why do you WANT to become a Senior Event Team Member?:I would like to be a Senior Event Team Member for multiple reasons. Among those is higher freedom, as a senior event team, I gain access to a larger amount of permissions than a regular event team member. These permissions would allow me to do better, bigger events, as I would be able to use more tools in event making, I could make the experience more enjoyable for our players.

    Why should you be trusted to be a Senior Event Team Member?:I am a well trusted member of the community, who has a great lore understanding, and am well liked in the community. I was trusted for Staff of the Month and Senior Moderator for administrative, and have never been striked in Event Team, and have always been above quota, and haven't missed any meetings besides being on LOA. I also prioritize assisting lower rank or less experienced ET to guide them through the basics on events. For other reasons why I should be trusted comes into my RP ranks. I am trusted enough to be the highest non command rank in two utility branches, and have never been striked in either of those, and more importantly, I am the Vice Commander of E11, one of the server's larger branches, with constant people flowing in and out. As a High Command member, I am trusted by Site Admin to do my work correctly.

    Have you mastered ULX?:Yes, I have been using ULX for over 4 years now, holding a variety of staffing positions on a variety of servers.

    Are you experienced with planning Mega Events?:I have assisted with Mega Event planning, but haven't hosted one myself. I have a good grasp on Mega Events however, as I have participated in multiple.

    Give an example of a mega event:My idea for a Mega Event is SCP-2317. 2317 is immensely powerful, needing a specific ritual to be done, or else it will begin breaching. The SCP can cause an XK-Class End Of The World scenario, and it could be used on the server to create a perfect mega event. The foundation would start with having to keep 2317 from breaching, which requires a very precise ritual, and if they fail the ritual, they will need technical and research to create a possible recontainment method or device, which would require cooperation between the two branches to create either a superweapon or a proper containment area. Chaos insurgents would also be under threat, so it would be possible for their R&D to work with research. When they finish, they would need to recontain SCP-2317, which would be a monumental task that would need cooperation from everyone, with MTF & CI having to use Technical, R&D, and Research's containment method to try and save the world from SCP-2317.

    What do you consider to be the best event you have ever created: I believe my best event was an SCP 010 event, as it was an event that had maximum player interaction. The SCP would let you control 6 people if you held it, so in the name of true neutrality, anyone can use the SCP to their advantage. A D class could use the SCP to assist his escape, Chaos Insurgents could use it to help raid, while MTF could use it to counter a raid. This led to a fight for the SCP, and as anyone could use the SCP to their advantage, it was an event anyone could interact with.

    What is your Total Amount of Events according to the "Events Hosted" column on the roster?:25, due to me mostly helping trainees learn event team recently.

    How active can you be:I am extremely active and will be extremely active for a long time.

    + Support

    + Good reputation

    + Great Best Event!

    + A VCMDR for Pete's sake!

    + Good SCP knowledge

    + ULX Master!

    + A great person to talk to.

    + Hella Active

    - CI don't work with foundation, so the Mega Event won't work well with our current rules, but Hoovy may say otherwise, and it does make sense for people to freak out about a world-destroying SCP.

    Nothing else. I wish you luck bro!

  8. 1 hour ago, Bionicle said:


    I made a slight oversight in the post, i dont mind if one or two MTF are guarding, but it crosses the line when the doors are trapped like in the video. I have edited the post acoordingly

    Thank you. Let's find a way to fix this issue rather than argue.

  9. 1 hour ago, Falxen said:

    +/- Support, i think its situational, for event purposes (AKA if used by an ET member) i do believe they should exist, because simply said, they can simplify events a bit. But for general RP (Ex. A1/Nu7/E11 Using them) no, i dont think they should be avaible.

    Seems reasonable.


    Again clarify does not equal "make this a thing," it just means "Please let us know more about how they work so that way we can understand the rules better and not minge."


    Clarify Definition - Make (a statement or situation) less confused and more clearly comprehensible.

  10. 31 minutes ago, enuz | trade.tf said:





    EXAMPLES. This is just going to ruin the relations we have already. Settle this peacefully please.

    I am literally a part of both branches. Let's be civil about this. I am not going to even put out my opinion because of the issues presented in this argument.

  11. On 2/4/2020 at 8:17 PM, [GL] Ace said:

    Ok there is probably a lot of people who do not know this or are misinformed.

    The creator of SCP 173’s picture will not allow his art sculpture to be used for commercial purposes. 

    It does not matter if the job is a leveled job or not, since you can donate to the server that means that the server is used for commercial purposes and therefore can not have 173 on here. 

    We used to have him here, and he was one of the first SCP’s you got access to, not a donator class.

    There has also been multiple suggestions like this one, they have all been denied. Even the one’s that use a different model.


    as fool said, 173 is not coming back. 

    Yeah. While I hate it his fact, unless someone got's a non laggy or buggy swep and a decent model replacement, we are not getting 173 back. Plus the model you showed us is mingy. Sorry guys, but...


  12. 10 hours ago, [GL] Inaccurate said:

    Uhhhhh, def not me

    Actually I'm all for this. As a HCMD myself I have no use for having access to this channel. Maybe give A1 access to all of the other comms, like utility, research if they get theirs, and any others so that they can ask HCMD if they need an escort in those comms and leave A1 comms to site admin and A1

    I will just say that A1 seeing every foundation comms can be very useful for finding people who say A1 or are sharing classified secrets. However, we shouldn't be allowed to use them unless contacting the HCMD or the Head of that certain branch.


    Not going to rate the post itself. Everyone's get a good point to share to this one.

  13. 12 hours ago, Chief_ said:

    1. Not everyone is trained for snipers.

    2. Their arent 24/7 field medics in d-block.

    3. It's hard to shoot you guys when you peek around a small corner in a cell and shoot at us. Also when there are 4 of you on and shoot us from multiple angles and what is technically considered your spawn.

    (BTW this is just explaining the counterparts to your post not trying to start an argument with you just saying what I see from the` security side.

    This is exactly on why D Class shouldn't be SHOOTING FROM SPAWN. This is breaking rules, and I don't believe that this slips by with no issue. Look upon the rules, and see that this is actually rule breaking. As such I give 100% +Support. D Class shouldn't be doing this at all.

  14. 10 hours ago, Gamer6 said:


    +/-support I think the foundation would have cameras but let's say only a certain MTF branch or technicians could actually use this. I have absolutely no idea how you could add this without someone meta gaming

    Yeah. We should also have rules for them. Example being that if you are interrogating a Maynard and you win a roll to check cameras, you can't just assume that Maynard is a spy unless he is working with CI in the SPECIFIED camera you are checking, but he can be tortured, interrogated, and punished heavily.

  15. What you want to see? - Clarification on if cameras exist or not in the foundation that record actions.

    Why should we add it? - It caused issues with interrogation that we had to argue about cameras for a few minutes with Dr Maynard. We need clarification on these to prevent these arguements.

    What are the advantages of having this? - Better time role-playing interrogations, and possible expansion on new roleplay possibilities if cameras are given rules. (Not real ones that record things. That will become an issue for the server stability.

    Who is it mainly for? - Interrogation roleplay, maybe Event Team when it comes to CASSIE.

    Links to any content - N/A

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