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Posts posted by NDSTF

  1. Major -support

    you are one of the most toxic people iv ever seen if stormzz wants to comment on your appeal he can. You have shown immature childish behaviour and it’s not acceptable

    I don’t want you playin

  2. 6 minutes ago, crocbro12 said:

    i dont think anyone reads it...

    well they do because they dont get in trouble not hard takes 5 minutes and youll know wat u can and cant do

    on the server

  3. 3 hours ago, LT Velvet said:

     I'd like to point out that every time you face trouble like a warn for removal you state that you have mental problems or someone that is close to you has died now I'm sorry if it is true but it's happening Too Much To Be An Occurrence I believe you are lying to get out of trouble stating that you have mental instabilities I myself have mental instabilities I'm also mildly retarded yet I still keep myself in check I bid I'm older and have have experienced, one of the things you need to do is grow up stop trying to find every excuse to get out of things take stuff at face value own up to your mistakes then you would not be facing what you are now and actually try to stay out of trouble listen to superiors listen to doc who has all authority no matter if the warden already told you they have authority if they say you are out of the doc u r out we are here for you we are like a family if you have problems just come on chance they can contact any of us talk to us I know everyone would be willing to talk I should know I talk about my problems all the time you can ask anyone this community is born on helping each other and being there everyone on this community is a friend yes we have some people that agree with each other Lindy and sometimes they become best friends you just need to try harder listen to those who are giving you advice listen to those who are telling you what to do you have more experience on This Server than you do I myself have a custom class as it is FBI class I do not go around running going into doc if I want to go on DoC I hop on Warden

    just like velvet said im not saying that your lying but if i find out the stuff your saying is not true i will be furious as someone who has had lots of depression and being to hospital for stuff like suicide i will not want you on the server and i will not accept you im sorry but to lie about stuff this serious is no acceptable but just like i said before im not saying your lying but it seems to be the same thing over and over. if your having a bad day and know you might break some of the rules you need to not come on the server for that period of time.


  4. 28 minutes ago, crocbro12 said:

    when you first login it doesn't say read the rules


    but its the first thing that loads and u need to take the time to read it and make sure stuff like this doesnt happen

  5. 1 hour ago, crocbro12 said:

    first of all, I told you my reason second of all i was killed by procode for no reason he is a cop all he got was a "don't do it" third of all I having an attitude is not a reason to be banned third of all I didn't know you cant join in or must have a family as i knew the people robbing the bank and were friendly to them, you should have asked or at least mentioned if I do know, fifth of all, to the comment above i  was across the road at the car spawn '_'


    If u had read the rules u would of known that stuff so it’s on u bud

  6. I really thought u were a nice guy from wat I saw in game but after u saying that about other people that’s changed my mind. We have young staff members here so if that’s gonna be a problem for you then u shouldn’t be apart of the staff team


    major -support



    doesnt deserve it!

    • Thanks 1
  7. 17 minutes ago, Jeff Junior said:


    -perma banned whit no appeal is needed as I feel he dosent want to learn from his mistakes and he is only on the server to minge around and destroy the fun for other ppl 


  8. 20 minutes ago, Smoke said:


    - Good application seems you really want to be staff

    - Havent seen you on much

    - The only times ive seen you you have been mingey

    - Improve activity and get more well known on the community


  9. 15 minutes ago, [GL] My Pet named Steve said:


    You put no effort in your app

    There is no poll

    You were minging all day yesterday

    You didnt even read the handbook before applying 

    You have an insane amount of warns

    You showed no proof of your warnings 

    Number 17 is not even close to right

    You are staff on another community

    You are a member, not the rank of "nothing"

    You made your account today

    Your inactive on the forums, in game and TS3

    You are very new to the community after coming back

    Also, you haven't yet, but don't reply to your own application



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