What is your in-game name?: Ruinz
What is your steam name?:[GL]WreckedInRuinz
What is your steam ID?:STEAM_0:1:429137777
Do you have any other experience with staffing?: Senior Mod on gaminglight
What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) May 28
What date did you make your forums account? April 7th
Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Vip
How many warns do you have on the server? 9
Have you donated? Yes, 200+ dollars
What rank are you applying for? Admin
Have you read the staff guidelines at http://gaminglight.com/main/topic/20650-staff-handbook/? You will be tested on it: Yes
Timezone: Central
Permission (Admin+ need this): Spection,Carpenter,Myan,Felix, Josh
Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) So I have been staff of this server for along time. I absolutly love it to. You get to meet new players in the community everyday and that is why I love staffing so much. I have good experience on staffing since I have been on so long I have 1500+ cases and I think personally I am extremly fit for admin. One reason I think I should get admin is that It would help me better know the community. So I would be able to give whitelist and I wouldn't have to bother another admin because I understand how someone asking you to keep doing something can get on your nerves when your busy. as of now of gaming light I am really respectful I will always listen to my higher ups. That is another reason why I think i'm fit for staff. When ever I seen ratio not good (I say seen because there used to be a ratio and now there is not a ratio) I would get on unless i'm afk. I am able to reason with anyone and I don't get angry if i'm interupted. I was told by nolan about 3 weeks ago also that It would be about 1 more week until I would be promoted to admin because of my good work and how many sits I had. Well now it has been 4 weeks or so later and I haven't got the promo so I just decided I will make a application. Another staffing thing that I do very well is support staff. I was told by fame that I was one of the most active support staff so that shows how much I actually care about my rank on gaminglight staff. When i'm staff I represent the gaminglight community in a good way and act very professional. I can get along with about anyone and im pretty sure most people can agree with me on that. Gaminglight is one of my favorite servers. I am extremely dedicated to this server. If i wasn't I wouldn't have paid 200$ on it. I really hope you guys consider my application and hope you guys agree that i am fit for admin.
How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? Take Him to a roof warn him for staff diss. then continute on with the sit and if he counties I would gag him and continue the sit. When he needs to share his side of the the story and he continued I would warn him again for staff diss and minge him for 3600 if he keeps calling a admin while being minge I would give him some verbals and if he continued I would ban him for 4 hours.