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Everything posted by Skela

  1. how much ci would comment plz commment plz
  2. I don't understand why you say CI command is corrupt. If you truly believe that, gather evidence. My CI command knows how to handle situations, and deal under pressure and have been completely honest and knows the rules pretty damn well. Yes they "talk toxic" but please note, they're all straight to the point about things, and that's what make them so special. But however, CI have been given a bad name due to things like this, and never understand CI side of things. If you have any issues, you can always come to be, I've been doing my job for a year and 6 months as a command member and I can still do them now.
  3. Oh! Other then that, it’s decent, I like the models and the classes, a much needed update
  4. +support to everything but +/- on this, phewww the heavy class gonna deal some insane damage, but it’s a really heavy class
  5. Hi I’m skela im 17 and I ci command if you want a legit one, just ask
  6. Like I said. I'm here to help out problems
  7. Sigh... You know you can talk to A Site Admin about this... Me?
  8. If a post gets put on top of this post, you lose... Tough.
  9. If I don’t reply to your comment within the hour, you guys can spam me with thumbs down
  10. When will I grade, who knows
  11. Skela


    TBH.... you in the islands like omg, I cool and you seem to the best hooper in Asia Tbh.... you cool and bro you smoke that GAS Like omg wanna roll up some times and yo no homo but u beautiful
  12. Skela


    Tbh.... you cute but .... who joe tho!?
  13. Skela


    Tbh u cool and seem chill... I stay seeing you in class and you’re clean...
  14. Skela

    C’ ya nerds

    -support not enough watkin, anyways safe journeys!
  15. we finally got the rest of our guns today
  16. +support! I’m still waiting for the rest my update to load in
  18. That slot will be added whenever we get a DOI!
  19. Name of Job: Same Job Model (Model Paths): models/player/legion/3e_soldier.mdl Job Description: {Same} Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10): Same Job Salary: Same Job HP: Same Job Armor: Same Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models):New model to fit the Tom Clancy Splinter Cell theme, looks cool/Changed weapon based on comfortably, and to kinda nerf the power of the sawedoff. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1142730257&searchtext=3e+ , Need whitelist powers: CI sleuths ,Trap experts, R&D high command/Field agent
  20. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P_lr7Pq36w5kNOgK6e7uOKX7XiCHaeQszCufE3l9pDQ/edit?usp=sharing The purpose of this test was to see if 1032 is able to help predict 169's event, by writing it down on the hour hand.
  21. As expected from a “AHOR”. Your test logs are phenomenal.
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