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Everything posted by CrimzonEmpire

  1. Funny how all of you are saying We need command - I find this funny as your command is also applying - Seems to me like a plug to shift attention away from his Application when the same situation can be said for you so that you guy's can Gain Ground. And last I checked why the hell are other applicants Voting on other applicants pages That's an obvious flaw Other applicants shouldn't be able to Post on others nor should you be allowed to up or down vote... NTF Master Sentinel - Crimzon
  2. This happens all the time with president assassinations epiloe will come up with different names tomato king and a umc and they changes there name right before they advert to all one family very annoying
  3. I'm Asking the stats not to fix the bug
  4. So To start off my cmenu is broken ibd tried everything to fix it it’s TFA’s fault but anyways I want to know the Honeybadger stats as I can’t see weapon damage anymore
  5. Someone told me it crashes the server so its getting removed
  6. This is partly a question but the MOTD now states NVG’s are in F4 menu but for NTF they aren’t in any of the sub menus so have they been added yet or is this not in yet for NTF
  7. Your In-game: Crimzon Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:150884472 The admin's name in-game: my First warn - King Omega, My second warn - Pull The admin's steam name (If you know it): Both Unknown What warning did you receive: My first warning was for Fail RP My second Warn was for Failbase - killbox Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): Attached Why do you think this warn was false: My first Two were false But I never had recording software, then to prove it so I could Tell the story of my First warn being Fail RP. The guy tried to murder me in public/My gun store so my guard killed him Admin Straight Warned me without a sit or listening to my story. He even Said it was negligence on his part but It was denied. Second Warn was for a Killbox that never existed, they raided the presidents base without advert. Admin had an Aggressive attitude and was part of the UMC Family back then. I felt bias to his family. But Enough ranting this is an old Warn appeal Thank you for your time: Crimzon
  8. Name and Callsign on roster: SAIC CrimzonEmpire SAF19 Your activity: Retiring Why we should keep you as a SAIC (50+ words): I'm gonna be retiring so Not much to say 3 Things you should be doing as a SAIC (20+ words): Simple you're the supervisory command Keep Lower ranks in line - Assist Command in training etc Yada yada I love you guys but my duties in SS overtake my time
  9. I love how my comment was singled out and not the main Speak. was mentioned ?? But eh I digress I’ll just not talk because how far does one opinion Get anything? I’m just mad so I’ll refrain from further
  10. Partly can be a suggestion and a general demand in sense
  11. What the fuk You serious what right do they have ? here say claim? I’d like to know
  12. This is what I’ve been saying to people in the Game. The server has gotten mingey in the past two months people are abusing the system we can’t keep giving slaps on the wrist for minge and Staff disrespect and I’m not saying the hey F you kind of disrespect but the bruh I don’t give a shit kind. especially for a few days ago someone was RDMing in parking lot disrespecting staff and placed a base in the middle of the parking spots so no one could spawn vehicles. I reported him twice, staff verbal warned him and he just basically said fuck You and continued doing it. So I got him into a sit and boom another verbal warning after he fears RP-Ed me and Blatantly revenged RDMed me on video. when I went to get it he killed me in a sit and finally got minged for 5 minutes only 5 this should have been stopped earlier by stricter rules given that it is up to the admin I won’t name but I don’t think he should of just verbal warned
  13. Yet everyone does this eveyone makes fading door shooting windows ive never seen one person warned or told it’s not allowed but who knows a lot of the time it feels admins make up their own opinions in rules
  14. I don’t know how I feel about discord’s being taken over by SMT its an outside from gaming light official especially kicking Blacklisted members who are friends of others from private discord’s if this is true? I don’t know but I do know SMT Is demanding ownership of our discord’s far only as I know it’s the branches not Family’s which isn’t a problem to me since it’s partly Attached to Gaming light
  15. This role call is for everyone, R&D and the militarized forces. If you're spec ops don't reply because that's a private matter. Respond using this format: Name: Crimzon Rank: LCPL Callsign: XA16 Reason I should stay: Valuable Infiltrator and heavy - offers leadership and combative skills Concerns: NA
  16. Did we seriously just loose Directors back to back weekly
  17. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=812610473&searchtext=Police These look pretty much like ours but more HD
  18. I don't find that to be entirely True at all CC's are a pain unless you are ARU we are talking here about SS its a vehicle we wouldn't get an offensive Advantages my questing is are you saying for balance so it stays easy to kill the president? he's the president of the united states it shouldn't be easy as 1 2 3 shots vehicle is down
  19. Why is everything Crim advantage? to you Val This would make it Fair so we don't lose a vehicle in 2 shots What's your goal?
  20. Yeah, we are. So how does that make it Unfair that we don't want it to be unrealistic-ly two shotted not everything is outrageously OP and needs in return a criminal buff
  21. if you have a problem with a Vehicle Fix then I don't know what to say VAl we aren't asking to BUFF our Characters maybe you shoot the limo and watch it explode in two shots - sass enough to see where we are coming from it would not make us anymore OP as you say
  22. Then are equal no. most people who attack the president are CC's and I know that for a fact Plus the UMP 45 isn't all that great compared to an SG or AK. Can't tell me Having a Vehicle that can't fight back stronger in a health base is op meanwhile (cough) Family CC's raid with Negevs and AWS's. My main point here is that it doesn't matter about SS themselves but the Vehicle not being able to take bullets at all
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