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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by gamikzone

  1. +Support -Mature -Experienced -Follows Guidelines -Has earned respect in the community
  2. +Support -Active -Mature -quality sits -understands the rules only negatives -more time as admin -more experince
  3. I find the statement you said quite racist. You also said something involving the word “spicks”. I also spoke with the staff member who spoke with you and I decided it was best to for a ban. I don’t understand why you would even say that. Racism is not tolerated in this community.
  4. Hello everyone, October will be my last month as FBI Director. After being in the FBI department for 2 years I have decided it’s time for me to retire. As hard as this is for me I know FBI will be in good hands with the new FBI Director. I have learned a lot on this adventure. I will be going to FBI Reserves starting 11/1 and will be appointing a new director shortly after. I will Be focusing my time on SCPRP. I hope that everyone understands that I’m leaving because I have done everything I wanted to and FBI is a great and active department compared to when I first took over this department. Until then keep up the great work I’m so proud of y’all I couldn’t of done this without Each and everyone of you from the agents to low/high command. I had one goal when I joined FBI, to make it as best as I could. It makes me happy to see that the department has become what it is. It is crazy looking back and seeing this department thrive. God speed FBI, I will see you around, and I will be grateful. Jimmy: You have greatly assisted me in helping FBI become what it is. I greatly appreciate you and everything you have done for fbi. Colesoft: You were around when I first joined FBI. You have consistently been supportive in the department and a great deputy director. Ziege: I know you are a busy person but thank you for you’re dedication in FBI. I hope to see you continue doing well in the department. Grey: I remember the first day I met you. You were a civilian class who would give me inside info about what was going on. I know we will continue seeing each other in the alternate world of SCP. Keep up the great work.
  5. Sad to see you go Blackbeard. Best of luck with everything. ?
  6. +Support - Very experienced - Very Well known - Mature member of team - Has a lot of potential
  7. In-Game Name: Gamikzone Rank: RESERVES SteamID: STEAM_0:1:33478819
  8. gamikzone

    Gamikzone LOA

    Name: Gamikzone Rank: Reserves  LOA Time: 9/2-9/19 Reason (Private if needed): I am going on vacation overseas. If you need me you can reach me via discord.
  9. Name; Gamikzone Rank: 2LT  LOA Time: 9/2-9/19 Reason (Private if needed): I am going on vacation overseas. If you need me you can reach me via discord.
  10. Name: Gamikzone Rank: Director LOA Time: 9/2-9/19 Reason (Private if needed): I am going on vacation overseas. If you need me you can reach me via discord.
  11. Sounds good will see you at meeting friday
  12. -Support The grammar is bad and you were posting suspicious links to staff chat.
  13. Steve the FBI has you under investigation. You are being audited
  14. DENIED Not enough evidence.
  15. Okay it will be marked
  16. gamikzone

    Ban Appeal

    - Support I can't take these situations lightly. Telling another player to commit suicide is very inappropriate and is not tolerated.
  17. I am happy to announce the start of a new sub division in FBI. Our worldwide Interpol. The goal of Interpol is to protect our city of Rockford and keep all government agencies free of corruption and wrong doing. We also protect Rockford against Cybercrimes caused by hackers. We look forward to recruiting and making progress in our community. We also may consider expanding into other servers ? like 1944RP and SCPRP. If you are interested in applying please contact me or Interpol Command team. We are proud to serve the Rockford community.
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