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Posts posted by ICon

  1. On 5/26/2020 at 8:02 AM, ZealousTwo386 said:

    Big +Support Here

    -Almost always active

    -Respects his HU's




    I think he deserves this promotion and hopefully many more to come! Good luck Jack



  2. A long and overdue, goodbye.

    Many of you do not know me, some of y'all do. These are my final remarks before leaving.

    It was fun while it lasted, GamingLight will always be an important part of my history and will be missed.

    @Burboon boi Get rid of the boi

    @Pooders Remember me?

    @Will (WTLM2013) The best commy hunter I have ever seen.

    @ZageYou told me to list you, right?

    @vigorusanimal Fun while it lasted and get CPT

    @Tonto Kick @vigorusanimal's a** and get CPT

    TheJayden God Bless The Enclave, God Bless America.

    Jayden I knew you for a while

    @Torty meh

    @[GL] Mikey Remember when I said I would destroy UMC before I got blacklisted or left... Yeah...

    @Crease Howdy


    If I didn't list you, nothing personal but I just listed people off the top of my head.

    Anybody wishing to stay in contact my discord is: @ICon#3706

    - ICon - The Dishonorably Discharged PD Captain.


    • Sad 2
  3. On 12/20/2019 at 5:13 PM, Pooders said:


    -not mature

    -sometimes not patrolling when needed to

    -follows me around kinda weird

    -is not professional

    -not active

    -app needs work

    -you as well need 3 weeks before applying so..yea

    -responded to your app makes everything much worse and it proves you can not hold your anger

    On 12/20/2019 at 8:36 PM, C. Perkins | 101 said:


    Disrespectful to Command. Was supposed to be demoted, but never happened.


  4. On 12/22/2019 at 6:40 PM, Assault said:



    -Is fair and enforces the laws properly

    -Trains Cadet when one is on

    -Has been a SM for a while


    Good luck man you would be great for Command  🙂 


    • Like 1
  5. The Unwanted CAD
    A CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) system has been suggested again and again in the suggestions section of the forum. But it has always been denied mainly due to the fact that: it would be too difficult for new officers to learn, this is a Semi-Serious RP server, we already tried it with state and it didn't work, and it would cause the server to lag.
    I will be addressing all of these issues with a CAD system with a solution.

    I will start off by saying that I have already started development on a CAD system which addresses and solves these issues. I do understand that I will have a bit of community persuasion to do if and when I finish this project and that it may not be green-lit by SMT. I understand that even if this system is not implemented into the server, I will still be happy with the project as it gave me something to work on and gave me more experience with software development.

    This project all started when I began researching why all these suggestions were denied and the main reason, above all others, was that there were only around 1 option that would be feasible: Sauce CAD. This inspired me to make another option for the Gaming Light Police RP Community to choose from.

    My main goal for the CAD is for it to be simplistic, which means, for now, it will only be used by the Active Dispatcher. This in my eyes would actually give the Dispatch Department a larger reason to exist as right now, it seems as if they are mainly used for radio educate. Since the dispatch job is limited in their abilities, it causes dispatch to be boring and painstakingly inefficient for the department in my opinion. As a dispatcher, I tried to make the dispatch job useful to the department, but that failed as the only resource I had to manage units was a google spreadsheet. getpubthumb.thumb.png.e42d24fe353ee9cce03c43563a7dbea4.png

    This spreadsheet required me to log every time a unit disappeared or appeared on the in-game player list, and also made it pain-staking to assign units to situations or log 10-38's. The system I have devised so far would automatically account for players becoming 10-7 or 10-8, allow dispatch to assign certain units to a situation, and more. Since this system would be on dispatch's end, it wouldn't cause a larger learning curve for players than what currently exists as players just have to understand how to communicate over the radio.

    Even though this is a Semi-Serious server, a CAD system won't automatically make it a Serious RP server, it will just allow for the Police Department (which is supposed to be professional by default) to be more organized and efficient therefore, making the Police Department more professional. Another reason why people argue that this will make the server into a Serious RP server is because the current viable options, are overwhelmingly complex for the small map (comparative to GTA Police RP) of True North. Some complexities that Sauce CAD brings in is records for each individual playing on the server. This in my opinion would change the server to a Serious RP server and since that isn't wanted by the community, the CAD I am developing will only be in control of Police units. Sauce CAD is overwhelmingly complex for the needs we currently have and therefor, if we are going to make government agencies more professional, we would need an alternative to which I am creating.

    The argument that state tried it and it didn't work is invalid in this context as they were most likely using Sauce CAD which has unneeded complexities and/or they used a spreadsheet?

    The argument that a CAD system would lag the server is also an invalid argument in this context. The plan I have for the CAD network so far is for the server to update player information every 15 seconds to a SQL DB (doesn't require that much processing power) which would cause an unrecognizable performance shift in the server. For example: 80 players are currently online, for every player, the servers player information would be sent to the player every milliseconds or so (I don't know the exact timing), if you multiply the data that the server is sending to one player every couple milliseconds or so by 80 and than compare that to one network request every 15 seconds, you can tell that the performance will not be affected.


    I truly believe that this would be beneficial to the server, I will continue development of this CAD regardless of whether the Gaming Light Community wants to use it or not, but please keep an open mind, I am open to suggestions at any hour and if you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact me @ICon#3706 on discord.

    For now, this CAD system will be closed source until version 1.0.0 which than I will allow the project to be open-source on GitHub and allow outside input into the project. Please don't bash this post for being a denied suggestion multiple times, and think of the possibilities.

    This thread will be kept updated with any plans/developments with the project. Once again, if you have any suggestions/ideas please contact me @ICon#3706 on discord. Keep in mind that if you want to contribute with this project, let me know.

    Keep in mind, I am writing this late at night so please ignore any confusing writing, I will be re-editing this post in a couple days with a more concise posting.


    Follow Development here:

    Development Features

    Development Bugs


    Additional Links:

    Currently Offline Website

    Unpublished GitHub Repository

    Curious on what a CAD is?
    Check out this video (the CAD I am creating will be an extremely simplified version of this):


    • Like 2
  6. On 12/11/2019 at 7:45 AM, Will (WTLM2013) said:

    Overall rating: Major +Support

    + Active
    + Mature
    + Friendly
    + Great application
    + Been an SM for far too long

    - Haven't seen him on PD this past week (possibly because he got accepted into the staff team)


    Man, how long have we been telling you to apply man, its about time you got around to it!

    Good luck Pooders!


    • Like 1
  7. Rank You are Applying For: Captain

    In-Game Name: LT ICon 1L75

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:138784590

    Current Rank: Lieutenant

    How long have you been in your current rank?: 7 weeks

    What timezone are you in?: MST

    How many Warns do you have?: 2

    Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum):
    As my time as Lieutenant, I have learned and improved many skills that have assisted me not only in-game, but also in my everyday life such as: being able to make difficult decisions that could affect the Police Department as a whole, assisting anybody who may need help, and being able to effectively problem solve most situations that arise.
    I believe that I should be promoted to Captain as I have a solid amount of experience as Lieutenant, have shown responsibility in a Command position, and I can make decisions with the entire department at mind.
    I have always enjoyed assisting people whether it be IRL or through my screen. I believe that the True North Police Department would become more prosperous if more people asked questions.
    When I became Lieutenant I was able to help people in a greater capacity than I was able to before, but I believe that if I get a promotion to Captain, I would become a beacon for more individuals to ask questions which would in-turn, grow the department as a whole.

    You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  8. 34 minutes ago, Munchies said:


    Well first off, and I'm not trying to sound harsh when I say this.. But your application is lacking of information. When creating an application you must think to your self, "How am I going to persuade the reader", "What am I going to do for the Police Department", "What I can bring into the Police Department" etc... Also, even talk about yourself. Give yourself an introduction and a conclusion. 

    It doesn't really matter about weather you've been high command/low command on another sever, we need to know how you act and see professionalism in the sever. Also, if you really need to focus on SRT. You're better off just staying with SRT. Do not apply for LT in True North Police Department, if you cannot uphold activity etc. Being in to many departments will affect your activity in all departments. I recommend staying in 2 departments so you can at least work with both of them and uphold activity.

    Your Application, has hardly no information and it's not telling us why you want to become PD Low Command. I feel like you rushed this application and did not put enough time and effort. Before you apply for LT, are you making sure that you're up to date with your current job SM?, are you following the role of a SM, are you training and helping officers, are you being active etc. Once you've think you have completed that, start thinking about your LT Application, like I said in the first paragraph, you must persuade the reader and explain on why you want to join PD Low Command etc.

    I'm going to have to give this a -support., due to the reasons I stated. You need to improve and focus on your application and making sure you're doing everything correctly. You also need to think about the departments you're in and think on how you're going to uphold activity etc. Other than that, I wish you the best of luck!.

    Retired Colonel Munchies


  9. 8 hours ago, Revan said:


    Time on the server isn’t everything. You don’t need to be on 10-15 hours a day. I will actually tell you to stop being on that much and literally do anything else. It’s more about how did you spend your time on the server when you were on. Were you productive, constructive, and a leader to other officers and so on. At this moment in time I don’t believe you express what I would look for in a new LT.


  10. -Support (Nothing personal)

    - I have rarely seen you on the LT job and even when I do, it is usually during meetings.

    - I am usually on late night and I still rarely see you on.

    - It seems like common sense to be active before you are applying for a promotion.

    • Like 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, Masterson said:

    Correct, however Friendly Steve's Message: 

    "Everyone has the opportunity to appeal they're warnings before 1159PM EST"

    Which this post was created and posted at 12:32 AM therefor being 32 Minutes past the cut.

    Forgot to factor in my time zone...

  12. 48 minutes ago, Masterson said:


    As of 12/5/19 you are no longer allowed to remove old warns: If you wish to read the entire post click here


    According to friendly Steve in the comments, we are allowed to make an appeal up to 11:59 pm last night.

  13. Hello everyone, my IGN is either LT ICon 1L75 or The minge CodFish. For those of you that know me, I am wondering how I can improve upon myself or, in general, your opinions of me. Below I have linked a google form for anybody who wishes to share their opinion of me. This form is completely anonymous and would allow me to have an unbiased view of myself (no filtering please).

    LT ICon 1L75 | CodFish



    Your In-game: ICon

    Your SteamID: STEAM_1:0:138784590

    The admin's name in-game: Pink Panther MiKeY Is Bored

    What warning(s) did you receive: Tue Jul 16 01:08:15 2019 Pink Panther MiKeY Is Bored : Fail RP

    Evidence of the warn(s) (REQUIRED): Below

    Why do you think this warn was false: Old Warn

     Any extra information:



  15. - Support (Nothing personal)

    Well written Application.

    I only really see you on SWAT and rarely on PD.
    I know you've been SM for a while but if you aren't active on PD now, why would you be active on PD in the long term.
    I believe you are a valuable and a good asset to SWAT which is the reason many are supporting you for LT, but getting LT for most takes many days of hard work from SM's and I believe you haven't put enough work into PD for LT. If you put as much effort into PD as you do in SWAT, this would be a completely different story.

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