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[GL] Billy

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Posts posted by [GL] Billy

  1. So if you guys don’t know December 6th is in fact my birthday and I pretty much expected a normal day no different than other days, but no, you guys made it way better and made my entire week. The amount of birthday wishes I got were insane and I was literally expecting nothing. That is what I love about this community, you guys are not just a Garry’s mod role play community you guys are like a huge online family to me. There is soooooooo many people I would love to say thanks to for your wishes but there is one person I have in mind... and that is Fame @Fame. This guy has helped me through so much and I appreciate him as a friend and I can’t wait for much more memories to happen together. Like I said there is just too many people to give my thanks to, but anyways I just wanted to say that I really appreciate you guys♥️.

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  2. On 12/2/2018 at 5:11 PM, Fame said:

    ARU was not just added for SMT’s benefit, it was added for the players to enjoy. ARU will not have priority over everything, and ARU is in no way more important than another department. Thank you for keeping your opinion respectful and this will not effect you in the slightest. 

    Thanks for reading!


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  3. 15 minutes ago, cherry force said:


    I've been talking to Korean in the TS recently, as well as just before he left the community when I was still pretty new to GL. I truly believe he is remorseful for his actions, and wants to work hard to regain trust and be a part of the staff team. I think his staff restriction should be lowered IMO, but this is up to feedback and SMT. I think a limited time of restriction would give him a timeline to improve himself on, as a permanent restriction holds no hope of return if not appealed since improvements in demeanor and maturity won't do much for a permanent staff restriction. I think his appeal is sincere and he has put good effort into it, and Korean is serious about becoming an active part of the community.

    Good luck



  4. On 11/25/2018 at 2:24 AM, maral the great said:


    Mature guy 

    active on TeamSpeak

    doesnt minge around or micspam on TeamSpeak 

    overall kade is a mature guy who is active on TeamSpeak and is fit for the job!


  5. 8 hours ago, Teh_Gat said:

    + Support 

    -Active in game

    -Active in TS 

    -Active on forms 

    - Very mature and respectful

     - Low warns

    -Very good app

    Overall you are active and have a good application. I think you would make a great addition to the staff team and I wish you the best of luck.




  6. 3 hours ago, Vikander said:


    Not to be used on real players but NPC.

    Once a while there could be a NPC victim got shot or seriously injured. You can treat for him or even do surgery. If I could do that 10/10


  7. 3 hours ago, PhenixBoy300 said:

    +/- SUPPORT

    -not really active

    +low warns

    +past staff

    +good app

    I think you are a good guy, but your activity in-game needs to improve(I also know I haven't been active, but I am on LOA, so I haven't really been on for about a week, but I saw you on maybe one to three times a week, most likely timezones since I'm EST, other than that, you would be a great addition)


  8. 13 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:


    Not mature. 


    I remember you telling me you only went to the CWRP Staff Interview was so you could just transfer over to PRP. Which honestly makes me feel like you wanted to be staff the "easier" way. 

    During SCP-RP Beta Test you screamed and cussed in OOC about RDM and proceeded to RDM me.


  9. On 11/27/2018 at 4:19 PM, Danny Muller said:

    -Support, Firstly i would like to say something positive, You're a great RPer. Earlier today I had an encounter with you, You were polite and respectful and actually RPed out the situation which a appreciate. However Question 15 is answered incorrectly, The answer should be along the lines of "If someone was RDMing I would bring them to the sit, Once in the sit, if all they were doing is Curing I would gag them if they were doing it verbally however if they were doing though chat I would mute them, Once the cursing was dealt with I would get onto the RDM. As in this scenario, I would only be a trial moderator I would get a higher-up staff member to Minge them for 10,000 seconds due to the MRDM. I would then warn them for "MRDM | Staff Dis (If the cursing was directed to me) | Player Dis (If the cursing was directed to the player)" Then I would put the player down who reported him and continue to take sits." Your other answer to question 14 also has not got much effort put into it, This shows you really don't care. In my opinion, you need to work on your application then come back and apply, Also increase your activity in TeamSpeak and on the forums, Your last post was over 6 months ago. You were active once so just increase that activity once again. Good Luck!

    yea, it i saw little to no effort in the application, and im not even sure there is even 150 words in there, other than that Good Luck!!

    1. What is your in-game name?: Billy

    2. What is your steam name?: [GL] Stupid Commie

    3. What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:197479140

    4. Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, i have been a moderator over here for a little over 1 month and i owned a star wars rp server before coming over here.

    5. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) I have been around for a little over 7 months

    6. What date did you make your forums account? I recently had to make a new forums account, thats why this one is so new.

    7. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Moderator

    8. How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? I have 7 active warns, these are mostly older ones when i first started playing on gaminglight.

    9. Have you donated? yes

    10. What rank are you applying for? Senior Moderator

    11. Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No

    12. Have you read the staff guidelines at

      ? You will be tested on it: Yes and i understand them fully

    13. Timezone: Central Daylight Time

    14. Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): Fame, Joe Mama, Rhenic, Matthew

    15. Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I want to be staff on the server to be a guidance to younger staff members, i want to be a role model for them, without good superiors and good role models, there wont be good staff members, i say this because new staff members will look up to his higher ups and look to them for reassurance.  They will need help in their journey through staff and us, their fellow staff are there to help them with anything, especially their superiors.  I would be there for any staff member no matter the rank to make sure he gets the right assistance and knows fully how or what to do in any situation, i would take time out of my rp time to hop on staff and help out anyone for anything.  I would look over new staff members in sits and note down how they went about the situation and maybe when the time is convenient go to them and talk to them on how to improve and maybe doing this will help solve the situation where everyone is happy, they might have done perfectly well in the sit, its not like they did anything wrong, i would just give them advice on how to improve on the situation next time.  For me, staffing is not about being above normal players or warning players, its about making people happy, when i get done with a sit and i made someone happy or made someones experience on gaminglight more enjoyable it puts a smile on my face, even if im having a bad day.   If a staff member is having a bad day irl i would talk to him and try to brighten it just a little bit, to me...thats why i love being staff on this server, i get called to many sits a day and i just love the player base and everyone in it.  In general, thats why I think i deserve the rank senior mod.

    16. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would jail/tp him to a roof and try to calm everything down, i would than ask him why he was Mass RDMing people, if he continued to curse i would than gag him and warn him for Mass RDM|Staff Diss, than i would explain to him what the punishment is and than get a higher up to minge him for 10,000 seconds.


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