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Sauce Chef

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Everything posted by Sauce Chef

  1. + Huge Support SF could use some changes, and I believe these are some of the changes they need most of all. - It would assist in balancing the ships so lower ranks don't have access to certain ships they should not - Ever since the Naval / SF merger we've been looking for ways to increase our connections and relations and I believe giving them a Naval Suit to use to assist in certain roleplay aspects would be a huge help in creating those roleplay situations, while keeping them separate with their own suit models. - I am not one for combat on the server but from the way it has been described to me is that the health, and armor changes would decrease over all it would make sense in the terms of the server for roleplay and highlight SF's job in the air.
  2. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) Sauce 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Naval 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I wish to 4. How much game time do you have on the server? At the time of Writing 500 Hours 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? As I progressed through the ranks of the Navy, I gained a deep understanding of the complexities and importance of effective leadership in a branch office. The position of Vice Admiral is an integral part of the chain of command and serves as a critical head of authority underneath the Admiral, but working above the Senior officer core. I believe that I have the necessary skills, experience, and qualities to succeed as Vice Admiral and aim to make a significant contribution to the success and growth of Navy. First, I have a strong and detailed background in the Navy, effective leadership, and a thorough understanding of the expectations and responsibilities associated with the role of Vice Admiral. I had already reached the rank of Admiral once, many months ago but unfortunately had to resign due to real life issues and situations overtaking the server. I left with a promise to return one day, and seek out my home in Navy and continue to do the diligent work I have done in the past. I was a respected member (I hope) of the server, and Navy bringing a wealth of experience and knowledge to this position. In addition, I have demonstrated the ability to effectively lead, manage sub branches, create documents, ensure that goals and objectives are achieved, and give meaningful contributions to Navy, not just based on what I feel is the best course of action but what Navy as a whole would like to see. Second, I am passionate about the future of the Navy and want nothing more than to see it bloom and succeed into the battalion I know it can be. As a vice admiral, I would have the opportunity to work closely with the Senior Officers, the other Vice Admiral, the Admiral, and Naval High Command to create and implement strategies to help the branch, and its sub-branches reach their fullest potential (Meaning Navy, Security Officers, Starfighters, and ISB). I believe my skills and experience make me uniquely qualified to assist Navy in these important next steps, as a former Security Director, Starfighter NCO and over a year ago I was the ISB Director on another (now shut down) server. Finally, I believe I have the personality traits necessary to succeed in this role. I am a strong communicator, not only with my voice but also with how I phrase things in documents, over text, and in meetings. I am also able to work effectively with individuals at all levels of the organization. I believe this is the sole way of succeeding as a battalion, you must care for and listen to everyone in your battalion whether you like it or not. If an enlisted has an idea for change it is tremendously important to allow them to voice that idea and take it seriously, the same way you would for an officer, or even another command member. This also includes more than just ideas, and in game situations, as a command member it is important you actually take the time to get to know the people in your battalion, I hate this phrase but you need to make you personnel feel as if they are apart of a family, being active in game AND discord, asking them about how their day is going, talking to them about interest, reassuring those going through hard times. If all you can do is make documents and yell, you have no place as a command member, because you MUST care for your personnel ALWAYS. I am also a strategic thinker or problem solver, I am able to identify opportunities/challenges and create effective plans to address them. I am committed to excellence in everything I do and believe I can help set high standards for the entire branch, as we state in our SOP and tryouts, we are the most important battalion on the ISD and must act like it. Additionally, Navy has changed a lot since my retirement, we now have 2 sister branches that work directly with Naval. ISB and the Starfighter core. Even though they may have their own ranking structure and members it is only fair to state I wish to see them thrive and do just as well as Navy can, I will put forth all of the skills I have stated in this question and the next to make sure that not only Naval, but ISB, SO, and SF will all achieve greatness. I am not biased and will treat them with the same level of care and dignity I would as the main members of Navy. Overall, I am deeply committed to Naval's success and believe I can make a significant contribution in the position of Vice Admiral. My experience in effective command, my passion for the future of Navy, and my qualities that I have spoken about and demonstrated make me well suited for this position. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? I believe that trust is important in all leadership positions and the command members are no exception. As a potential Navy Vice Admiral, I understand that trust is earned, not given, and I am committed to demonstrating that I am worthy of this trust through my actions, words, and past experience. First, I have a proven record of integrity, and trustworthiness. During my time on the server, I have consistently demonstrated my commitment to server rules AND Naval rules I have never been involved in any events that questioned my character or intentions, no warnings, strikes, removals, or even failure to hit quota. I always prioritize my responsibilities, and accountability which is why I strive to demonstrate these qualities. I firmly believe if you are going to be in a position regardless of experience, and staff/roleplay rank you should always do what is expected of you. This is why I have never proven that I am not trustworthy because I truly believe that is the most important thing you can do. Second, I fully understand the responsibilities and expectations set before me as a command member. I have progressed through the ranks of Naval, and have developed a keen awareness of the challenges and complexities that come with the position of command and its ever-changing environment. I have also perfected my skills in decision-making, communication and all other aspects of the position (documents, the rosters, meetings, etc.). I am sure that I have the necessary skills for effective management as I also firmly believe in leading by example. As a command member, I understand that my actions and behavior set the tone for the entire branch. I vow that I will always act with the utmost professionalism and integrity and set the same high standards for all members of the branch. All of the things previously stated I learned as I ranked all the way up to Admiral Antonio Motti (Senior Commander equivalent at the time) this was no easy feat, and isn't handed out to just anyone I HAD to demonstrate the trust I wish to earn, along with all the thing I have previously stated/claimed I have only grown as a person since my retirement months ago, and I believe if you trusted me then, you will not be shocked to find I am just as trustworthy and effective now. In short, with my extensive experience and ranks achieved, strong leadership skills, and commitment and drive to see Naval, SF, ISB as the biggest battalions on the server, I am confident that I can positively impact the industry and contribute to its continued growth and success. 7. How often can you be Online? I am online for roughly 3-5 Hours,4-5 days a week, and active on discord nearly 24/7. 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) No. Thank you for taking the time to read this application, I apologize if It is overboard I will be using it for an assignment in my creative writing class lol. Have a great day!
  3. +Support I haven't been out of reserves for long but in the time I've been on the server I have had the pleasure of interacting with Mark. Based on my interactions with him and this application I can firmly say he would be a great Senior Admin the staff team shouldn't miss out on. Best of luck!
  4. - Support (For now) You're a great guy and a dedicated player but this application doesn't reflect that currently. Minimum effort has been put into this app which does not look good, and the answers as short as they are bland. But I'm sure if you beef up this app and really show how great of a player you are I'll change this to a +support. Good luck!
  5. @Frogomg frog hi i missed you
  6. Hello everyone, Sauce AKA Admiral Antonio Motti here, just wanted to let everyone know I will be stepping down from my command posistion in Naval for the time being. My real life obligations have called my name and sadly I cant balance IRL with gaminglight right now. Im not going to make this sappy and list people to thank because I will be back just give it a couple months. Thank you all for the great time Ive had on GL for the past 5 months.
  7. +Support Afterthe -Supports it seems he has gone back and edited his app, though it may not still be the best going back to improve on it when he realized it was up to standard shows he truly wants this posistion. Good Luck on Trial mod!
  8. Denied Please wait 1 week before re applying
  9. Accepted! Please speak to the Security Director for Training!
  10. Denied Please wait 1 week before re applying
  11. Accepted! Please speak to an Admiral for Training!
  12. Denied Please wait 1 week before re applying
  13. Accepted! Please speak to an Admiral for training and whitelist!
  14. +Support Snubster is the voice of 501st, he understands what it means to be a 501st member, I've seen his leadership skills first hand and they are phenomenal. His app is a little short but taking that into consideration a long with all the potential he has shown I'm sure he'd make a create Vice Commander.
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