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Everything posted by Lite

  1. Where the hell is the supersize menu I want a Big Mac double stacked all the grease
  2. I wanna know how you guys feel about me as a person leave a reply
  3. Honestly even if his activity is down I see him on and trying! Not only that he doesn’t look the other way for family members and every sit I had have he’s dealt with professionally! I remember being a senior moderator and iz has what it takes! I believe he would be a great addition to senior mod + support
  4. +/-Support reason: I honestly think it was a misunderstanding
  5. Really good idea looks clean and the logo is sick +Support
  6. oh man I never seen this before -support
  7. Lol why is it all umc members responding to this post? And removed from the CC? Because a cop should be doing a traffic stop down the street where it is safer I don’t understand stand y’all’s point of view I feel like your telling other players to + support this and it happens to be the entire umc squad which I find crazy
  8. He was driving fast past 2 cop cars which he was not hitting the cop cars on purpose. and was more to the left and not more to the right indicating he was not aiming for your car You also then shot at him instead of calling staff right away so why even shoot and not just report? also, the cop behind you pulled out in front of him LOL even if he has caution Hes only cautioned to past the left of you and he can't do that when Hes speeding and a cop pulls in front of him and he can't stop the car when you shoot at him because you are trying to kill said player making it a RP So, i don't understand how its cop baiting maybe do a better traffic stop at a safer place where people who are criminals speeding don't hit a cop pulling out... -Support
  9. Lite

    Black water Agency

  10. Lite


    A1. Players must listen to command A2. Players must Read The MOTD A3. toxicity is not allowed open voice/ pms/ OOC A4. Any advertising of other families isn't allowed A5. All players must be on Tag and in the Discord A6. racisms is strictly prohibited/ Applies to all listing Punishment Lvls BLVL1: is just a warning BLVL2: is A strike and verbal warning BLVL3: Is a demotion and possible kick BLVL4: Is a kick and possible perm ban BLVL5: is a perm ban and Possible black list BLVL6: black List not cannot be appealed What qualifies for it to be in that LVL? BLVL1/BLVL2: only A1/A2 BLVL4/BLVL3:Only A4/A5/A3 BLVL5/BLVL6:only A6/A3 Discretion of the Command member on blacklist/ bans Report Link:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1pi_yVHDzP_kJsZHms5A7-H0vI4emzCj6kxIHVoWrWSc/edit
  11. I seen the video and I personally don't think he should be warned for this. the cop was Killed not sure by who it looked like bwa which I am investigating on my part. But a SNR Dies gets revived by Ems goes straight back to the president to arrest him not to make sure he is safe or okay but to arrest him. that in my eyes does not make sense to me. and Warned him for it verbal yes actual warning No not only that but he was parked next to another car illegally parked LOL and that car was a cop car with no lights on for safety. way it looks to me is double standards but overall Why Ticket someone when you yourself is illegally parked with no hazards? Then have that player warned. Also you see other cop cars parked in the middle of the road all the time you don’t see them getting warnings or tickets. + Support
  12. Lite

    Black water Agency

    Thought I seen a ghost
  13. Lite

    war games

    Bwa, Sull, 3wa, have have allied together to fight this war for the people! may the best side win
  14. +/- Support the lack of evidence I do think you should of been talked to this seems weird but any evidence of it being false as well you may not regard it but their should always be evidence it’s a false warm
  15. This is where you can apply: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ogKiqdaSYEwZooVCOSiYMsTj8_IfwF21pEepxVmAh3M/viewform?edit_requested=true Here is where you can see our players and ranks: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IehjM5D-vVvG3gb1FGpBm5tgT_dDYiUVVP0cuoPb29w/edit#gid=0 Here is where you can Report players Bwia Section/Discord: https://discord.gg/QJZ44mN9va about us Check out our SOPhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1YKTVvIl73FfZyvvKg4VavQ6esN9GugFoBPxgbGtE0Ws/edit#
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