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Everything posted by AlexMSD

  1. Shameless bump My most memorable was when E11 heard a D-Boy cracking Gate A. The three of us on at the time all stood a few feet away to surprise him only to see 173, 049, and 096 with him as the gates opened. I still hear my girly screaming from that event...
  2. AlexMSD


    Nice to meet you too :)
  3. Due to the recent event that has taken place, I believe that a role for a Radio Operator would be a good addition to all MTFs. The communication that took place was during that event was insanely cluttered; people talking over people, TS coms were hard to listen to, and everyone was getting confused. The lack of a central command also sent this into a spiral. No one was designated as an "rts" player. Had someone been able to focus on the movement of the TFs, we would have been able to successfully execute the operation as things would have been more organized and much more thought out. In all operations, communication is key as well as a "stay back at base and command" group of people (Low Command+). People lost comms due to the shouting, and arguing because they were either A) getting attacked by an SCP or B) getting attacked by CI. Even thought that one of the MTF units when AWOL because they were trying to push information about something and died in the process. Designated squads; This is key. Squads should be assigned to every MTF unit upon logging into the server. The leader being someone SGT+ and is a "first come, first serve" basis (If COL Dogz logs in, then SGT Enigma doesn't get kicked off as a squad lead) This is to allow the squad leader to designate their attack plan when DEFCON 3 is active. Instead of assigning the squad as we're running to the facility, they will be assigned as everyone logs in. People get lost and lose their squad because they don't remember who's in it because they were formed as everyone was sprinting to Gate A. TL;DR: This event exposed some major flaws in the way all MTFs operate and the above two suggestions are two of many ways to fix these kinds of FUBAR breaches, raids, and events.
  4. What is your in-game name?: AlexMSD What is your steam name?: [ECo6] AlexMSD What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:70050224 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, my experience started ofd with GamingLight back in 2014. Moved up to the manager of DarkRP while staffing on the other servers as a super admin. From there, I went to a manager of a Military RP server for about 2-3 months before the community shut down. Went with another user after that to a community similar to GamingLight to start off as a trial mod and worked my way up to the Assistant Manager of the MethRP server, maintaining rank for 3 months before resignation for a rest from staffing and moving onto another roleplay server. After that hiatus, I applied at that server and worked to get upto Administrator where I stuck for there for 2 years before the community fell off and shutdown. Since then, I have gotten into development of servers and have assisted with the creation of a number of DarkRP servers under the rank of Developer and, in one case, was made an owner. I have since dropped that, took another rest, and am back. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly): 1-1.5 weeks ago What date did you make your forums account?: October 12, 2015 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Platinum How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 3 from 2015(?) for RDM https://gyazo.com/484592ec34a7de2f2eef33d02b858303 Have you donated?: Yes What rank are you applying for?: Trial Moderator Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)?: Other than keeping rank in some of the servers I've developed, I do not. Rest assured that I have expressed my resignation to these commnities, though some have refused to remove rank. Otherwise, no Have you read the staff guidelines at ? You will be tested on it: Yes. Understood Timezone: EST (Easter Standard US) Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum): I believe that I am fit for the staff team because of my previous experiences, professional conduct when conducting the duties of a staff member, extensive knowledge of the administration mod used (ULX), and because of my willing nature to follow all instructions given to me by higher ups. My previous experience ranges. Having dealt with a wide variety of "interesting" situations has given me to ability to properly analyze, conduct, and execute sits. Keeping all order as best I can and only allowing for viable evidence to be used when making my judgement. I operate under "innocent until proven guilty" and with that being said, I must have reason beyond a shadow of doubt to administer any kind of administrative action to either one of the parties involved. I keep a professional tone at all times, making sure that all sides feel as though there is no bias and allowing them to argue their case. I make sure to intervene when it becomes heated, and will inform parties that the sit isn't for arguing, it is for me to get boths sides of the story so that I can find the truth in the middle. When doing patrols around the map, I keep watch of users while attempting to keep myself out of their roleplay and will interject myself when someone is in violation of a rule. Depending on the rule break, I will either give verbal warning or pull that person away to inform them and administer punishment as needed. I have worked with ULX for many years, I know the in's and out's of it and how it works. I've set binds for quick access to certain commands in order to prevent damage to player immersion when the quick response is needed (bind example "bind mouse5 'ulx jail @ 120'"). I was always raised to respect superiority, to follow all instructions with willingness to get it done right the first time and in a timely manner. I listen, I acknowledge, and execute the instruction based off of procedure. Even when the instruction is immoral, I will still do it though I will contact superiors as needed to inform them that the act was done with instruction from said higher up. Overall; I'm here to help. I want to learn and grow once again. I want to bring my past experiences here and to have a place to which I call "home". How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?: Attempt to remove them from the situation as soon as humanly possible as to prevent further disruption to role play. Once in an isolated area, question them. If they were to begin cussing me out, I would give them one verbal warning that I just want to speak to them about the incident and what caused the outburst, though if they continue; I'd follow the staff handbook and place them on a 10,000 second mingle.
  5. AlexMSD

    D class riots

    I agree fully, the riots are the reason I didn't want to stick with GenSec. Too many times I would die because D Class would non-stop rush the lines and it was never fun. Hence why I joined NTF or any one of the MTFs in general. They only get to see action when it actually matters (Breaches, CI Raids, DEFCON 1 Evac). +1
  6. AlexMSD


    I'll definitely stop by once in awhile! Thank you :)
  7. AlexMSD


    Thank you! I'm more hung up on SCP-RP, so if you hop there then that's where you'll catch me most of the time :)
  8. AlexMSD


    Hello all! I wanted to reintroduce myself into the community after a VERY long hiatus. I'll give a short back story; I first joined into GamingLight when Zeeptin had a MilitaryRP server that ran more as a TDM. This was back around 2013. I had joined by accident and didn't notice until I had actually taken a look into what server I had joined. Though I had made that small misclick, I was enjoying my time on the server. After awhile, I decided to apply for staff and was accepted for the first time in all of my days playing Garry's Mod. I moved up the ranks, eventually reaching the unofficially recognized "Global SuperAdmin" as well as being the manager of the DarkRP server that was run under GamingLight. Unfortunately, my days were numbered as my 14-year-old brain, not knowing the full consequences of the action, joined another staff member in the creation of his own community. When the Community Manager, at the time, got wind of this, I was promptly removed from all positions of power and exciled from the community. After some forethought and the opening of my free time, as I had graduated HS and am working a job with decent hours, I have found the time to recommit to the community and to hopefully mend a bond broken with someone who I had betrayed way back when. I really love how this community has grown. To see new faces though I do find some grief in seeing that most of the old friends I've had are no longer in the community. I cannot wait to see what my "rebirth" has to offer, to see what new friends I can make and, with due time, apply for staff to, once again, be with the community that I called "home" for the first time ever, and the first time in a VERY long time. Your's truly, AlexMSD (Previous KA; Techno Mancer)
  9. Lore Name: AlexMSD Rank: Junior Researcher Clearance Level: 2 List of personnel involved in testing: Myself only Level D personnel involved: Class D joeyd2129 SCP: SCP-527 Hypothesis: The interaction of this safe class SCP with a Class D personnel Observation: The SCP seemed to be timid towards the subject, though I was present in the room. The conversation did not continue on for long as GenSec switched to DEFCON 3. The conversation mostly consisted of talk about the surface and what other kinds of minerals would be found there, the Class D personnel only answering questions with a "Yes" or "No" response as SCP-527 went off into tangents about the certain items he'd expect to find up on the surface. Visual Stimuli (Photos/videos): N/A Errors and/or safety hazards: N/A Conclusion: SCP-527 seems to take a timid approach to conversation with other Class D's. Once that shyness is over, SCP-527 will engage in conversation, but only allow the Class D to respond with "Yes" or "No" responses. Further testing will be required to see if certain variables are changed.
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