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Everything posted by PhenixBoy300

  2. I agree with that, maybe add a cosmetics menu to customise your character a bit
  3. No, not really, thats what sucks, and the current market is kind of broke, at least 5 people have 100 mil, and almost everyone has 1 mil, so this isnt really needed
  4. Well, for those of you that dont know, im back, and if you don't know who I am, that's fine, just know im an old member from back on late 2018
  5. Dont PM him, he is sweedish ; )
  6. Make it so only dispatch SGT or MSGT+ with no dispatch on can use it, so more people will apply for dispatch
  7. Also, with the new patty wagon, people will be grindimg A LOT to get the 1 billion dollars required to buy it
  8. Or "Must be wanted to steal a cop car(ONLY PD CARS CAN BE STOLEN)"
  9. -support, meh is a minge, jk, +support, good luck buddy : )
  10. That's not what I said, what I said is he can't shoot him for having a gun out, he should have called for backup and waited until the suspect was under FearRP to cuff him
  11. @RoninUr side REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  12. -support Doesn't show any actual proof of me minging MY SIDE: I got a report of you RDAing someone, I took him to a sit and then he said you killed him then arrested him, I checked logs and saw it was you, I brought you to the sit and asked why you killed and cuffed him, you said he had a gun out, you asked over radio if you should kill him for not dropping the gun, which he WASN'T under FearRP since it was one gun to one, you then killed him, called EMS and cuffed him, so it wasn't RDA but it was RDM, I then checked your time (you have 2 days so you should have known not to that) and also saw you had a few warns, so I warned you for RDM, then TPed you AND the cuffed guy to the jail for a faster arrest. Also, I think you left out the part where you were saying stuff like "This is fucking bullshit" and things like that.
  13. +support Looks neet Our current one is outdated You may have to pay to get it added though hannah
  14. +/- support Activity could be better (then again I'm EST and your CT) Have some good things said about you Have some bad reports, idk if they are real or no
  15. Well, EMS is a neuteral faction like trick drivers, so you can't take their cars.
  16. This isn't so much of a staff report as a ban appeal
  17. Thanks, and quick note, I may be on for a few hours tommorow, because we are tecnically coming home every night, so I may be on tommorow, and if I am, I'll try to make the meeting
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