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[GL] Alpha

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Posts posted by [GL] Alpha

  1. +Support 

    This Man here is one of the most upfront person i have ever met

    He is Active

    Is always Willing to help

    Yes Fourms activity may be low but i saw he tried to fix it


    Once you get to know him you will understand how much of a nice guy he is


    Always willing to try something new

    Always wanting to learn

    • Like 1
    • Gaminglight Love 1
  2. Name : Alpha


    Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:158575448


    Staff Rank (Must be Moderator) : Moderator Game theorist said i could apply


    Have you Donated? If so, how much? : Yes 70$


    How long have you been staff? (No Less than 1 month) : More than a month on PRP i was staff for a year before i resigned 


    What is your general knowledge on the rules? : I have read all of the rules carefully 


    What can you bring to Event Team? (150 words+) : I can bring activity.  I would also bring creativity. I would help others when i can and also give idea's for events when people dont have much ideas. I also was a game master for 3 months on clone wars rp and i have a good idea how to make events and how to execute  them to be a good and successful event. I did pretty well on my ratings on clone wars when i was a Game master. I would do a lot of role play events and a lot of that because i am very familiar with those types of events. I would also bring loyalty to the event team. I like suggesting ideas people and i can to that here in the event teams and tell others how they can improve on their events. I also take criticism well so when people tell me what i can improve me i stick to that and i make sure i fix it 


    How many warns do you have? (No more than 10) : 1


    Why do you want to join event team? (150 words+) : to explore my imagination making all these creative events. I like helping the server and with this I could help the other Event Team when they need a break. I'm always active so I can host events. I know a lot of Staff and event team  and I see how stressed they are so I like to help out I like to RP so I do not try to avoid RP I always want to be in RP. I feel like if I become a Event team I'll help out a lot. I like distracting events like if  in a bank event somone does through the front and then the back  that's one of my ideas for the event. I have many more and I like to make them come true. I believe I have a huge imagination and I want all my ideas to come to life and I feel like people will enjoy them. I love PRP so I know how things work how things should play out.  I also love working with others so I can always work well with other event team. That's the reason why. I hope That if i become event team  i will fulfill all of the promises I have made here to day If i am accepted you Will Not Regret It  

  3. In-Game Name: Alpha

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:158575448

    Rank: Deputy Assistant Director 

    Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 4/15/2020- 4/19/2020

    Reason for LOA (if private that is fine):  Going hunting may be shorter it depeneds

  4. In-Game Name: Alpha

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:158575448

    Rank: Pfc

    Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 4/15/2020- 4/19/2020

    Reason for LOA (if private that is fine):  Going hunting may be shorter it depeneds

  5. 8 minutes ago, LuckyGoose said:

    - Support 

    For starters this is a FBI issue and High Command has taken action. Regarding this post there is no reason to ban Derick maybe for a JMT+ to talk to him and suggest you guys stay away from each other. Also please don't bring this drama to the forums call a staff member ingame as they would have said stay away from each other.


  6. 16 minutes ago, Sion said:

    Can I just ask, was he looking backwards while at gunpoint or does he magically have 360° vison?

    The frame showed his back turned but from what I saw through the scene he turned around at one point and saw them 

  7. -Support 

    My Side 

    1st Rico reported you for Failrp You respawned when ems is on Thats failrp witch you would know if you read the MOTD

    2nd rico said he had you under fearrp witch i checked logs when he shot you  when i checked them is showed a picture and i can go frame by frame you were running with guns on you witch is fearrp hence failrp also I did let you explain also I never raised my voice 

  8. 18 hours ago, Burboon boi said:



    +good guy

    -needs more time as SM,you were promoted two weeks ago.

    -you need just more time in the server in general, you have been in PD for less than a month.

    - needs to learn more,again you just need to wait. You need more experience before joining LC and you need experience in LC to judge and help others.

    Applicants must have been their rank for at least 3 weeks if applying for Lieutenant or Captain-application rules and guidlines


  9. 14 hours ago, Phil GSC said:


    • Inactivity/only recently came back, need more time playing on the server/getting to know people
    • 11 warns 4 of which are recent, not too high but not good either
    • Question 16 could be worked on
    • can come across as mingy/unprofessional imo
    • the reason as to why you aren't staff anymore, I'm sorry but your actions as a tmod on scprp whilst in the past still reflect how you are as a staff member and the biggest question how can smt/community trust you after you gave yourself a whitelist to a job you which was why you were reemoved from staff


  10. On 4/9/2020 at 3:29 AM, ~ vσxιs ~ said:


    I've been here since 2018 and this has been a rule that I have seen and enforced myself many of times. It's definitely there. Also, a strike or demotion is pretty harsh especially for what is basically a false warn appeal. 


  11. 2 hours ago, Hoi_HavoC said:


    • Smart guy
    • Reliable
    • Great Admin already
    • Loyal to GL community and to helping players in general.
    • Does his job WELL right now.
    • Mature
    • Will listen to both sides of the story
    • Collects his evidence as needed, is level headed and as chill as a cucumber. 🥒
    • Deserves it.


    Good Luck, Lucky! You deserve it! 



  12. 5 minutes ago, Sion said:


    Admins can only warn off duty, they aren't allowed to use other powers such as physgun and other ULX commands. Video shows Zerg abusing his power and threatening Hau, this isn't acceptable behaviour from a admin.


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