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Everything posted by Lite

  1. Lite

    Ban Appeal

    MASSIVE +Support •Hes done it before to people •Abusive •blacklist for that shouldn't of happend . I had my name like that and he told me he would ban me to and only reason i changed my name was because my friend told me who he was. he also blacklisted me from PD before for driving a car that was not mine but someones else up for them like they asked me to.
  2. Lite

    Reaper False Warn

    He didnt ram the charger and that charger is not the president escort. And you cannot kos anyone for that reason. Has to be directly contacted on the convoy. And when he got out no gun and got shot that's Plain RDM fron my POV. and if the charger was apart of the convoy that's not allowed Pd cant guard the president. He was even running with no gun for awhile and still being shot at.
  3. Lite

    Reaper False Warn

    From the video evidence given to me it was RDM. He got out the car no gun he didnt make contact with the car in the video I went of what I seen and what I seen was RDM.
  4. I Am not really sure who you are but if you found your way here with all this support from my fellow staff members. I suppose I should give you a + Support and wonderful app! +Support
  5. DM me I'll be happy to assist you in the process.
  6. The steam I'd whe copying could of messed up and gave you the wrong steam id
  7. Remember guys were all apart of the community let's get along and put what happend in the past and move on. And any problems go to dms.
  8. Lite

    Ban Appeal

    Massive+Support I believe allot of people banned by valk were unjust. I was blacklisted for pulling up a car for a sm by valk from pd even when he told valk about the situation for this reason I believe he is telling the truth unless there are more to the story. AND Valk should have classified Who he was.
  9. +support get rid of some of those warns and try to improve ingame experience your past the warn limit as of now and should work on getting them removed.
  10. Massive + Support -Allot of play dis and racism and RDM -Warn limit
  11. I will have to - support now due to this understandable but still not acceptable.
  12. Not only the fact that the entire situation would not of happen if you followed the amount of people on and it seems like you guys were just there to mess with him and get a reaction i have not seen him that mad in awhile. Ryan is mostly very well acting in sits but i understand why he is so mad he wants to RP and have fun. And you cant make it look like you shot him because he had a shotgun you shot him because you wanted to and that was plain RDM. And tried to gag him and restrain him was even more of you trying to wind him up when he was building. - Support
  13. As before i was gonna see and make sure it was not by mistake this was clear breach. But mistakes happen!!! So for this reason i dont think any punishment should be given but an apology.
  14. As I do not know you really I would like to speak on my behalf. I used to be a minge before I changed it took allot to change. But I recieved a second chance. The n word stuff alt accounts if that's facts that's not okay. But then again putting hours to be what it takes as a director is allot of work. Although what you did was very wrong I believe in second chances. Not for the really bad but for the people who truly deserve it. I'll plus minus suppot if you get accepted show you changed. +/-
  15. DDos threats are not good for the server but second chances are for some cases I'm sure you never really dosed the server or had intentions to. People say things when they get mad. Second chances change people. +Support ☆ReaperLite☆
  16. nick I am very happy with your application and it has earned you a + from me. I have seen you in game and you seem very knowledgeable and potential is there!!!!Good luck +Support ☆ReaperLite☆
  17. Hey man I've seen you on the server and think you have a chance. Just get to know your community a bit more. And a little more effort in the app. if you dont get there this time, Try again untill you do. -Support ☆ReaperLite☆
  18. + Support 1-active 2- knows the basics 3-seen around more often
  19. Maddog, that is very unacceptable. I think yobo would be a great addition. But there is some work to be done not allot but with the anger side. I think he deserves a shot at staff. +Support ☆Reaperlite☆
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