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Everything posted by Pliskin

  1. Your notice is marked on the roster. However you MUST remain active during your one week notice. Once your one week notice ends you must speak with admin+ to get your whitelists removed and support staff to get your tags removed. Also you must speak with the commander after as well.
  2. That is not where afk people go those are people loading in i am talking about the people who go afk and are brought to that out of bounds area
  3. What you want to see? - Player's being kicked for being afk for 30+ minutes Why should we add it? - While this may sound dumb and SMT has said thing in the past hear me out. While having 80+ players on at once is great for the community having 40-50% of that count being AFK is dumb. When the server is full this is a big problem as players are trying to join but 20+ people are just sitting AFK to keep their spot on the server. This will decrease lag by deleting props of AFK people (after they are kicked). Also this will improve the economy by making it so that you cannot AFK bitmine which is what basically broke the economy to begin with. Certain features of the plugin can be disabled What are the advantages of having this? - Decrease lag, improve economy Who is it mainly for? - Whole server Links to any content - https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/2759/away-from-keyboard-utilities-anti-afk-more
  4. -1 Support PD Barely takes OFC's for ridesWill be abusedUnnececaryIf you want a "Ride along" take an OFC there is no reason for this
  5. When I was a T-Mod I thought I warned the wrong person because it shows a steam name instead on RPname and I apologized in OOC but to realise I warned the correct person
  6. +1 Support Made a good amount of steam profile icons for people in the pase (including this one)ActiveGood personShould be a developer
  7. That is not a good reason to -support a staff report you should actually read the report and base you decision on that not on how you found out about this report, and while yes it is frowned upon to advertise a staff report you should not -support for that reason alone.
  8. IRL even though PD knows it is there SWAT does a check to make sure there is not more...
  9. I was in the middle of SWAT Training as an FTO i was unable to go on duty as a result of that as I am not allowed to leave in middle of training
  10. +1 Support Was authorized to do so by SWAT High CommandThere is no rule against itThe staff in question should have warned the rioting people instead of warning this personStaff should be spoken to because he is warning people for rules that do not exist
  11. Pliskin

    Adding Mayor

    -1 Support President does the same thing Mayor doesBoth jobs would fightUnneeded stress for staffOverall bad idea
  12. We have to think of the player base as a whole not just your family.
  13. +1 Support May increase RPCould decrease combat healing-1 Support All EMS would have to be retrainedMay cause unneeded lag for the server
  14. -1 Support Many people would become Trial Moderator just to abuse the perksTrial Moderator rank is only about one week in lengthNot needed
  15. -1 Support PD would not follow this let alone even open thisPD would not understand half of this unfortunatelyThis is Semi-Serious RP, don't try to turn this into Serious RPUnnecessary headache for little in return
  16. -1 Support Not seen In-GameNot seen on Team SpeakInactive on forums for someone who registered back in AugustMisspelled the rank he is applying forWrote one sentence answers for questions 14&15Does not seem to have the professionalism to become staff at this current moment in time and therefore should not be given Trial Moderator.Has been denied within 14 days of making this application which is a breach of application rules
  17. -1 Support No evidence that he actually physgunned his carEvidence that was provided is irrelevant. He is allowed to physgun his car as long as he does not abuse it moving it to the door so minges do not steal his repair is not considered abuse as you can drive a car in front of the door as well.
  18. Pliskin


    I see you did not read the full suggestion A.K.A. the balances existing to the gun... namely the longer reload and stuck in 3 burst fire mode which balances the gun out. If anything the P90 we have now is more OP than this gun...
  19. Pliskin


    This would be for SWAT/PD low command so it would not be "abused"
  20. Pliskin


    DISCLAIMER- While my suggestion has a lot of text please read the full suggestion instead of writing "TLDR -1 Not-Needed"! Also if you find a better M16 Add-on link it in the comments please! What you want to see? - M16 added into the server Why should we add it? - Now before you guys go in the comments and write -support, please read my explanation! In real life Police Tactical Units and some regular Patrol Officer's carry the M16 as their rifle of choice. While some may claim based on the add-on provided that it is "over powered" this fact is simply untrue. Firstly while this rifle may have a 900+ fire rate the rifle is balanced by not being able to go into the Full-Auto mode and instead is given the 3-Burst fire mode as primary mode and Semi-Auto as another option. Secondly this rifle has a 4 second reload time which is appx. 2 seconds longer than most rifles criminals use which gives criminals a chance in raids. It's damage output is within the same range as most rifles currently on the server. This gun would be given to SWAT Low-Command instead of the P90 and perhaps some low-command on PD as well if High-Command wishes to use it! Finally this gun uses TFA which is what we have now! What are the advantages of having this? - Realism Who is it mainly for? - Government Officials Links to any content - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=799737856&searchtext=m16+TFA
  21. What you want to see? - New Shields for Rockford's Tactical Units Why should we add it? - They look more realistic then the shields we have now and have durability so it balances the tactical units PD would keep the shields they have now as they are. The current shields we have are not useful for raids as the hitboxes are broken and tactical units never place their shields on the floor so I feel it would be better to have these shields! The PD would keep the regular shields as they place them on the ground and have no other use for them. What are the advantages of having this? - Adds realism and balances the tactical units to give the criminals somewhat of a chance in a raid. Who is it mainly for? - Rockford's Tactical Units Links to any content - https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/4081/precision-shield-this-is-how-shield-should-be
  22. What you want to see? - Rockford Police Department being manually trained again Why should we add it? - I think this should be added because lately I have seen many problems within the Rockford Police Department, namely lower ranking Officers shooting unarmed wanted people when that are complying and SWAT tells them to hold their fire. With this manual training PD would be able to RP better, set up effective perimeters around crime scenes, use the radio effectively and correctly, and learn trigger discipline. All of what I listed will only be possible if we bring back the manual training system we had in the past and I would be willing to train a few cadets if it means a more effective Police Department that will listen to orders. This would also extend to the staff as if PD is better trained there will be less sits thus easing staff stress and allowing them to focus more on their staff duties. What are the advantages of having this? - PD would be better trained and less admin sits of OFC's RDMing/ fail RPing Who is it mainly for? - PD Links to any content - N/A
  23. I suggested this myself last month, but I am re-suggesting as interest may have changed!
  24. What you want to see? - SWAT with new playermodels Why should we add it? - I feel that the current SWAT playermodel is unrealistic as the helmet says US Army since it is a MW2 model! So what I suggest is that we change the SWAT model to the one I have listed below as it looks more realistic. While this may look similar to CERT's old model that is becsuse it is also from GTA V but this model says SWAT instead of Police! Lastly, we have had this model for too long and I think we need a change for the playermodel. What are the advantages of having this? - Adds more realism to the server Who is it mainly for? - SWAT Links to any content - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=867711867&searchtext=swat Screenshots- https://imgur.com/a/uwCEr
  25. Pliskin


    When is the last time you saw a PD doing that kind of stuff? It never happens most of them just run around pulling people over and shooting first asking questions later. Atleast with detectives (which would be a sub-department of PD) it would be more RP oriented!
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