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Everything posted by Prodcode

  1. Prodcode

    warn appeal

    -Support -Lack of information Need to hear the staff's side Grammar/spelling errors
  2. The warn was not for corruption it was for something else that you said and freeze said don't warn you like a second after i did +Support
  3. The warn was for dissing alex and me and not saying corruption
  4. +support Old warns specially the one from my days as staff, still a minge tho ;)
  5. +support Cool Nice dude Semi Active (Improve activity)
  6. Welcome back dude
  7. What is your ingame name: ProdCode What rank are you in DOC: SNR are you active? Yes/No why: Semi Active, I have been on doc mostly but im getting back into it Why should you stay in DOC: I think I should stay in DOC is because I love doing Prisoner RP and I love to do prisoner transports and have the feeling when i get a criminal out of the city What do you think command should improve on: I think if its possible if we can fix the cams on the control pannel
  8. +support Really nice cool active mature Good luck
  9. Name:prodCode Rank:Para Why you want to stay in ems: because I am now getting back in it and I am enjoying saving the lifes of people Are you in the discord: yes
  10. Prodcode

    Face Reveal

    I'm ProdCode and I will be doing a race reveal so get ready to see this face Lol
  11. I'm saying something too https://gyazo.com/abfa34a32db9767df9329571363020f2
  12. -Support Inactive Never Seen trained Poor Application
  13. What is your in-game name?: ProdCode What is your steam name?: ProdCode What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:451885268 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) no What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) jan 6 2019 What date did you make your forums account? jan 6 2019 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? VIP+ How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 4: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198864036265/screenshot/925960612630863042 Have you donated? 25$ USD What rank are you applying for? Trial mod Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? None Have you read the staff guidelines at ? You will be tested on it: Yes Timezone: EST Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum). I think I should be a T-Mod because I think it could be a good change for me and I have over 3 months on the sever. I am also honest and I will never be byaist during a sit and taking information on stuff that happened. I also think why I should be accepted is because i am on a lot and I am very active. I also check the forms at leave once a day if I can and if i don't I will check it every other day. I also will get on staff when ever no one is on or if they need me on right away. I will also be very nice to my over staff members and higher ups and ask questions when I need to so if someone happens I can just go to them. I can also take all the information when someone takes a sit I will not get distracted and focus on something else I will just lisen to the person that made the ticket and say stuff like Ok,so heres whats going to happen,Do you have video proof or pictures,where did it take place,Sence you made the sit would you like him to get a verbal or a warn. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? What I would do if someone was RDM ed the person who made the ticket is bong first then I would ask them what happen form the beginning to the end. then I would bring the RDMER and if they started to curse at me I would tell them Sir/Miss Please stop doing that and if you don't I will have to warning you for Player diss and I will have to minge you for 299 secs and if they continue to do it. Then if they don't stop I will mute them. Then I will say to them okay lisen if you don't stop I will warn you and minge you. Then I would say to the RDMER k now i'm going to unmute and give you a chance can you tell me what happen form your side. And if they don't stop cursing I will warn them then I will minge them for 299 seconds until I can get a ADMIN+ so he can jail him for 10,000 seconds Thank you for reading my T-Mod application and I hope I impress you and get accepted. Thanks have a good day or night
  14. Name: ProdCode Rank: Para Why do you think you deserve to stay in the Department?: I think I deserve to stay in the department because I am active ingame Any changes you want in EMS?: noo
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