Post name: “SCP-280”
1. Name of the SCP you would like added:SCP-280
2. Link(s) to playermodels: {will add the model. The model is currently in the server. ATM not on my pc.}
3. Link(s) to sweps: Fists
4. How much health/armor do you think it should have? 175/150 {Can be edited}
5. Why should we add this SCP? A new way to breach, creating a new interesting SCP, that’ll be fun to play with. This SCP acts as a punishment to not keeping lights on at all time. These SCP will be able to spawn in and cause terror in the facility, if the facility was to have a complete blackout and no technician is doing their job to repairing it. This can also be a great SCP for research to test on, and test different light to see how they react. The way they self breach is if the lights been off for about 5 minutes {May be edited} , and they begin to phase through the door and make their attack.
6. Basic summary of the SCP:
In the event of an SCP-280 attack, all staff are to power on their flashlights and illuminate the subject under attack. No aggressive action is to be taken against SCP-280, and staff are to keep one meter from SCP-280 at all times. Staff should continue to illuminate SCP-280 until it retreats to a sufficient distance to allow the recovery and extraction of the subject of the attack.
Description: SCP-280 is a black human-shaped mass with two large white eyes on the head and two hands with very long and thin fingers. No feet or legs are visible, as the lower portion of the body appears to fade away several centimeters from the ground. SCP-280 appears to be wholly composed of matter that can gain or lose corporeal form. This matter is very black, with only the eyes showing any other color, and when changing to a non-corporeal form, looks much like smoke.
7. Extra information: If you’re interested in this SCP. Please give input and suggestions and I’ll update this post with the changes.