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Posts posted by Blackbeard

  1. The Final Goodbye to SCPRP.


    To start off, I had an absolute blast meeting all of you throughout the years since late 2018, the start of SCPRP. Unfortunately the time has come for I, myself to step down one last , and final time from this community. Moving forward with life, I’ll always look back and be fond of the countless hours, days, weeks, months, and years I spent here on this server. I’ve always tried to be a pillar here as someone that people can rely on to talk to, and to get shit done for the server, and I’d like to think I did a fairly good job with that. However, I think it's finally time I conclude this chapter in my life for good, departing from my positions at GL, and retiring from Gmod as a game in whole (potentially, we all get dragged back in somehow.). 


    Before I depart, and say my final goodbyes, I’d like to mention a few people who’ve made a impact on me from the time I came out of retirement for a 3rd time middle of last year. You guys are always awesome to speak to, play with, and just all around good people, you’re all the reason I kept coming back, and for that, I thank you all.


    Curtis- We’ve always been close friends, and always will be. I’m happy you took the mantle of Manager, no one in our current player base could do what your doing. I thank you for all those sleepless nights you stayed up for the server coding with Zeeptin, trying to improve the server and give the server fresh new updates to keep us all entertained. You stepped up when no one else could’ve taken the mantle, and for that thank you, and sorry I'm departing from the amazing team we have here at GamingLight. We’ll keep in touch schmookums.


    Zeeptin- I should start off with saying that I didn’t always agree with your judgment and your calls with things, however that won’t stop me from giving the respect you do indeed deserve for what you’ve done for me, as well as for the server. I’ve said it past resignations, and I’ll say it again, I appreciate the hard work you’ve done to try to make the servers better, as well as all the interactions we had, I never once thought I’d have interacted with you as much as I have in the past few months. Some we’re pleasant, others we’re just calling out on my fuck ups that we’re on me, besides that, best of luck continuing on Gaminglight. I know you and your team will continue to uphold the servers.


    Saint- Maybe one of the closest friends I’ve made on gaminglight, I don’t often allow people from online to come into my personal life, but you my friend are one of them. Nothing but genuine good vibes and times with you, we’ll keep in touch, so this isn’t really a goodbye message, just figured you’d like to mentioned.


    Fool- We’ve been through the ups and downs of this server for a very long time, one of the longest running players on the server we have still. Even with people disliking your way of thinking and the way you went about things, you we’re always real as fuck and didn’t care if it looked bad on paper. For that you’ll always have my respect for what you’ve done as a player here, as well as a friend. We’ll keep in touch as always.


    Goat- Best side admin duo this servers ever seen. Even if it was for like 2 months or some shit lmao, either or still love you pookie, we’ll talk again soon.


    Weiss- I gotta say it, you are by far one of my favorite SMT that I’ve ever gotten the pleasure to work with. Someday I’d like to get to know you a bit better, you’ve always been a little bit of a mystery to me, but nonetheless I have an unwavering amount of respect for you brother. See you around sometime I hope WEES.


    Pillar- My 2nd favorite HOS right after Th3, please do continue to ping me with your random memes! And give Ruby some butt pats for me. ❤️


    To keep this from going on longer, to my fellow Site Admin, Bucket, Blackout, Purp, Stolas and Fool, It was an absolute pleasure to work with you all, Bucket it was a pleasure to get to know you a lot better as a person, ur a insanely good dude, don’t ever change. As for Blackout and Purp, keep busting ass wherever you go in life, you guys we’re phenomenal SA members for our time.


    HICOM Team, amazing job all around, it was a pleasure to work with you all, and one last thing, Congratulations to Commander Shadow, I’m glad to see I could finally make it happen for you. I wish you luck wherever you move onto.


    And thats all she wrote Gaminglight Family, take care.


    O5-6 “The American” | Blackbeard

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  2. Name - Blackbeard 

    Steam ID - STEAM_0:0:61936022

    Discord Name - Blackbeard#5301

    Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security)  - Security Private.

    List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, etc) - N/A

    Why do you want to join Delta-5? I wish to get back into the flow of things and get back into RP, I've been the commander of every single MTF branch, as well as the DoTF twice.

    Why should we let you into Delta-5? (50+ words) Due to my prior experience and how long I've been on the server, I feel as if I'd be a pretty good fit for D-5. I know almost all of the SCP recontainment guideline rules as well as majority of the server rules like the back of my hand. I have over 10 weeks played on the server and 10 of those weeks were spent all on MTF. 

    Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values? - Absolutely.

  3. 3 hours ago, Skela said:

    +Support. As it brings shame for me to say this, however my prospective towards rang shifted based on recent actions, such as his lack of interaction towards the server/community and putting in more time for his circle. I like Rang as a person, however as a manager, it’s questionable.

    It's about time this was sadly addressed. Before I left I had a bit of a bad feeling and I'm glad someone spoke up and reported this. This is no hate towards rang, but im glad to see the community knows when something is wrong.

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  4. It's been one hell of a road for you bread, and I'm happy for you that you went through with this. So much time and effort you put here and it left such a huge impact. Thank you bread for everything you did buddy, now come and enjoy retirement like some of the OG cool kids 😎🙏

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