What is your in-game name?: Nimo
What is your steam name?: DiamondAura/Nimo
What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:94107053
Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes I have been a staff on GL 2 times. 1st time I got up to Super Admin . 2nd time I got up to Admin.
What date did you start playing in the community? (roughly) April 14th 2017
What date did you make your forums account? June 11, 2017
Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Darth
How many warns do you have on the server? 5 Warns
Have you donated? Yes ($94)
What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator?
Have you read the staff guidelines at You will be tested on it: Yes
Timezone: EST
Permission (Admin+ need this): N/A
Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length) Well the reason why I should become Staff Again is because I have been SUPER loyal to ImperialRP in terms of RP, being on everyday and not to mention I have a streak of 306 on ImperialRP. Another reason is I have made documents for staff like the Job Code list and have assisted on doing things for SMT like setting up spawns. I'm very experienced with staff and know almost every DarkRP Command like (/setspawn emperor_palpatine) or forcerpname Nimo Staff and many others. I am also very grateful that I have been given a second chance on making a staff application and will not do what I did ever again, thank you Hotshot and Zeeptin. If I do ever get staff again I will make sure that I will do my job to my very extent and will dedicate my time to ImperialRP and staff. I also have to mention that before I was removed from Staff I had a Sit Count of 688 and if I was still staff I would have maybe around 2000. I know that it will take me time to strive up the ranks again but that is fine with me because all I want to do again is to be staff on ImperialRP and help out other players. I promise that I will do my best and not mess up again, thank you once again for another chance and thank you for whoever is reading my application.
How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? How I would handle the situation is if the player is Mass RDMing I would do 2 things with 2 scenarios.
Bring the player to a sit and ask why they are Mass RDMing if they are not being compliant I would attempt to ask them one more time to tell me why if they are still not complying then I would then proceed to tell the player he is being warned for MRDM/FailRP/NCWS/NITRP and jail them for the specific amount in the Staff Handbook.
If the player is competent and responding to all of my questions with a kind matter I would then proceed to tell him to not do it again and give him a verbal warning
If the player starts cursing at me, I would ask him to politely stop and calm down and explain his side of his story. If he is still cursing at me I would then tell the player he is being warned for Staff Diss/MRDM/FailRP/NITRP/NCWS