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Posts posted by Dane

  1. +/- Support

    You're a cool dude and I see that you are active on the server. My only concerns is that your application needs more effort, also you should improve your overall SM activity. We would also like to see you actively training Cadets and assisting officers when they are in need. Other than that, best of luck.

    -Major Dane

  2. +/- Support

    Your acitvity as a SM has decreased. I see that you are a great command member in other departments and I can tell that you are ready for PD command, but we just need to see some activity if you want to apply for PD Command. Best of luck!

    -Major Dane

  3. On 9/1/2018 at 7:47 AM, Matthew said:


    -Activity could improve

    -Don't see you helping officers because ^

    +/-Decent App.

    +Does job pretty good!

    +Nice and Friendly

    All you need to do is to improve activity! After that, then you should be a CPT! Good Luck!!! ? Remember don't give up, just keep swimming!

    I agree, best of luck!

    -Major Dane

  4. On 9/8/2018 at 1:53 PM, -Unknown- said:

    Give us reasons why to do this any maybe this post would have a discussion, but what you have written is small and doesn't even make sense.

    As for you suggestion other departments only have priority over PD on situations that they are involved in eg bank robberies, raids etc.

    I don't really get this suggestion, give us more detail.

  5. On 9/9/2018 at 9:22 PM, Joe Mama said:


    - You're never gonna always be undercover

    - Few average people actively look at the forums enough to see this new tab

    Just my opinion, sorry.

    I agree with what Joe Mama said, not really needed.

  6. 3 hours ago, Gaur said:

    I just want to point out, no matter how brutally rude this is going to sound. This post does absolutely nothing, It's the same thing we have been saying for years.

    We always deal with harassment cases if proper evidence is provided. We always make posts regarding these issues and If proper evidence is not provided then there is very little we can do. We might speak with the person starting it, but that usually just ends up with them saying they haven't done anything. 

    In this post, you are doing the same thing. Pointing out something, without evidence, so we can't do anything about it. 
    Trust me, we know people get harassed because of whatever reasons. SMT is not ignorant and we do not always have to be involved in these situations. If someone is being bullied or harassed bring it to an Admin or even a Super Admin. Chain of Command is still in effect, and the majority of the time an Admin or SA can deal with the situations brought to us.

    Now with that said, to anyone who is being harassed or "Targeted" please come to speak with JMT then SMT. Even if you don't have evidence we will speak with the person being accused and follow up with you. 

    Well said, Gaur. I agree. No offense though, Nimo.

  7. -Support

    • Active in-game and in TS.
    • Forums activity needs to improve.
    • Application is pretty good.
    • Replied to own application.

    Overall you deserve a chance, but I just need to see you improving your forums activity. And also, you shouldn't comment on your own application. You can just message them instead. Best of luck in your application.

  8. Name

    Captain Dane CP1





    Status on the Forums

    Good and Active


    Why Should We Keep You?

    I like playing as EMS and I am glad to be part of Command and helping the department out. Being a Captain for EMS has been a fun ride for me and I wish to continue progressing through the department more!

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