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LeTroll (Cole)

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Posts posted by LeTroll (Cole)

  1. The gas was BUSTED. Gas masks would also be hard to get a hold of, addon wise. They were more of a minge tool than an actual weapon. They were fun, but thank god they are removed.

    Spawn camping was a huge issue, and it would be hard to buy a mask if there is a gas grenade sitting on your spawn point.

  2. 3 hours ago, Gaur said:

    It could be a perk for VIP+

    But its gonna increase the amount of AFK people, as they can setup auto collecting printers.

    Honestly, either way, there will be afk people, but this would allow people to leave there base and not worry about going back every 2 minutes to get the money. It's purely just for ease of use. And yea, VIP+ could work.

  3. What do you want to see? - Whitelisting the User tool that is part of Wire

    Why should we add it? - It makes big printer setups viable and will allow players to be less AFK/Macroing in their base for money.

    What are the advantages of having this? -  Allowing this tool will allow players to leave their base and go interact with players and raid. Currently, everyone logs on, setup 2-4 printers, then either +right or sets a macro to spam E. Players get bored of being forced to sit in their base relying on AFK Farming to get enough money to stand a chance against anyone. The user tool can be abused in ways like spamming doors and such, but with proper moderation and an incoming staff team, this is easily avoided.

    Who is it mainly for? - Players who have big printer areas, want to not sit AFK for HOURS.

  4. I have made a general post for fixes and stuff that the current server needs. Instead of just filling the suggestion page with properly formatted suggestions, and then it is fixed the next day, it may be a lot of work for some players. I'm making this post so people can quickly post a line or two of something that should be fixed or changed.

    This post is for things you think the server should update, add, fix, change, remove, etc. Keep it clean, no arguing.

    We are all here to make Base Wars a thriving server for Gaming Light.

    DISCLAIMER, this is not an official locked post, nor it is a post made by an SMT or Manager of BaseWars, this is purely made by the community, for the community.

    • Thanks 1
  5. +Support

    After meeting most VIPs on the server, most did not even buy VIP for precision at all. It does deter a lot of new players from playing due to just generally increasing the difficulty to build. VIP would still be worth 10 - 15 dollars without that tool to be honest.

    People legit leave the server 5 minutes in due to not being able to build a base they want.

    • Like 2
  6. Wish you guys spent time debugging this instead of just straight up releasing it.

    -New models crash games

    -Heavy drone doesn't have any drones

    Honestly, this post gunna get deleted, but please, someone read this. Give love to Military, don't just pump out updates that break the server cuz we haven't had an update in a while.

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