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Posts posted by Dane

  1. -Support

    I don't really see the point of making PD allowed to enter any type robberies. PD has few armor than any tactical units and I doubt that they can handle a general robbery situation themselves. Usually the people who robs it has a hostage or is carrying heavy weapons.

  2. Neutral

    • Activity in-game is pretty good.
    • Has experiences on staffing.
    • Application is good.
    • Mature and friendly.
    • Forums activity needs to improve.
    • Poll was public, but changed to private.
    • TeamSpeak activity needs to improve.
    • Deserves a chance.

    Good luck, just improve your activity on the forums and get more people to know you more. Other than that, best of luck.

  3. Try verifying integrity of your game files. If that does not work, re-install Garry's Mod and uninstall all of it's addons. On top of that, mounting Counter Strike: Source to Garry's Mod might help reduce the texture errors.

  4. +Support

    • Activity in-game is decent.
    • Activity in TS could improve.
    • Forums activity could use some improvements.
    • Application is decent with a great amount of effort.
    • Friendly towards other players.
    • Has experiences in staffing.
    • Low amount of warnings.
    • Deserves a chance, best of luck!
    • Thanks 1
  5. Hello Juicy,

    This part is the PoliceRP section for Staff applications. If you are applying for staff for MilitaryRP, then you should go look for it. It should be below PoliceRP so I suggest you quickly change that. Anyways, I haven't really seen you in-game yet so I can't tell if you are trusted for a staff rank yet. Your forums activity needs to improve as you have a few post. Good luck on your application.

    So overall, it's a -Support from me.

    -Senior Moderator Dane

  6. -Support

    • I see you in-game, but not that much.
    • Application needs more effort.
    • No poll. Add a poll ASAP!

    Overall, I can't really trust you yet on having the staff rank as your activity in-game needs to improve. You deserve a chance, but I just don't think you are ready yet. Re-apply later when you think you are now well known on the community, and I might just give you a +Support. Good luck in your app.

  7. +Support

    • Activity in-game is decent.
    • Activity in TS is decent.
    • Application is very good.
    • Friendly towards others.
    • Professional and mature.
    • Respectful.
    • Assists officers in need.
    • Deserves a chance.

    I think Matthew is ready for the Major rank. We are currently lacking any Majors and I can tell that Matthew will make a good Major of the PD. He did well as a Captain and I doubt that he would mess up as a Major! Best of luck, Matt.

                                     Colonel Dane

  8. -Support

    • I haven't seen you in-game yet.
    • I haven't seen you in TS yet.
    • Forums activity needs to improve.
    • Still new to the community.
    • Application is good though.
    • You seem like a nice person.

    Overall, I don't really think you are ready for the staff rank yet. We can't really trust you enough with a staff rank if we haven't seen what you do in-game or in TS. Your application is good and it seems like you are a nice person so, best of luck!

  9. -Support

    • I don't see you on that much in-game. (Could be timezones)
    • I don't see you on that much in TS either.
    • You cannot reply to your own staff application.
    • Forums activity needs to improve.
    • Application could use more effort.

    Overall, your activity should improve in-game, in TS or on the forums. Also, you have to apply for Trial Moderator first, not jump immediately to Moderator. Anyways, good luck.

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