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[GL] Alpha

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Posts posted by [GL] Alpha

  1. In-game Name: Alpha 
    SteamID: STEAM _0:1:15857544 8
    Rank: PFC
    Length of LOA (Provide Dates):  3/30/20 - 4/5/20 
    Reason (If private then put N/A): Taking break from game burnt out

  2. -Support 

    Yes you got me warned but when you stole my car it was in car dealer witch you can’t do  also I respawned my car  right as you adverted witch you should of done before you got in 

    he was changing his voice because the night before he spoke fine then the day after he had a southern accent  trying to hide something 

    Also I trust eternity as he is a experienced staff member 

  3. In-Game Name:  Alpha

    Steam Name:  [GL] Alpha

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:158575448

    Are you a Moderator+? Yes Moderator

    How often are you on TeamSpeak? Every Time i am on team speak usually in fbi channel 

    Do you have a working quality mic? Yes

    What timezone are you in? MST Mountain Standard Time

    Why would you want to join our Support team( 100 words+) I want to join support so i can help out more in team speak. I always have free time in TS so i can use that free time and help new players get the tags that they need. I have always wanted to help out in ts in any way i can and this is my chance to do that by becoming support. If i become support i will always be in ts and even more if i get support because that gives me another thing to do than just talk with people  I will almost always be in TS at-least 5 hours a day. I Would act very professional and always make sure they are satisfied . I can be very useful with giving tags and helping members of this community. I feel like i am a great fit for support a Support team member would let me help others in more ways. I can also be able to interact with the community more and meet some new people on the team.

    How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way? i would make sure every one has the tags they need and that they are satisfied with their time on gaming light and think wow i like this sever. i would respect each and every person i help and people i talk to casually. i would always be on if any help is needed to new players or anyone at all. You can count on me to make the right decisions and be mature. I use to be support I could bring what I use to know to the team. 

    How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our support channels? Hello welcome to gaminglight My name is alpha with gaming light support team how may i assist you today 

    Have you read our rules and do you promise to uphold all those rules to the best of your ability? Yes i have

  4. +Support 

    This Man here is one of the most upfront person i have ever met

    He is Active

    Is always Willing to help

    Yes Fourms activity may be low but i saw he tried to fix it


    Once you get to know him you will understand how much of a nice guy he is


    Always willing to try something new

    Always wanting to learn

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  5. 13 hours ago, Jimmy James said:

    - Support

    You applied for staff on another community one day ago showing you aren't serious about joining the staff team. If SMT or JMT would like proof of this i can provide a link privately but im not putting it on our forums


  6. 49 minutes ago, Cornthecanadian said:


    -Last question is just... completely wrong. First of all, you can't ban as a t-mod. Second of all, you need to warn them before you ban them. Third of all, you need to bring them to a roof and talk to them before doing any of this. Also the brevity of your answer shows a large lack of effort.

    -Pretty high warns.

    -Never having been staff before isn't a reason you should be staff and is obviously just something to add on to the end of your app to make the word count bigger.

    -Several grammatical errors that make this hard to read (please add spaces after a period).

    -Low forums posts (does not meet requirements).

    -Seems like a good guy, have had some good experiences with you and you seem to have a moderately good reputation with other staff members.


    At this time I do not believe that you are ready for staff. I think that you should re-read the staff handbook a few times and put some more effort into your application, then re-apply.

    Good luck!



  7. 4 hours ago, cwinders117 said:

    Major +support 

    +one of the most professional guy I've seen on PD

    -yes not very active in the past but he's getting back into the game now




    most of you guys that call him inactive are inactive yourself (on pd) and should really look at the people that play a lot because there's a lot of good people in the department that need more recognition, like this man

    Not + supporting but most the people who responded are pd command so not inactive 

  8. 21 minutes ago, Ender said:

    Again, - Support

    No effort put into this one.

    Nothing is different, two questions still aren’t there. 

    Poll is incorrect. 

    Application has no effort and was obviously not gone over.

    Name is wrong as well.

    Replied on staff app

  9. 1 minute ago, Sion said:


    Sadly Killer, I thought you were a mature guy. But sadly this changed when you posted a link to a edit of the livestream of the shooting that happened in a Mosque in Australia couple months ago. Even though it wasn't posted on a server that was apart of GL (officaly) it something that shouldn't be accepted by anyone anywhere. 


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