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Posts posted by HiddenShantu

  1. On 6/29/2019 at 2:10 PM, Rookieblue said:

    + Support

    I've worked with Nex on a number of occasions and he's been nothing but professional, hard-working, and has a strong understanding of how to handle his duties as a moderator. I'm fully confident that Nex is ready to advance to the position of Senior Moderator.

    GL Nex

  2. 1 hour ago, Kratos™ said:

    + Support

    The new rule basically neuters E-11. There's no chance for the Branch to expand and grow if "They are not in active RP until they are called in" This effectively gives no incentive for those who have donated for the appreciation of the Server to enjoy their investment. 


    For those who states in regard to the "2 Life Rule" this does not bring forward a solution, as it merely passes along the problem to another Branch. The branches need New players, not ones that are already in a branch because it's counter-productive. Ex: Nu7 is flagged up as their Current Job, the Server has 5 Nu7, and DEFCON 3 is called. Now that DEFCON 3 is active E-11 may flag up, this causes 3 of the 5 NU7 to flag to E-11, Still maintaining the overall MTF count to 5. so there is no change, thus making the 2 Life Rule invalid.


    For those who states that it's closer to Lore. The server is chop full of Server-Lore. it has made exceptions to all branches, all SCPs, Research, D-Class, etc. So I don't understand why in this case, E-11 is being thrown the book.


    This also makes the Job of High Command alot harder as they get questioned, why E-11 hasn't been active. Thus trying to achieve the same results or better, with less supplies.


    This has been my TED Talk, Thank you for attending.


  3. On 12/2/2018 at 11:52 PM, Teh_Gat said:

    + Support 

    -Active in game

    -Active in TS 

    -Active on forms 

    - Very mature and respectful

     - Low warns

    -Very good app

    Overall you are active and have a good application. I think you would make a great addition to the staff team and I wish you the best of luck.



  4. On 12/2/2018 at 1:07 AM, Jeff M. said:


    2 Hackers ran up to you with weapons out telling you that they are taking the car. you then drove off while i was spectating you. You said i didnt confirm with the other witnesses but unfortunately the server does not take witnesses. If you have weapons to you you have to listen to them. In real life if someone came up to you with a gun out and they said get out of the car would you drive away and get shot at and possibly killed. I dont think so. You were also telling me i cant warn you because you are staff on another Gaming light server. I am able to just because you are a admin on MIl rp doesn't mean you can some on police rp and minge and not follow simple rules. I do have screen shots of you trying to tell me that i cant warn you because you are staff on mil rp which is not even relevant to the topic. I mean if you are staff on another im sure you know not to go onto other servers and minge around on them or not follow the rules. Your rank is VIP+ on police rp so I am able to warn you. Here is my proof of you trying to abuse your rank as admin on another server. Also the evidence for this warn has to be more then just a picture of the warn like come on man.







  5. 9 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:


    Not mature. 


    I remember you telling me you only went to the CWRP Staff Interview was so you could just transfer over to PRP. Which honestly makes me feel like you wanted to be staff the "easier" way. 

    During SCP-RP Beta Test you screamed and cussed in OOC about RDM and proceeded to RDM me.


  6. On 11/21/2018 at 6:02 AM, [GL] My Pet named Steve said:


    Never seen in game, TS3, and inactive on forums

    First forum post was application

    No effort in application

    Tons of grammar and spelling mistakes

    #16 is wrong, T-MODS can't minge for 10,000 seconds, and it would be a server warning, not a verbal

    In my opinion, you need to work on all the things listed above. Good luck! -Steve




  7. +Support

    +Great, mature guy

    +Active from what i've seen

    +Been a part of the community for a while

    +Clearly very experienced, with being staff on prominent servers

    +/-Q16 was okay

  8. On 11/8/2018 at 5:49 PM, ? Vinny said:


    - Active

    - Mature

    - Trusted

    - Educated in rules

    - Friendly

    - Great Leader in SRT

    - Great staff member

    - Has been Admin for a long time

    - Long time staff member in general

    - Great app

    - Lots of effort in app

    Good Luck!


  9. Hello everyone,

    I am happy to announce that I have decided to come back to GL.

    Thanks to everyone that helped me get back into the community.

    For those who don't know me, im Dimension, first joined in May, 2018. I then quit for a few months, and now im here again.

    Hope to see you on!


  10. Hello everyone,

    I am happy to announce that I have decided to come back to GL.

    Thanks to everyone that helped me get back into the community.

    Hope to see you on!


  11. Hi everyone, 

    It was incredibly fun, and interesting, but GL is just not interesting for me anymore, ive been incredibly inactive, and will be leaving whatever Departments I am still in. Thank you to everyone who helped me during my time at GL. Ill be on once in a while. 




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