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[GL] Alpha

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Posts posted by [GL] Alpha

  1. 19 hours ago, Hoovy said:


    I've had to blacklist this dude from all of utility. There are only two people blacklisted from all of utility. However, a permanent ban isn't needed. Maybe just like a week one, or something.


  2. Name : Alpha


    Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:158575448


    How old are you? : 13


    Staff Rank (Must be Moderator) : Senior Moderator


    Have you Donated? If so, how much? : Yes 20$


    How long have you been staff? (No Less than 1 month) : More than a month on PRP but i transferred from Clonewars rp and i have been staff for 9 months


    What is your general knowledge on the rules? : I have read all of the rules carefully 


    What can you bring to Event Team? (150 words+) : I can bring activity.  I would also bring creativity. I would help others when i can and also give idea's for events when people dont have much ideas. I also was a game master for 3 months on clone wars rp and i have a good idea how to make events and how to execute  them to be a good and successful event. I did pretty well on my ratings on clone wars when i was a Game master. I would do a lot of role play events and a lot of that because i am very familiar with those types of events. I would also bring loyalty to the event team. I like suggesting ideas people and i can to that here in the event teams and tell others how they can improve on their events. I also take criticism well so when people tell me what i can improve me i stick to that and i make sure i fix it 


    How many warns do you have? (No more than 10) : 0


    Why do you want to join event team? (150 words+) : to explore my imagination making all these creative events. I like helping the server and with this I could help the other Event Team when they need a break. I'm always active so I can host events. I know a lot of Staff and event team  and I see how stressed they are so I like to help out I like to RP so I do not try to avoid RP I always want to be in RP. I feel like if I become a Event teamI'll help out a lot. I like distracting events like if  in a bank event somone does through the front and then the back  that's one of my ideas for the event. I have many more and I like to make them come true. I believe I have a huge imagination and I want all my ideas to come to life and I feel like people will enjoy them. I love PRP so I know how things work how things should play out.  I also love working with others so I can always work well with other event team. That's the reason why. I hope That if i become event team  i will fulfill all of the promises I have made here to day If i am accepted you Will Not Regret It  



  3. 34 minutes ago, steven moat.gg said:

    i did not ask the +spport i asked to put in you reply

    You replied on your application if you read the staff handbook correctly you would know that is a instantly denied 

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