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Posts posted by Maloney

  1. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : 501st CSM H Maloney 3294

    2. What Regiment are you applying for? I am putting forth this application for the purpose of achieving a position within the 501st. 

    3. Why do you want to become commander of this branch? The reason I wish to become BXO of the 501st is due to the fact that I feel like I may be able to fill that seat with the experience I've gained from CloneWarsRP. I also want to achieve this position because I wish to propel the 501st forward into a thriving regiment, containing skilled individuals that will get the job done with minimal complaints. 

    4. How much game time do you have on the server? I currently possess a total of 3 weeks.(All of which have been obtained via CloneWarsRP)

    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The main purpose of a commander is to weld his/her regiment together to form a brotherly bond that will last the duration of a lifetime. In doing this, the commander must lead by example showing that they have also achieved, and done this before. Not to mention a commander must be willing to uphold his/her troops to his/her standards with the hope and possibility of the troops meeting the standards. The commander must also set the standards and be willing to help and teach the troops what must be taught to achieve the mission at hand. Whether it be through the troops own actions, or the commanders teachings, lessons must be learned. Through these lessons the commander can help build the character of his/her troops to become what is expected of them. And that is to complete the mission with maximum efficiency and little to no casualties. It is the commander whom shapes the battalion in what it becomes. And though the responsibility high, its minuscule to the outcome of what he/she wished for. 

    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : You should trust me because I've had a substantial amount of experience with being BCO, and BXO on CloneWarsRP. I also currently hold trust with many individuals that were above, and below me. Even after my resignation from ARC BCO. Another reason you should trust me is because I will carry out my orders provided from the officers appointed over me. I will not defect from my superiors, and will follow the orders to the nail. But, though my loyalty strong, I have enough sense to know which orders to defy. If the orders contain any objection to the current Gold, Silver, and or Bronze rule, I will defect from that order and attempt to establish a hopefully more efficient one. Through and through my loyalties lay with the Grand Moff, and my superiors. But they also lay with the current rules that have been cemented within my code of conduct.

    7. How often can you be Online? : Almost everyday(Aside for some weekends due to custody agreement)

    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : I possess only one warning. That warning was due sadly to the fact of low experience, and a staff official ordering to kill another clone due to the clone not leaving after OOC orders from the staff. (That staff official has since then been removed)

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