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Everything posted by Inactive

  1. +/- Support +I aggree that not being in ts is a serious issue -he may not know how to properly set up his steam acc and may have not known to put [GL] in his name +The drop kill was not needed (but he did have consent) +in the second video he definitely was interfering with rp for no reason -in the third video he was helping someone who didn't know where his families base was and since staff calls were still being answered i dont see an issue -flying with the physgun out is acceptable and he didn't interfere with the RP because the trooper asked for his help and handled the situation in an acceptable manner -He does mean well based off of my personal experiences with him +He definitely needs some guidance to become a better staff member -Donor mods aren't given much training to understand how to be a good staff because they just buy it and get it unlike T-mods who are given a speech from SMT on how to be a good staff member.
  2. thats the other biggy! it allows better cover especially for snipers!
  3. I go afk as a civilian because it is deemed as the equivelant of not being on at all. I have an Intel I5 6500t 3200 GHz processor and 6.55 Gigabytes of RAM left which should be plenty for Gmod because Gmod is well known for literally running on a potato.
  4. +support staff member was lied to and acted upon false information
  5. +support staff member was lied to and acted upon false information
  6. its a glitch i believe. garrys mod fully crashes
  7. I am always being flamed about going afk on civilian and I realized I am yet to explain why. This post is going to explain why I do it and hopefully will end the never ending series of extreme rudeness about it. I have issues when I join the server. It ususally takes about fifteen minutes to get through the loading screen and if that wasn't bad enough, it often crashes. I have been unable to find a fix for this. I think it's connected with the fact I don't often have lag issue(I think it has something to do with it doing a significant amount of pre-rendering and stuff like that), but I'm unsure. The reason I go afk as a civilian is because I would never be on if I disconnected every time. If it takes up to an hour and a half to actually join in, I wouldn't be able to be active in everything. I have plans to speak with a manager about making an exception to the rule about being afk because I literally can't do it or I would never be able to get on. I hope this cleared up a few things and maybe now people won't claim I'm "farming server hours" and other rude things.
  8. crawling wont change fear rp and the animation it has will be a garunteed taze bc your stting there slowly going to the ground this will let you lay on the couch watching tv which would be lit
  9. some of the more big rp scenarios. Sleeping, injuries, and much more
  10. We used to have it, but Valk removed it. Mil RP has it as of know (i think). The way it works is double tap control and you lie on the ground this can GREATLY increase the RP What you want to see? - the crawl mechanic from before Why should we add it? - it greatly increases rp and even when it's minged with, it isn't seriously disruptive (its funny sometimes lol) What are the advantages of having this? - greatly increases rp scenarios Who is it mainly for? - everyone Links to any content - mil rp has it and prp used to have it, but it got removed
  11. what it is appearing to say here is that you can warn your rank and below with sa+ approval
  12. also even if you didn't know, the radius for the mic when you talk in voice chat is big enough to hear you from the garage door which is why I came up and asked you politely to please move to a rooftop because it was getting too chaotic between guns being shot everywhere, radio being loud, ts being loud, your staff sit added to that and made it even more chaotic.
  13. and i would like the following known. Ever heard of "innocent until proven guilty?" The reason that exists is because it's almost impossible to prove I didn't mic spam, but if I actually did mic spam, all you need is a video to prove it.
  14. It literally says this in the handbook Warning Warn players before kicking/minging themNot every situation deserves a kick! For example: A player disrespects you, give them a warning and make sure you tell them why! "Hey man, we want all our staff to be treated with respect because they help the server a lot. Just be a little nicer next time."You do not need to warn someone for every rule violation. Sometimes just a "Hey, that was NLR just try not to do it next time." We consider these verbal warnings and are for players that staff barely ever have any trouble with.Staff are not to warn other staff members or issue punishment to them without a Super Admin+ Approval.When warning you should do one warn not separate. For example, RDM/FailRP does not warn for RDM then warn again for FailRP.
  15. #I<3Fruit #ToMottoUsersHelloMotto #Trashsung The Ipad pro is the BOSS and so is that sexy iphone X
  16. Your In-game: Ryan The Epic Guy Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:177289514 The admin's name in-game: Transformer The admin's steam name (If you know it): i do not What warning did you receive: mic spam Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/915797073219594362/7B271F27AE8D50C6CED7B2D3F8014B9029F1FA88/ Why do you think this warn was false: i go to respond to a pd raid and when i get there i see an uncloaked admin doing a sit in the middle of a parking lot. I go up and say "please go onto a roof your disrupting my roleplay. He physguns me far away, back again, far away then drops me where i was which wasn't neccessary in the slightest. He yells at me and I say "Your disrupting the roleplay! Oh god the roleplay! Where is the roleplay?!" He finally goes to a roof then out of nowhere saying I was micspamming. He proceeds to warn me for it using witnesses (which aren't supposed to be used in sits) to back himself up. He did this out of anger towards me giving him constructive critisism for doing sits in the middle of pd parking lot which is against the handbook. "Do not deal with your friends sits or an issue that you was involved in. Any staff caught doing this will receive a strike or Removal from staff." He was directly involved as I was asking him to go to a roof for a sit and he warns me for "mic spam" out of anger. He did not ask for SA+ approval before issueing the warn either which is also against the handbook. Any extra information:quotes from the handbook:"Staff are not to warn other staff members or issue punishment to them without a Super Admin+ Approval.""Do not deal with your friends sits or an issue that you was involved in. Any staff caught doing this will receive a strike or Removal from staff.""Cloak yourself"
  17. i dont know why i was still in game... i guess i didnt disconnect (for the reason i post in all the reports of me going afk as a civilian) before my dad took my mouse and keyboard and if thta's the case i cant do anything about that as for samantha, she wasn't even afk which is where that line is crossed in my opinion as she could have gotten on, but decided not to. also since you had to have been on in order to take any pics why weren't you on. You could've gotten on yourself, but instead you make a report against someone who was afk and another who may have not even realized the ratio was off
  18. ok so im starting off by saying that you don't need to be typing in all caps in ooc "staff you have 20 seconds to fix the ratio" as a vip+. I was in a court case at the time and it ruins the rp scenario. I wasn't blatantly refusing either as i literally pmed every other staff member not on duty begging them to go on. I hate completely ruining rp scenarios as it is simply not fair in any way to everyone else. I was going to wait like three minutes to see if anyone who read my pms would get on and save the RP before breaking the RP scenario up. I was on staff for 3 hours prior to this as well. I have been doing better recently about switching onto staff when the ratio is off. After my 5 day LOA i was really able to think a lot about things and one of the things I realized is that I need to be getting on duty more. I would have gladly gotten on if it wasn't going to ruin the RP scenario (by the way someone else got on literally less than a minute after he said in ooc "STAFF YOU HAVE 30 SECONDS TO FIX THE RATIO.") (Tony wasn't afk by the way he was getting arrested at the time I believe)
  19. ok so you very clearly broke a rule. I spoke with the other guy after about copbait, but since there wasn't proof that he was intentionally copbaiting, I only gave him a verbal for that. Sassi you can't taze people who have a weapon out. When they're muscles are contracting from being tazed they may pull the trigger and who knows where the bullet will go. It is a very clear rule you broke. You could have easily just shot him if he had a gun pointed at you as S.W.A.T. is very capable of that.
  20. you dont want to know what i do in my spare time..
  21. you really dont want to know what i do in my spare time ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
  22. we all make mistakes just make sure you learn from them ;)
  23. Inactive

    Adding petrol

    He didn’t like it because he strongly believed “Not needed and people would just complain about it” (that’s actually one of his replies to an older add gas suggestion post)
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