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[GL] Billy

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Posts posted by [GL] Billy

  1. 52 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

    I can't confirm this so i wont -support because of it but i've heard that you've told people to commit suicide in snapchat groups. Not sure if its true though.

    People have tried to say this as well because i heard this rumor, i came to him and asked him if it was true, he said he would never say anything like that, he told me he has suicidal friends in real life and that this was a very serious topic for him.  And unless SMT is in a snapchat group, it is not relevant to gaminglight.

  2. Wow, what a year am I right, about 2 months ago today was my approximate 10 months on gaming light, I just found out that it was 10 months so this is actually crazy, on New Years is also my official 1 year on Gaminglight, I just wanted to say thank you all for making this an amazing year, I have had my ups and downs but for the most part it was an over all great year, I met a bunch of people I would love to keep in my 2019 and here they are listed below!!

    @Spection (sorry for the tag?) but WOW spection, you have gone a long way from being a super admin, you have matured so much and I’m lucky to have you as a friend!!

    @Tom Brown oh Tom where do I start?, you are so funny and just dang goofy at times, I’m glad you are a good friend!!

    @Rhenic oh lord Rhenic, the legendary cheese man, thank you man for being so funny all the time and making me die in my seat?.

    @Tim Brown oh Tim I have no words???!

    @Felix thanks for forcing me to get on togethertube and watch some random guy throw up eating nutella??!

    @BrycE ? when your not flaming me and roasting me you are a really good friend and fellow staff member?.

    @CHIKEN YOU MINGE, no but seriously under all of the hate and anger inside of you, you are a good person and friend?.

    @Voxis I know your still blacklisted but I had to mention you, you were a huge inspiration for me in staff and pushed me to work harder even when I was mentally done, you were a great friend and hopefully you get unbanned?.

    @Logan oh lord, you are a very dear friend to me even though you scream at me every day when your driving home from school?.

    last but not least @Fame oh lord, where do I start, you are one of the closest people to me in this community and it has gone farther than just gaminglight, I’m lucky to have found someone like you, you are such a great friend and person in general, you helped me through so much irl and push me to work harder even though I feel like getting off??


    If if I left out anyone I’m sorry it’s like 1:30 for me and I’m tired??, I love this community and happy New Years to everyone!!!!

    • Like 3
  3. On 12/23/2018 at 7:38 AM, [GL] My Pet named Steve said:

    Honestly, +Support

    This would deffinetley help new staff members learn the basic ropes

    The training and interview would help because T-Mods could act out scenarious with their trainer/interviewer, and then be corrected at the end

    We all make mistakes, and mistakes could be lowered if given help before T-Mods go out to the real field

    Munchies, this is a great idea! 

    -Senior Moderator Steve


    -Senior Moderator Billy

  4. 12 minutes ago, GhostlyNinjaDude said:

    He's not even unbanned from the community though. We shouldn't even bring up him getting another shot at staff if he's still permanently banned from the community. I respect you having your own opinion as well but I just don't believe that he should get staff. SMT and Zeeptin banned him for a reason. I do agree that he should be unbanned and be given a second chance, but staff (if at all possible for him) is a long ways down the road (assuming he does get unbanned)

    Agreed, let’s end this debate?❤️

    • Laughing 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, GhostlyNinjaDude said:

    I agree with Tom. Play Poaching is a serious offense in [GL] and Voxis knew that he shouldn't have done it. I do also agree he should be unban tho.

    As I said you all have your own opinion and I totally respect that, but In the appeal it states he didn’t do the poaching, why would he lie, to me, to fame, to the community that he loves, I know he wouldn’t lie, I just know voxis, he is not stupid, he is one of the smartest people I know, he knows better.  

  6. 15 minutes ago, [GL] Tom said:

    He's be lucky to get unbanned... a 6th month staff restriction seems a bit toooo lenient, in my opinion an unban + perma staff restriction sounds MORE than fair.

    But he discussed in his staff restriction that he wasn’t the one poaching, he didn’t even own the community, yea he made a mistake joining it, but I believe he needs a chance at staff again, other staff members including me looked up to him, he knew how to staff and would be great for the community as staff, that’s my opinion, I’m not trying to shut you down, as you have your opinion as well.

  7. On 12/30/2018 at 4:15 PM, Jeff Junior said:


    -i Think he should get unbanned (BUT)  he should get a perma staff restriction in my oppinion.

    What would a perms staff restriction do?  If he comes back he will be forced to make an oath to never do anything like this again, if anything a 6 month staff restriction should be good.  You know how great of a staff member voxis was, in the time he was banned he has reported many people threatening this community in harmful and negative ways to fame.  Behind the scenes all he wants to do is get his respect back from the community and help us out, which I strongly believe voxis should get staff again, one wrong decision should not define the future of someone, they should learn from it and strive to be better

  8. 8 hours ago, BrycE ? said:


    Everyone makes mistakes (Some make bigger ones than others.) Me and Voxis were like bestfriends before i even had became staff, he used to deal with me and my "minge family" But we became good friends shortly before i got staff, We were extremely close all the way up til early october when we became basically enemies (Pretty sure a lot of you guys have heard about all that beef.) Upon him being banned he contacted me on discord apologizing for all the wrong we had done to each other, neither of us was in the right. I have him on snapchat and i've played fortnite with him a few times and even checked up a few times because of all the stuff i know we are both going through on irl terms (a friendship that has went beyond gaminglight). He has shown great maturity, and it's very obvious that he really misses being apart of this wonderful community. I do agree that his actions were uncalled for, and that shouldn't go unrecognized, SMT can obviously come to an agreement on some type of punishment suitable for his return. Voxis is an amazing person once you get to know him, He is mature (everyone does have their moments) And he also was a really good friend to the community and i believe that after the few months hes been gone, that he deserves another chance.

    Couldn’t have been said even better

  9. 28 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

    I did not see the part where he stated he had permission. I must have missed it (Still can't find it) but I will delete my comment. 

    Yes, without fames permission he wouldnt even be able to post.


  10. 22 hours ago, GhostlyNinjaDude said:

    +/- Support

    -Kinda active

    -Very new to the community and low forums post


    I personally think that you should wait just a little bit longer. Get your forums post up and get to know people a little more as well as improve your activity. 

    -Ghostly ❤️


  11. On 12/26/2018 at 8:05 PM, Tim Brown said:

    + Support 

    Previous Staff Experience 

    Long time member 



    high warns, but hasn’t been warned in a long time 

    Acceptable Application 


    Good Luck!


  12. On 12/25/2018 at 9:13 PM, Timmemes said:

    Huge +Support

    - Mature

    - Great guy

    - Respectable 

    - Well known — command in many departments (some reserves)

    - work on activity tho since you just got back from LOA 

    Good luck yobo!


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