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Posts posted by ligist

  1. Damnit man, right after Rocco left as well. Its been great, how long have you been on GL by the way, ive been playing since 2017, and remember you always taking my sit, and Zage would come over, and you two would be arguing for minutes before actually taking my sit, and it was always fun seeing that happen. I know i dont really know you too well, but ill miss you for sure man, anyways, if your going 10-07 for the night, goodnight.

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  2. well said, and nicely put. well then your a great friend, loved every late night or early morning spent either on GL, or GB, or WT. I also loved the nick name you gave me, dang it moon moon. I remember the day I got kicked from EMS, and you decided to help me get into SRT, you were helpful all the way. so i guess after all my name isn't ready. so if your going 10-7, I guess this is a goodnight.

  3. Your In-game:



    Your SteamID:



    The player's name in-game:



    The player's steam ID (required): 



    What did the player do:

    Mass RDM in spawn| LTAP


    Evidence (REQUIRED): 








    What do you believe should happen to the player:

    week ban, or perm, up to you.


    Any extra information:

    killed people in spawn, and left the game, could be alt, account made 5 days ago.

  4. harassment wound be a big issue, just need to make sure that the people are harassing, not stating their opinion. stating your opinion is fine, yeah it might hurt someone's feelings, but at the end of the day your opinion is your opinion, the issue lies with those people who are actually harassing, if staff can figure that out, we'll be fine. and I don't think that staff will have a huge issue with that.

    • Like 1
  5. On 5/17/2020 at 9:23 AM, Alex Raddish said:

    Politics and video games dont mix. If we hold the event it's going to draw lots of people to it spouting some hate

    I don't believe this is a political thing, and I fully support it as a homosexual myself


    • Like 1
  6. cut out in the middle, but you cant even kidnap pres. if it doesn't meet the requirements in the MOTD to kill him. not to mention, under the circumstances its also technically copbait.


  7. -support
    -kicked out of DD for many reasons (PM me if you want details)
    -Known minge
    -15 warns, 12 from the last month

    -don't believe he can keep his composer 

                    -"04/03/2020, 20:31:30PoliceRP(GL)DemokillerPlayer Diss X2"

                    -if this is a warn he has to get, especially in last month, then I don't tthink the composer he can maintain isn't the one we want as staff.

    -look at rocco screen shot, and that says everything I really need to say.

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  8. 46 minutes ago, NaoKotori said:

    -Lack Knowledge/Experience on server
    -Last question could use work
    -Kinda high warns

    +Nice guy

    for a short amount of time, you have a high number of warns, I would advise you to have a bit more experience on GL first.

  9. What is your in-game name?:


    What is your steam name?:


    What is your steam ID?:


    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain)

    Yes, I was head of staff on a long since gone DarkRP server

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly)

    late 2016, early 2017

    What date did you make your forums account?

    May 22, 2018

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?


    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)?

    25, my last one was about a year ago20200426161620_1.thumb.jpg.69743af81eb83bcccf72ab57dda317b2.jpg

    Have you donated?

    Yes, $20

    What rank are you applying for?


    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)?

    Not right now, as the server I was staffing on got shut down

    Have you read the staff guidelines, You will be tested on it:




    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)

    You could ask anyone I know on the server, and I believe they would say that I like to follow the rules. I know I haven't shown it in the past, but I've come a long way since my first warns. I recently saw a sudden decrees in activity since there is no more ratio. But I can't help but sit there at 2:00 in the morning as I see 1 staff have to stop RP to deal with mass RDM, while I can only stand there and feel really bad for them. It's not their fault that this happens, and I really want to help out. I also feel as if I have to make up for my warns by helping the people that gave me them, and I can only do that one way, and that's lightening their load as much as I can by becoming staff, I've been staff before on other servers and have a decent understanding of ULX, and how to handle sits. 

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? 
    First i would bring him to  the of a building, probably club cat, or spawn in order to keep him away from everyone, then if he keeps shooting in the sit or run I would freeze him, then jail him. I would then continue to try to talk to him and see why he was mass RDMing, if he is toxic, and just screams and keeps cursing me I would gag him, if he is calm in collect I would talk to him, and make sure he has read the MOTD more than likely jailing him for 300 seconds. at this point I would tell him he is receiving a warn for mass RDM, and ask if he has any questions, after answering the questions he may or may not have, I would notify the other staff that are on at the time to keep an eye on him. if this attitude continued I would have a higher ranking staff member talk to him, and that higher ranking staff may do as they please.

  10. +support

    he handles people well, I have seen people yell at him, and calling him a squeaker. he has handled this so well that I have lost a care for his squeaky voice.

    he is very friendly, and easy to talk to

    very understanding

    Hope to see the accepted down here soon. and best of luck

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