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Sean King

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About Sean King

  • Birthday October 7

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  1. Your In-game: King Azrael Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:179254524 The player's name in-game: Pandabiker99 The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:75884148 What did the player do: Called another player the f slur [Homophobia] about three times, and then confessed to saying they weren't here to roleplay. Evidence (REQUIRED): What do you believe should happen to the player: Permanent ban. Any extra information: Apparently there was a situation with Alijah and Pandbiker99 prior to this, and solomon had told them to stay away from each other. Panda didn't listen to this and told me if Alijah were to even walk past he would make fun of him even more, I have this on video but cut it to keep what was necessary in the final video.
  2. Im not going to lie I know I fucked up, I take full responsibility, but it was just the heat in the moment, I saw this dude RDMing people, I didn’t want him to ruin other people’s experience on gaminglight, knowing full well It was against staff rules, after it had already been done. I apologize, it won’t happen again.
  3. What you want to see? - Render target camera replacing the normal camera, or just additional to the game. Why should we add it? - It's a very small file size, all it does is put the output from the camera to the pre-existing rt_screen in the menu. What are the advantages of having this? - It's a minor addition, but it can add a few aspects, useful for normal gameplay and roleplay, it'll basically be used as a security monitor, instead of having to lose access to movement when looking at your camera. Who is it mainly for? - Anyone can use it. But mainly for when building bases. Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=106944414
  4. What you want to see? - A job apart of the judicial called Bailiff Why should we add it? - It could add more potential to the court roleplay when it does happen even if it's a rare occurrence, Instead of having gov from other departments take out of their time to play the "security" role among the court. So for say other crimes they could be taking care of. What are the advantages of having this? - Possibly an overall better experience? If we see more judicial on, then this could make it feel more like a real court case, other than that it's just for fun. Who is it mainly for? - Anyone who wants to see more of Judicial. Links to any content - N/A. Possibly give the job handcuffs, and a pistol. Any model would do.
  5. 1. Prostitute class, only time it's ever used is when people are messing around, other than that it's pointless 2. Kidnapper job, also pointless since thief can just kidnap. 3. And scrap tool, since it doesn't do anything to my knowledge?
  6. +Honestly had this same thought not too long ago -Might cause some more server lag?
  7. What you want to see? - An unboxing system sort of like the one that was in the milrp, time based, so you can get money or other things over time. It doesn't necessarily have to be weapons, but it's the general idea Why should we add it? - Could be a way for people to get back on their feet if they've completely run out of money. If it were to be added, with weapon crates then you could include exclusive weapons, but generally I think it should just be base weapons. Maybe like an AWP or sawed off somewhere in them. What are the advantages of having this? - If you've completely run out of money and have no way of gaining any for example, just spending time in the server can reward you high amounts of money. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - N/A
  8. What is your in-game name?: King What is your steam name?: King Asra What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:179254524 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: Yes actually. I was trial mod on the same server about three years ago [I think, I remember applying and having an interview] What date did you start playing on the community?: about 3 years ago, June 25th 2017 What date did you make your forums account?: June 25th 2017 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?: User How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)?: 8 warns [From 3 years ago] Have you donated?: No What rank are you applying for?: Trial Moderator Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)?: No Have you read the staff guidelines. You will be tested on it: Yes Timezone: PST Why do you believe that you deserve the rank?: I honestly just want to help the gaminglight community as much as I can, it's brought me so much fun these past few years and I haven't contributed back, as well as the time I'm online is very early in the morning for most people, and in the process there are plenty of minges who think they can do whatever they want because the staff isn't online. I know there are certain things that can be done while not as staff, but it's just a longer process and within that time they could cause more harm to other players. As such, I still try my absolute best to help in ways that I can. In the end, I know it's mainly just about wanting to help the community grow as i've seen it in the past, I want to return the favor as many of the wonderful staff on this server have to me. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?: First I would calmly ask them to stop cursing, if they proceed to do it I would gag them and explain the situation to them. Once that is done, I will give them a formal warning for Mass RDM and Staff Dis, and then proceed to call over a moderator who can ban them for 5 days.
  9. Sean King


    Alright uh.... What do you call an alligator in a vest? An InVESTigator !
  10. Ayyy what's up, my name is King. Literally my name. I know there is another King, but that's not who this is lmao. I've been playing on gaminglight servers for about three years now, I was mainly active on Milrp as USAF SSGT Ghost [USAF SSGT King now] and PoliceRP as LCPL Royal King 1D25 [Yes I was active when they were making you do the Miranda rights, so if you come across me arresting you and were active when they made you do them, make me do them]. Anyway, I'm an artist and writer. Haven't decided if I want to take that professionally yet, currently got my eyes on becoming an engineer for Tesla [Yes I know that's a long shot, but would be amazing] I also make videos and stream, if you're interested in coming and watching me get destroyed in rainbow six siege my twitch is King0fStealth. Hope this 3 year late introduction gets noticed lmAo
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