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Posts posted by LiveBait

  1. Not an epic gamer moment,

    ghostly since I was a trooper I have looked up to you it has been well over two years of serving with you, I just want to say thanking for teaching me the ways of a state troopers 

    cya around on patrol

    Trooper LT Livebait

  2. Hello all,

    (Just to clarify my final day will be at the meeting as C.E.R.T commander)

    I joined C.E.R.T back in early 2018 and worked my way up to commander and it was a big ride but I enjoyed it thank you to the past and present members of C.E.R.T I couldn't have asked for a better TAC department. It has been an amazing ride but after a year I am leaving this department and I hope that all present members of C.E.R.T do well and rank up. 

    Bobby-You were a mentor to me thank you for giving me an opportunity in state I couldn't have done it without you 

    Jacklancer- You have been there since the start of my Commander days and I thank you for sticking around in the department and I wish you all the best

    Alistair-You were like a prodigy of mine and I thank you for everything you have done and going to do for the department

    North- Thank you for sticking around in this department and I know things were not smooth with the department but I thank you for sticking around 

    Kia- You were one of the best men I could have asked for and I thank you for being a good asset to the team

    Crease-You were one of the first people I recruited and I thank you for sticking around for so long and thank you for being useful to the department and me 

    papa- Thankyou for sticking around for a very long time I couldn't have done many things without you and I thankyou for your service 

    To all C.E.R.T

    Thank you everyone for being in the department and I wish you all the best in the future  and good luck with all the activity and training.

    Thank you for being apart of this amazing depart and than you for sticking around with my BS


  3. Dear emmu

    Thankyou for your hard work and effort you have put into state you will be missed by all, your work has impacted state is so many ways it will benefit this depart for a very long time, you will not be forgotten any time soon 

    thankyou for your service

    ~CPT Livebait

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  4. Name:Livebait

    Rank: SPMU Trooper

    How active are you in SPMU? (Semi-Active/Active/Inactive):Active

    What do you want to see change within the department?:N/A

    What do you think command can improve on?N/A

    Is there anything you think command should know about yourself?:nope 

    Signature: X_______________________

  5. s DOC Now has a new Warden I would like to start off my leadership with a roll-call due to the number of Inactives. Even though DOC is at a hold, for now, I would like to prepare for when we are back in action, therefore we need to start with cleaning our roster. Please reply below.

    Name: Livebait

    Rank: SGT 


    What would you like to see DOC improve on for the future of the department: Activity and more rp

    What are your overall suggestions for DOC: none 

    Signature:  Livebait



    Please respond accordingly.

    1. What is your in-game name?: Livebait 

    2. What is your steam name?: Livebait 

    3. What is your steam ID?:STEAM_0:215929445

    4. Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes i used to be Super admin on a  dark rp server called Apex gaming  i worked may way thre T-mod all they way up the ranks

    5. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) I first joined THE COMMUNITY June 7 2018

    6. What date did you make your forums account? June 7 2018

    7. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? User 

    8. How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? None My steam screenshot does not work 

    9. Have you donated? No 

    10. What rank are you applying for? T-MOD 

    11. Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No i am not 

    12. Have you read the staff guidelines at

      ? You will be tested on it: Yes

    13. Timezone: AEST 

    14. Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): N/A

    15. Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) The reason I deserve trial moderator is because I have seen Staff on the server and I believe I can help out with fixing the ratio and I want to provide and assistance needed within staff I am always on the server and as staff I am willing to get one staff when needed to be on staff I know how to be efficient on staff and I will always listen to my higher ups in staff and I am willing to keep the minges away from ruining the rp for everyone else  I believe I deserve trial moderator  because I am on late when most staff members are off sleeping  and doing IRL things I will promise to fix the ratio when I am  on  the server At that time and I will make sure I deal with the minges  even if there  may be 25 to 15 people on it is still great if there is a staff member on because people will still RDM and lag the server with props I will promise to fulfill  the duties of a staff member and I will always do my best while being on staff.

    16. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?  I would jailtp the person who is mass rdming I would strip him I would then ask him to stop swearing at me if he doesn’t I would gag him warn him the minge him for 300 seconds( because that is the limit of T-mods minge) just to make sure he doesn’t do it again and then I would ungag him and put him back but if he still swears at me I would keep him gag him for a short amount of time i would also ask my higher ranking members for any other advice on how to treat this person

  6. New Rollcall to determine who is active and who is not active

    Ingame Name: Livebait 

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:0  (that is my steam id)


    Activity: (Active/Semi active/Inactive) Active 

    What do you want to see in state going forward? Why?: More people role playing out situations 

    Any Suggestions?: None 

  7. InGame Name: Livebait


    Trooper Rank & Badge #: CPL 1T64


    Question 1: Do you feel you are being treated fairly and with the correct level of respect within State? Yes or no, and please give your reasoning? Yes everyone is very nice in state and they are always willing to help everyone 


    Question 2: Please list 3 or more recommendations you think would improve the atmosphere of roleplay and seriousness within the Rockford State Trooper department? More speed traps around the city assisting in more pursuits and also following the SOP and setting up road blocks and barricades and bank robberies ect


    Question 3: Do you have any other issues or things you would like to mention to us? Please feel free to express your honest opinion. No

  8. 20 minutes ago, Tobizz said:

    For now cole is the highest but on LOA then it goes to Richmond but I dont believe he can accept Troopers and the new Colonel is all up to SMT but we will continue to do our weekly meetings and training sessions on Saturdays.

    ok i know that cole is on LOA but we need a high up soon even if its a LT 


    or even if i get set for a high rank even if its just for a certain amount of time i just want to help


  9. 1 minute ago, Tobizz said:

    Im sorry that we haven't accepted or looked at applications recently since we don't have a Colonel yet and that we just got CERT buffed as hell but we are working on it State is definitely going through a rebuild right now and we will get back to you soon.

    thanks for the information who will be a high up in state we need one asap 

  10. As we all know STATE has been inactive for along time and almost everyone has quit, state needs at least one higher up to accept application  and to do promotions and training state is a good assets to pd and the role play community

    we need to make a difference and  change the way that state is we need a higher up in state that is active and is willing to help train and accept state applications 

    even the i am only a trooper i want to make a difference  and help state get back on track i really don't want to see state go we really need an active high up 

    please help state. 

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