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{GL} Theman

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Everything posted by {GL} Theman

  1. It was nice knowing you, I hope that you pass enlistment. You will be missed. Good luck in football!
  2. +Support. I need the point Swep and the Salute... I need it...
  3. R&D? you better do something ASAP about my SALUTE! and point swep good job...
  4. Name: Theman Rank: JBM Callsign JMB01 Steam Name: (GL) Theman Discord ID: Theman#1739
  5. {GL} Theman

    Skela LOA

    enjoy your leave. take it easy~Theman
  6. Thank you Kade, big honour. I wont let you down.
  7. Name: Theman Rank: Head Of Research Time (please specify): I dont really know. Possibly summer. Reason (if private write N/A): N/A
  8. Theman’s Event Team Application Name: Theman SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/765611984079463963 What is your ULX Rank?: Member How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): I would say that I am a 7-8, I know mainly the ones that Gaminglight has to offer on the server. Do you have any experience as a GM or event planner in the past (if so, explain): No I have not, this opportunity would be a first, if I get it. How active are you?: I am very Active on weekends, but i am barely ever on weekdays due to school. How many warns do you have?: I have 3 warns. Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: The reason why I would like to join the event team, is because I think that I could be a great addition to the team. I feel as if the event team and Gaminglight community could use my ideas, and advice. I would be a great addition as well because I am very experienced with flying with WAC. I have plenty of cool and enjoyable ideas, that the server would enjoy. I also would like this position, because there is a need for new ideas that the event team could use. This role would be a first for me, I have never have a role like this before, and would help me get better knowledge for administrative roles. To me I just want to make Gaminglight an even better server. In all I do hope that I do receive this role, and if i do get it, than I will not minge or disobey an rules, as well as helping make this server better. Describe an event you would create (The more specific, the better): An event that I would do is: MTF Betrays The Foundation Chaos Insurgencies Role: The Chaos Insurgency would raid and find documents saying that the 05 Counsel wants to take out the Nu-7 Commander. Then CI take the highest ranking MTF Nu-7 member back to their base and shows it to the MTF member. The member than calls for their MTF unit to go into a warehouse in the town, and they attempt to raid the foundation. In the process they turn the power off and a mass breach happens. On that day, the 05 member known as "The Cardinal", is visiting Site-[[REDACTED]], the CI and MTF members would then proceed to take this 05 member (05-7), and extract him back to CI base by helicopter and interrogate him, only Command will be there. Once any information the 05 gives to the CI, they will take him to a safe location. When the Insurgents turned the power off, 682, 939, 939-02, and any other SCP will be let out, causing a mass breach. When 682 goes on the surface CI and MTF who can fly helicopters will then proceed to lower 682’s hp so that a MTF ground unit can Tranq him, and contain him. After that defcon 1 will activate and the nuke will be set off. After the nuke, the event will end. What is your favorite SCP?Why?: My favorite SCP as of right now is probably 939. I say 939, because i watch SCP Illustrated and I really liked his series on 939. It had changed my opinion on that SCP. Thank you to those who support me, and If I do get accepted, then a huge thank you to the person/people who accepted me in.
  9. I feel as if we should just change the weapons to FAS2 and the other one in military RP. I think is something called CW 2.0. Anyway we should change it.
  10. Name: Theman Rank: R&D AHOR Callsign: H03 Activity: Weekends, and some weekdays
  11. R&D Level 1 Clearance Required to View Beyond this Point ( Assistant Researcher+ ) Confirming Clearance Level. . . Access Granted Welcome Supervisor Theman File Number: 56-999-1 Lead Researcher: Supervisor Theman SR02 Assisting Personnel: N/A Test Subject: SCP-999 Subjects Involved: Bucket of water Test Name: Consumables Test Hypothesis: SCP-999 is NOT going to be upset when consuming water. Observation: A bucket of water was placed in the testing chamber, with SCP-999. When approaching the bucket of water, SCP-999 was happy as normal. SCP-999 drank the water that was in the bucket. After drinking the water, SCP-999 became really happy and hyper, then it proceeded to run around the room, about 3 minutes later, SCP-999 calmed down and proceeded to exit the room. Conclusion: SCP-999 can consume water stating my theory as before correct, it was very hyper though and should be used only when our men need a big morale boost. Additional Information: N/A -----------------------------------------------
  12. File Number: 5743 Lead Researcher: CI R&D SP Theman Assisting Personnel: CI SGT Lie XR10, as a guard. Test Subject: SCP-066 Subjects Involved: Watermelon Test Name: Consumables Test Hypothesis: Before the test began, I thought that SCP-066 was going to express EXTREME hostilities to me and those around me. Observation: When SCP-066 was put in a room with the watermelon, SCP-066 consumed the watermelon, immediately , SCP-066 started singing a happy song and being really hyper. After 5 minutes SCP-066 had went back to its normal state and walked out of the building and was later located in the town by the bar. Conclusion: SCP-066 is really happy and exited when having consumed a watermelon. Additional Information: Further test should be conducted, to see what SCP-066 is capable of consuming.
  13. nope that was you and i was hilarious. thx ham.
  14. Name: Theman Rank: Researcher Callsign: R04 Reason I should Stay: I have no other group, and it's fun being in the CI. Concerns: N/A
  15. Hey October, i was wondering if you could put me as weekends only starting January 7th. I'm asking this because i go back to school next week and i will not be on as much as I usually am. Thanks in advance, Theman In-game name: CI CPL Theman XA9
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