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Everything posted by Skela

  1. +Support!!!! I like the new class
  2. NU7-CI For everyone that's reading. CI/Nu7 high command both agreed that instead of nerfing NU7 as a whole, a good middle ground would be balancing the HP/Armor from both sides. NU7 needed a Balancing rework, if we were to continue to hold off on the reworks, SMT would had to take it up on there hands and it would just be a major nerf for all. I believe the update is fair and balance, It's literally just HP/Armor being balanced. Not all updates needs a buff guys.
  3. "Too lazy to explain why - support so don't bother trying to ask me why." Then don't bother making -support about it and expecting some changes, that's a sad excuse coming from a Captain.
  4. Lmaoooo. My honest point of view is +/-. From this clip right here raised suspicion cause clearly he claimed “966” even though there’s no actual reason to call that out. Some may argue that he heard footsteps but you have to keep in mind that he had someone with him. So using that as an excuse to call out thermals isn’t acceptable unless he was by himself and actually heard footsteps. For the other issues I’m unclear for however I would want a command member to talk to their enlisted about thermals rules. If any punishment were to be given, I would personally either give them a verbal as minimum - a strike based on rank.
  5. + Support on everything but this class and the marksman. I personally don’t understand the reason for this class. It’s literally just a weaker Nu7 class that’s j side the facility. When E11 can enter the facility if requested.
  6. This is coming from someone who’s of color and also who handled this situation RP wised: After viewing the clip, it didn’t really showed anything that would’ve hinted towards anything borderline offensive in anyway. While yes the comment he made was highly inappropriate, it doesn’t really issue enough reason to even give him a strike, let alone a whole demotion-blacklisted. However if he was to go above and beyond with the comments and made it sound awfully enough to sound like a COD black ops lobby 12 am, then yeah I would agree. The verbal should be marked imo. Also you should keep in mind that recording on teamspeak is against the rules.
  7. 1. Name of the SCP you would like added: SCP-8286GL 2. Link(s) to player models: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=759700911 <- Place holder for now 3. Link(s) to SWEPs: It’ll have the “CI Assassination knife” 4. How much health/armor do you think it should have? 200 200 5. Why should we add this SCP? This will add another “undercover” class into the server. Once breached, the SCP can hunt for a victim and take his body to use as a disguise. Can remain in the disguised and must convince people that he’s human. If caught doing unusual tasks, he must be brought into interrogation to determine if he’s a human or not. If caught in a disguised, he will be brought back into his containment cell. If caught as an alien, he is kill on sight. (This all can be edited if people have suggestions) 6. Basic summary of the SCP: I don’t really have lore for it, but this SCP is an Alien that disguise itself to whoever he consumes. 7. Extra information: - Can Attack CI and disguised as them - If site admin+ get killed by this SCP, it can disguise itself to any model. - The models will be low ranks of each branch (will add the code) -Doesn’t have to use the wardrobe - Need 4 D-Class to be satisfied
  8. Um... we still have the cans... you can find them at spawns
  9. I remember that video, it was from a seananners video lol
  10. Didn’t I carry you on valorant last night? anyways man we was just talking about this last night! you had such an impact in command and server wise that it can’t go unnoticed! Take care
  11. Skela

    Good Game!

    Put gg's in the chat
  12. Accepted! You have also been accepted to the valorant special forces! Enjoy!
  13. accepted Accepted! Denied: you used emojis
  14. Accepted: please contact skelainhell#0333 for your training
  15. why did I get so many down votes ? Smh you trolls
  16. Greetings Site-50 We have gain more resources with the new site, which result in us getting a third MTF department to move in. {Infomation about this branch will be posted in the google forums link down below.} Myself the "Heretic" will gladly hand out a command rank for anyone who applies, but please fill out the following: Name: Rank: Branch: Steamid: Protection experience: 100+ Word count of why you want to be in this branch: Please use the GoogleForums to apply Beta-1 Applications
  17. Imo idk if medical do this too. But we should have researchers go to medical staff after every test, just to add that to value. Giving dclass a checkup before heading to dblock.
  18. Y’all want a paycheck? All you have to do is ask! ... ... ... SIKE I LIED! Your paycheck, DECLINE! RESPECTFULLY. -support unneeded
  19. Sir yes sir! I’ll change my name to 05-14!!!!
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